INTER-CELLULAR CONTACT MECHANICAL COUPLING • desmosomes (macula adherens; cell adhesion and mechanical stability of tissues) – epidermis, liver, myocardium ELECTRICAL COUPLING • gap junction (nexus) (in intercalar disc; consists of conexons) CONEXON OPEN CLOSED 6 subunits 1-2 nm central channel HUMORAL COUPLING (REGULATION) autocrine paracrine endocrine NERVOUS COUPLING (REGULATION) Receptor, ligand, second messenger. Neurotransmitters vs. tissue „hormones“ vs. hormones. Integration of humoral and nervous regulations in organism. 1. Number of receptors 2. Number of ligands 3. Subtypes of receptors 4. Competition on receptors 5. Endogenous ligands, exogenous ligands 6. Orphan receptors 7. Placement of receptors 8. Convergence and divergence of the effects 9. Transmission of information intracellularly SECOND MESSENGER SYSTEMS cAMP, cGMP, IP3, DAG, Ca2+ - calmodulin cAMP H-R complex binds to G-protein – stimulatory or inhibitory (a, b and g subunits) Mg2+, HR b-g Activation or inhibition of adenylcyclase cAMP Activation of proteinkinases protein phosphorylation Direct regulation of ionic channels and pumps (K+, Ca2+) Gs: glucagon, oxytocin, histamine, dopamine, ADH, FSH, TSH, AD (b1,2) Gi: Ach, opioids, AGII, AD (a2), dopamine IP3 H-R complex binds to G-protein – p Activation phospholipase C PIP2 IP3 and DAG DAG: activates proteinkinase C Phosphorylation of Na+/H+ pump pHi Effect of prostaglandines and prostacyclines IP3: translocation to endoplasmic reticulum Increase in cytoplasmic availability of calcium „third messenger“ AD (a1), Ach, thyroliberin, ADH, tromboxans IONIC CHANNELS Membránová elektrofyziologie myokardu, P. Pučelík, Avicenum, 1990 Molecular biology of the cell. B. Alberts et al., Garland Science2002 CHANNELS WITHOUT GATES GATED CHANNELS 1. LIGAND GATED CHANNELS (nicotinic cholinergic receptor; ATP-sensitive K+ channel) 2. G-PROTEIN GATED CHANNELS (Ach-sensitive K+ channel of SA node – muscarinic receptor) 3. MECHANICALLY GATED CHANNELS – „stretch“ receptors (K+ , Ca2+) 4. VOLTAGE GATED CHANNELS • One-gate channels (activation vs. deactivation) • Two-gates channels (activation vs. inactivation vs. recovery from inactivation) RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL DIFUSSION CURRENTS: ionic currents across the membrane (in both directions) through open ionic channels (specific channels) = simple diffusion according to concentration gradient = difference between electrical potential of intra- and extracellular solution (at rest). Different composition of IC and EC environment is kept by membrane transport membrane mechanisms. ELECTROCHEMICAL GRADIENT • semipermeable membrane • different conductivity for ions • the force given by concentration gradient equals to the force given by electrical gradient DONNAN EQUILIBRIUM (D. PHENOMENON) Concentration of anions multiplied by concentration of cations on one side of membrane equals to concentration of anions multiplied by concentration of cations on the other side of membrane. EQUILIBRIUM POTENTIAL NERNST EQUATION EP = (R . T / n . F) . ln Xe / Xi GOLDMAN (HODGKIN-KATZ) EQUATION MP = gK . EK + gNa . ENa + gCl . ECl / gK + gNa + gCl Respects the fact that even at rest there are membrane currents present – background current (inward, outward). PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL Possibility to code and transmit information in living systems (excitable tissues) – in the way of action potential Triggering muscle contraction ACTION POTENTIAL LOCAL RESPONSE Changes of conductivity of the membrane for particular ions (opening the ion-specific channels) Depolarization, transpolarization, repolarization. Inward currents x outward currents. ms mV ms mV MUSCLE CONTRACTION AND RELAXATION CONTRACTILE PROTEINS ACTIN – globular, 400 molecules = chain = F-actin; 2 chains in spiral = filament MYOSIN – „thick“ filaments, head with ATP-ase activity, filament = 150 – 360 molecules of myosin (head + neck = heavy meromyosin, light meromyosin) MODULATORY PROTEINS TROPONIN – C, I, T TROPOMYOSIN PHYSIOLOGICAL ROLE OF CALCIUM PRINCIPLE OF MUSCLE RELAXATION Removal of calcium from cytoplasm