Winter Semester 2015/2016 Handout 9 1. Put the terms into the required form. sepsis haemorrhagica ________________________ plexus venosus acc. sg. ________________________ musculus rotator nom. pl. ________________________ facies Hippocratica abl. sg. ________________________ methodus nova abl. pl. ________________________ meatus acusticus acc. pl. ________________________ caries profunda gen. Sg. ________________________ 2. Fill in the given nouns to complete the phrases ductus ~ sinus ~ facies ~ status ~ processus ~ meatus ~ manus ~ usus ~ apparatus ~ species a) medicamentum ad __________________ externum b) amputatio phalangis medii digiti III ___________________ dextrae traumatica c) musculus sphincter ______________ choledochi d) apertura ____________________ acustici externi e) os, labia, palatum, oesophagus, ventriculus, intestina: organa ________________ digestorii f) ___________________ urologicae propter inflammationem vesicae urinariae g) fractura ___________________ spinosi vertebrae T7 h) _________________ post resectionem lobi sinistri pulmonum propter metastases i) aegrotus cum ________________ pallida j) ___________________ transversus pericardii 3. Match the given adjectives with the nouns from exercise 2. Complete those not fitting anywhere with the nouns stated below. praematurus, a, um ~ aromaticus, a, um ~ epilepticus, a, um ~ valgus, a, um ~ ~ transversus, a, um ~ profundus, u, am ~ Hippocraticus, a, um ~ venosus, a, um _________________ _________________ Winter Semester 2015/2016 Handout 9 _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ plexus ~ partus ~ decubitus ~ genu _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 5. Put the words in the correct order to make anatomical/clinical terms. Translate the terms into English. acustici – externi – meatus – haemorrhagia Term:______________________________________________________________________ Translation:_________________________________________________________________ caesareus – cum – partus – anaesthesia Term:______________________________________________________________________ Translation:_________________________________________________________________ praematura – iuvenis – hominis – canities Term:______________________________________________________________________ Translation:_________________________________________________________________ acuto – in – adultus – periculo Term:______________________________________________________________________ Translation:_________________________________________________________________ cavitatis – punctum – vulnus – thoracis Term:______________________________________________________________________ Translation:_________________________________________________________________ malignus – cervicis – uteri – tumor Winter Semester 2015/2016 Handout 9 Term:______________________________________________________________________ Translation:_________________________________________________________________ 6. Translate. vomiting after the brain concussion carcinoma of the left lobe of liver in its place under the mucous layer of the gall bladder disease with a long period of healing acute ascites in the abdominal cavity injection for an adult against the inflammation of the brain state after the resection of a part of large intestine due to an abscess cancer of the cervix of uterus with a good prognosis tendons of the fingers of the right hand deep bedsores in the region of the sacral bone slipping down of a kidney progressive paralysis of the muscles the malignant tumour of common bile duct