ì Compound words in medical terminology BASIC RULES OF COMPOUNDING DERIVATED WORDS BASIC ELEMENTS Prefix Root Suffix en- -cephal- -(on) cephal- -icus en- -cephal- -itis peri- -en- -cephal- -itis peri- en- -cephal- -it- -icus BASIC RULES OF COMPOUNDING COMPOUND WORDS BASIC ELEMENTS Prefix Root Suffix en- -cephal- -o- -spin- -alis Connect- ing vowel ROOTS /Nouns, Verbal forms, Numerals cerebr- -o- -spin- -alis en- -cephal- -o- -graph- -ia cerebr- -o- cardi- -acus lact- -i- fer prim- -i- -gravid- (-a) Root Cheil-o-gnath-o-palat-o-schis-is BASIC RULES OF COMPOUNDING CONNECTING WOVELS (ELEMENTS) en- -cephal- -o- -graph- -ia falc- -i- -formis bili- -i- -fer secund- -i- -gravid- (-a) endo- brachy- -oesophag- (-us) cephal- -alg- -ia Prefix(es) At least 2 Roots Suffix(es) Connect- ing vowels At least 2 Roots FORM LATIN COMPOUND ADJECTIVES, FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE articulatio + (carpus+metacarpus) > articulatio carpometacarpea articulatio + (costa + vertebra) articulatio + (metacarpus + phalanx) articulatio + (sternum + costa) ganglion + (cervix + thorax) ganglion + (cranium + spina) ganglion + (encephalon + spina) ligamentum + (carpus + metacarpus) ligamentum + (costa + clavicula) ligamentum + (hepar + duodenum) musculus + ( brachium + radius) muculus + (cranium + spina) musculus + (urethra + vagina) NAME MUSCLES ON PICTURES FORMING COMPOUND WORDS This muscle arises from crista iliaca and inserts into the upper six ribs and into the back of the transverse Process of the seventh cervical vertebra, it is Musculus _________________________ dorsi This muscle arises from posterior surface of manubrium and 1st rib. and inserts into oblique line of thyroid cartilage, it is Musculus _________________________ This muscle arises from crista supracondylaris lateralis (humeri) and inserts at processus styloideus radii, it is Musculus _________________________ Musculus iliocostalis Musculus sternothyroideus Musculus brachioradialis The structure is the connection between the sacrum and coccyx; it is frequently a true joint, but often occurs as a synchondrosis, it is: Articulatio _____________________________ NAME STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO DEFINITIONS, TERMS SHOULD BE COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Suture lateral to the nasal bone that connects the nasal portion of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla, is: Sutura _____________________________ Epicanthus, is the skin fold of the upper eyelid covering the inner angle of the eye (i. e. on the side close to the nose), another Latin name for it is: Plica_____________________________ The pleural recess between the lateral wall of thorax (i. e. ribs) and the descending is sides of diaphragm and, is called: Recessus ___________________________ Articulatio saccrococcygea Sutura frontomaxillaris Plica palpebronasalis Recessus costoodiaphragmaticus NAME STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO DEFINITIONS, TERMS SHOULD BE COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Recessus _____________________________ is the deep recess of the peritoneal cavity extending upward between the liver in front and the kidney behind. The anterior portion of the superficial fibers of the medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint, attached superiorly to the anterior surface of the medial malleolus of the tibia and inferiorly to the navicular bone is: Pars ____________________________ ligamenti collateralis Right or left opening between the atrium and ventricle is: Ostium____________________________ One of facial lymph nodes situated near the junction of the superior labial and facial arteries, which drains the external nose and upper lip into the submandibular node is called: Nodus lymphaticus ____________________________ Recessus hepatorenalis Pars tibionavicularis ligamenti collateralis Ostium atrioventriculare Nodus lymphaticus nasolabialis NAME GREEK ELEMENTS OF SELECTED BODY PARTS, DERIVE TERMS FOR INFLAMMATIONS Pancreat- Nephr- Enter- Pneum-(on) Hepat- Cardi- Ophthalm- Eye Derm-(at)- Ost-(e)- Angi- Chondr- MATCH GREEK ELEMENTS WITH LATIN EQUIVALENTS MATCH.png GIVE LATIN EQUIVALENTS (FULL FORM) TO GREEK ELEMENTS Mys…………………. Osteon…………….. Arthron…………… Spondylos……….. Gony……………….. Stoma……………… Soma………………. Kefale……………… MUSCULUS, I, M. OS, OSSIS, n. ARTICULATIO, ONIS, F. VERTEBRA, AE, F. GENU, US, N. OS, ORIS, N. CORPUS, ORIS, N. CAPUT, ITIS, N. FORM COMPOUND TERMS WITH GREEK ELEMENT -ECTOMIA : excision, surgical removal of part or of all organ…. e. g. appendectomia – removal of vermiform appendix Removal of the FINGER - Removal of the STOMACH - Removal of the LIVER - Removal of the LARYNX - Removal of the LOBE - Removal of the BREAST - Removal of the PANCREAS - Removal of the PROSTATE - Dactyl-ec-tomia Gastr-ec-tomia Hepat-ec-tomia Laryng-ec-tomia Lob-ec-tomia Mast-ec-tomia Pancreat-ec-tomia Prostat-ec-tomia Removal of the WOMB- Hyster-ec-tomia EXPLAIN MEANING OF THE COMPOUND WORDS -METRIA : measurement…. e. g. pupillometria – measurement of the diameter of the eye pupil Crani-o-metria Pelvi-metria Cephal-o-metria Cyst-o-metria Odont-o-metria Oste-o-metria Measurement of the SKULL Measurement of the PELVIS Measurement of the HEAD Measurement of the BLADDER to evaluate its function Measurement of TEETH Measurement of BONES -SCOPIA : visual examination of the interior of a hollow body organ, broadly also examine, inspect e. g. endoscopia : examination of the inside of the body Inspect FETUS- Inspect PHARYNX - Inspect ANUS - Inspect ABDOMINAL CAVITY - Inspect LARGE INTESTINE - Inspect THORACIC CAVITY - Fet-o-scopia Pharyng-o-scopia An-o-scopia Lapar-o-scopia Col-o(no)-scopia Thorac-o-scopia Inspect VAGINA - Colp-o-scopia Inspect EYE - Ophthalm-o-scopia FORM COMPOUND TERMS WITH GREEK ELEMENT -GRAPHIA : recorging, image, X-ray…. e. g. hysterographia – graphic recording of the strenght of uterine contractions A breast examination with imaging technology A vessels examination with some type of viewing/recording device Internal organs examination by taking X-ray photographs The process of recording electrical impulses of the heart Mamm-o-graphia Angi-o-graphia Radi-o-graphia Electr-o-cardi-o-graphia EXPLAIN MEANING OF THE COMPOUND WORDS -TOMIA : cutting, incision, section… e. g. herniotomia – a cutting for the repair of hernia Incision of the ARTERY- Incision of the BRONCHUS - Incision of the SKULL - Incision of the LOBE - Incision of the MUSCLE - Incision of the PERICARDIUM - Arteri-o-tomia Bronch-o-tomia Crani-o-tomia Lob-o-tomia My-o-tomia Pericardi-o-tomia Incision of the PERINEUM (PUBIC REGION) - Incision of the VEIN - Incision of the TYMPANUM - Episi-o-tomia Phleb-o-tomia Tympan-o-tomia FORM COMPOUND TERMS WITH GREEK ELEMENT DECIDE WHETHER THE COMPOUND WORD CONTAINS GREEK ELEMENT CORRESPONDING WITH THE LABELLED BODY PART Encephalopathia Thoracographia Cholecystitis Adenocarcinoma Podarthritis Somatologia Phlebotomia Otoscopia Nephrostomia Myeloneuritis NAME GREEK ELEMENTS WHICH CORRESPOND WITH LATIN WORDS ANGEION FLEPS KARDIA NEFROS KYSTIS GLOTTA MASTOS DERMA 1.VAS 2.VENA 3.COR 4.REN 5.VESICA 6.LINGUA 7.MAMMA 8.CUTIS Angiospasmus Angioplastica Phlebographia Phlebothrombosis Cardiothoracicus Cadriopneumographia Nephrectomia Nephroureterectomia Cystostomia Cystotomia Glossectomia Glossopalatinus Dermatomyositis dermatoplastica 1.Plastic surgery to repair a blood vessel (e.g. narrowed artery) is… 2.An X-ray examination of a vein using radio-opaque dye so the vein will show up on the film is… 3.(Adjective) One that refers to the heart and the chest region is… 4.An abbreviation C-PG stands for examination of the heart function and breathing, in Latin it is called… 5.Surgical operation to make a permanent opening into the pelvis of kidney from the surface is… 6.Surgical operation to make an opening between the bladder and the abdominal wall is… 7.Surgical removal of the tongue is... 8.Plastic surgery to reduce the size of breasts is… 9.Replacement of the damaged skin by skin taken from a donor is… FORM COMPOUND TERMS BASED ON DEFINITIONS FILL IN THE MISSING TERMS Gall leaving the gallbladder enters the hepatic duct, its descending part that enters the duodenum is common hepatic duct, and the Greek word dochos (receptacle) is used in naming it. Thus inflammation of the common hepatic duct is called …………………., surgical operation to make cut in the common bile duct to remove the stones is………………… . The combining form MYEL- refers to either bone marrow or the spinal cord, thus the tumor originating in the bone marrow should be called …………………. . Inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord, also known as infantile paralysis, or simply polio (from Greek polios grey) is ………………… . predel.png