3rd declension consonant + i-stems Specific features of the 3rd declension ´All 3 genders are included (cortex m., radix f., femur n.) ´ ´Nom. Sg. – various endings (sanguis, excisio, abductor, rete, latus, femur, abdomen, cavitas) ´Nominative form is not interconnected with the gender!!! ´Two main groups: ´nominative and genitive stem differs (genitive is longer than nominative) Consonant stems ´nominative and genitive stem remains unchanged (genitive has same number of syllables as nominative) I- stems + exceptions ´ Consonant stems ´stem in gen. sg. and nom sg. usually differs (pulm-o//pulmon-is, fem-ur//femor-is, rad-ix//radic-is) ´ ´for the proper inflection it is necessary to know the genitive form ´ ´1. pulm-o ´2. pulmon-is ´4. pulmon-em ´6. pulmon-e ´ Paradigms of consonant stems KOncovky do prezentácií.png i-stems ´stem in nom. sg. and gen. sg. does not differ (pelv-is //pelv-is, canal-is//canal-is, ret-e// ret-is, dos-is//dosis) 1. cut-is 2. cut-is 4. cut-em 6. cut-e Paradigms of i-stems KOncovky do prezentácií.png Difference between consonant and i-stems? KOncovky do prezentácií.png What nouns are declined as pelvis? ´masculine and feminine nouns… ´ ´which have the same nominative and genitive forms: ´cutis, is, f.; canalis, is, m.; auris, is, f.; cystis, is, f.; axis, is, f. ´ ´whose genitive stem ends in two consonants ´dens, ntis, m.; pars, rtis, f.; pons, ntis, m.; mens, ntis, f.; lens, ntis, f. Nouns declined like rete? ´Only the following three neuters: ´ ´animal, alis, n. ´calcar, aris, n. ´cochlear, aris, n. ´ ´ Words of Greek origin KOncovky do prezentácií.png Nouns declined like dosis? ´feminine nouns of Greek origin ending in –sis, -xis, or –osis ´ ´*in the dictionary you can identify them according to the double Genitive ending –is/-eos ´ ´some Latin nouns: ´febris, is, f. ´sitis, is, f. ´tussis, is, f. ´pertussis, is, f. ´tuberculosis, is, f. ´