NURSING COMMUNICATION Jana Strakova Dpt. of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University ÒWhat is (nursing) communication ? ÒFunctions of communication ÒVerbal speech and body talk (non-verbal speech) ÒSpecific factors of communication with patients at hospital, barriers ÒPeople with disabilities, elderly people – communication difficulty ÒCommunication at palliative medicine, bad news ÒSpecifics of communication at Czech community + selected useful sentences for practice Ò ÒINSTRUCTIONS FOR PRACTICE Ò Ò ÒPowerful activity ÒLife changing activity ÒEssential and important part of nursing care Ò ÒWhich goals of communication do you generally know? ÒDo you know some goals of communication in nursing practice (healthcare)? Ò ÒAn effective communication in healthcare influences patient satisfaction, compliance, decrease levels of psychological and emotional distress (Chant et al., 2001) Ò ÒCampbell, 2006 identified poor communication as one of the commonest causes of complaints in healthcare ÒHow to make your communication effective? Ò ÒWhat benefits of effective communication with patients do you know? ÒShare information ÒGive motivation ÒEmotion expression ÒChange st. Ò Ò ÒWhich skills of care givers are necessary for effective communication with patients ? É Speaking É Listening É Watching É Touching É All together means: Understanding of needs É ÉPatients and care giver can have different perception of reality and own needs ÒDuring spoken communication the sender transmits a message from the brain via organs involved in voice production (larynx, tongue, palate and lips) to the receiver. Ò ÒThe receiver picks up the message through their ears, which is transmitted to the brain via auditory nerves, than can react. Ò ÒEffective spoken communicastion reqiures an awareness of the impact of personal and social factors (for sender and receiver too), e.g.: Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Caregiver Patient Both of them duration of practice illness age specialization disabilities gender motivation for work level of stress culture self-satisfaction expectations religion ÒNon verbal communication is an important part of communication process Ò60 per cent of information is picked up via non-verbal way ÒForms of body language: ÉParalinquistic phenomenon ÉGestures ÉFacial expression (mimics) ÉPosturology ÉProxemics ÉHaptics (contact to somebody) É É ÒNon verbal communication is A VERY INDIVIDUAL PROCESS ÒGeneral statements for understanding non verbal communication are valid for nationalities/cultures/ethnicity Ò ÒAcross nationalities/cultures/ethnicity meaning can be very different Ò É É ÒSpeed of speech, speed of reply ÒDynamics of speech ÒVolume and high of voice, intonation Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò= Movement of hands and arms Ò ÒIt Helps to sender code information ÒGestures helps to understand coded information to receiver (could be misleading too) Ò Ò ÒOne of the most important communication channels ÒDominant role of eyes, lips, mouth, eyebrows Ò ÒBody position talks about our feeling too Ò ÒFocused mostly on extremities, chest and head Ò ÒBasic positions: sitting, standing Ò Ò Ò ÒCommunication by using room (zones) around ÒBasic zones: intimate, personal, social, public ÒDifferent to culture and religion Ò Ò Ò ÒPhysical contact to someboty ÒCaregivers really often disturb intimacy of patients Ò ÒWhich procedures disturbs intimacy the most? Ò ÒHow is the feeling of patient with frequently disturbed intimate zone by caregivers? Ò ÉPatient=new born baby ÉPatient=14 years old girl ÉPatient=70 years old senior ÉPatient=you É ÒWhich reactions can we activate? (by insensitive handling) Ò ÒVALID FACOTRS: ÒSpecific surroundings ÒPatient's/ staff needs and feelings ÒLanguage of professionals ÒInvasive procedures ÒSeparation from family, … ÒCommunication is never ending part of every day nursing assessment Ée.g.: objective scale (score) assessment - pain assessment, nutrition screening, subjective describing of feeling… ÒDuring asking is very important to: Éeliminate possibility of misunderstanding of patients on minimum ÉScales, questionnaires: give exact instructions Éto take a time ÉGoal is: get from patient exact answer as possible ÉDo not answer instead patients É É É Ò ÒMental – keep dignity all the time ÒPhysical - visually impaired (purblind, blind) Ò - hearing impaired (weak hearing, deaf) Ò ÒAll the time try to find way how improve communication – use compensatory tools ÒHelp to man use compensatory tools: glasses, use Braille, large printed text 1.don't hesitate to address like first 2.Introduce yourself 3.Offer your help, don't pressure to do st. 4.Speak directly, not to guide 5.Correctly describe situation – avoid: here, there, just over there… What is a correct description of situation? ÒStart communication with eyes contact ÒHelp to man use compensatory tools: lips reading, finger spelling, hearing aid (devices), writing on the list ÒUseful strategies: ÒReduce noise ÒSpeak normally ÒKeep hands away from face ÒAvoid complex words ÒRepeat it Ò Ask for your colleague: „May I measure your blood pressure“? ÒSay a bad news ÒIt is not easy ÒThere is no universal phrase for all ÒUsefull strategies: ÉHonesty ÉStop if patient doesn't want to know ÉBe very carefull when you talk about prognosis – no false promises Édon't take hope ÉSecrecy all time ÉNext talk – continuity of process É ÒUseless strategies: ÉDo nothing ÉLie or „not say a true“ ÉNo respond to patint's signal, e.g. I am afraid … ÒTo be on formal terms with patients ÒFor identification of patient: Éon the bed/wall is a board with name of patient for easy orientation Éstrap around wrist (check before medication!!!) Ò ÒAll the time knock the door ÒTry to speak in Czech ÒTo inform patient about all intervention before you start Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Meeting point for students: Main entrance to the hospital (see red build in the picture, there is a hepl desk) Time of arrival: 5:55 in the morning Practice takes from 6:30 to 10 o'clock ÒCLEAN AND IRONED UNIFORM Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò ÒOnly short sleeved shirt or T-shirt ÒNO PICTURES, WRITING ON SHIRT OR T-SHIRT !!! Ò ÒSHOES – ONLY white color with white socks Ò Ò Ò Ò ÒLONG HAIR – to comb long hair – ponytail ÒREMOVE all JEWELS from your fingers and wrist ÒDont use strong nail polish ! ÒPadlock ÒIDENTIFICATION CARD FOR PRACTICE Ò(ask for it at International Office - Marketa Neckarova) ÒA PEN (for writing to the documentation, to make some notes…) Ò Ò ÒENJOY your practice Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò