4th and 5th declension What are the typical features of 4th/5th declension? Are there any similarities with the declensions you already know? What is the gender of the nouns of 4th/5th declension? 4 5 Genitive? -us -ei Gender? masculine(mostly) neutral (2) feminine Common points? ? ? Special notes artus, us, m. Abl. Pl. artubus arcus, us, m. arcubus manus, us, f. acus, us, f. species, erum, f. ENDINGS PHOTO.png How can you decline nouns ending in –us? Decide the declension of the following nouns: ulcus infarctus longus nasus morbus fetus vulnus uterus crus sinus canalis = a narrow tubular passage or channel, e.g. optic canal ductus = a passage with well-defined walls, esp. for the passage of excretion or secretion https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/181/flashcards/305181/jpg/basalis_int_opt_canal-142DE1F807 7645E8438.jpg https://my.clevelandclinic.org/ccf/media/Images/HIC/LIVER2.GIF?la=en optic canal ? bile duct ? sinus = a cavity in bone, esp. the pair cavities in the facial part of skull 1 frontal sinuses 2 ethmoid sinuses 3 sphenoid sinus 4 maxillary sinuses http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e8/Paranasal_sinuses_numbers.svg/400px-Parana sal_sinuses_numbers.svg.png http://c0018279.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/c534.jpg transverse sinus of pericardium? cavitas = a cavity of organs or the regions of body caverna = a cavity with many interconnected chambers; a pathological cavity caused by the decay of tissues, e.g. cavernae tuberculosae http://img.tfd.com/mk/C/X2604-C-23A.png http://gsdl.bvs.sld.cu/greenstone/collect/clnicos/index/assoc/HASHcd81.dir/cap16_fig16.5a.png Sensus humani: visus ~ auditus ~ olfactus ~ tactus ~ gustus http://www.allthetests.com/quiz25/picture/pic_1212359139_3.jpg https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVuvpzALAjjWfkALt8SAKHT_Gok7DbxIItbSGzkUP7oOR 5j3EJKGNAJ9o http://u.smedata.sk/blogidnes/article/5/35/358165/358165_clanok_foto_4.jpg?r=05e http://www.zsskolnikaplice.cz/files/zaci/web9/web2010/machack/files/hmat1234.jpg http://inscribe.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Sour-taste.jpg Pulsus… parvus tardus celer bigeminus Habitus… = a general body type or constitution of a person; posture or position of the body http://www.purposegames.com/images/games/background/134/134858.jpg a) b) c) d) A hypersthenicus B sthenicus C hyposthenicus D asthenicus *Gr. sthenos = strength Which of these is the average/normal? Morsus… https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJFb3gSmDvhcqJjHkUTlCXmVAh_nl-i9MfCz5A8Jg0Np- D0oNr m. canis *m. diaboli 1. a plant used to treat scabies 2. the fimbriated distal end of the Fallopian tube, infundibulum http://www.melakafertility.com/female_reproductive_files/ant-002.png à Create diagnoses according to the pictures! m. serpentis http://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/devilsbit_scabious_succisa_pra tensis_img.jpg Scabies (Lat. scabere = to scratch) = a contagious skin disease caused by a tiny mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) laying eggs under the skin, the characteristic itching is caused by the reaction to the feces of the mite grey ointment against scabies? http://www.women-info.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/scabies-3-257x300.jpg Rabies = an acute viral disease (a virus of the family Rhabdoviridae) of the central nervous system transmitted through saliva from the bite of an infected animal, it is also called hydrophobia because of the typical symptom of the disease; the symptoms include extreme thirst, fever, depression, confusion, hard swallowing, muscle spasms, sensitivity to touch, light or loud noise; if not prevented, it is almost always fatal https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bowwowtimes/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/rabies.jpg http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2014/09/shutterstock_201433343-e1410091725478.jpg death due to rabies after the bite of an animal? r. silvatica r. domestica valgus x varus http://murtagh.fhost.com.au/html/practice_tips/picspt/9780070158986_001_308.jpg state after the operation of a toe twisted inwards of the left foot? ?? ?? http://www.medicalinfo.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/hallux_valgus_prae_abb1.jpg Genu valgum, genu varum in situ… morbus ischemicus cordis, cardiostimulator in situ tumor mammae l. sin., implantatus in situ tear wound of the head, a foreign body in the place (of the wound)? cancer of the small intestine, carcinoma in its (original) place? x metastases of the tumor towards the liver? 500px-Gray1170_az.png Plexus… uterine venous network? http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/560729-426-41.jpg deep lymphatic network? state after the excision of a lymphatic node due to carcinoma? Meatus… = an opening or passage, esp. one leading to the body surface, external opening of a canal https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/181/flashcards/305181/jpg/external_auditory_meatus13529404 41219-142DDEEB9552437179B.jpg medial meatus of the nose? nasopharyngeal meatus? external acoustic meatus? http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Medizin/Anatomie/makro1/nas004.gif Meatus acusticus externus Status… post operationem ---> propter asthma ---> propter epilepsiam ---> -ivus -icus