Basic medical terminology 4 Questions —What case is the noun in the state of dependency in? And how is it usually translated into English? ¡genitive case ¡eg. fractura costae = fracture of a rib —What is called “prepositional phrase”? ¡phrase following a preposition ¡eg. post fracturam costae —Based on what should the adjective be connected to the noun? ¡based on the gender of the noun — What is the correct adjective for the noun in the triangle? pollex crus dexter dextra dextrum dextra dextrum dexter dextrum dextra dexter radius Arteriae Artheria thoracica interna Rhaphe Cristae Lineae 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name structures in Latin 1. Tibia dextra, 2. Costae verae, 3. clavicula dextra, 4. ulna sinistra, 5. maxilla sinistra, 6. fibula dextra, 7. spina scapulae dextrae, 8. vertebrae thoracicae Ordinal numerals 1-12 —Primus, a, um —Secundus, a, um —Tertius, a, um —Quartus, a, um —Quintus, a, um —Sextus, a, um —Septimus, a, um —Octavus, a, um —Nonus, a, um —Decimus, a, um —Undecimus, a, um —Duodecimus, a, um costa spuria prima vertebra thoracica secunda costa vera tertia vertebra coccygea quarta costa vera quinta vertebra thoracica sexta costa vera septima vertebra thoracica duodecima Costae COSTAE.jpg Costa vera sinistra Costae verae Costa spuria sinistra Costae spuriae Incisurae costarum Costa quarta Costa tertia Costa secunda Costa prima 2nd declension - overview 2 dekl.png Gen. sg. –I Gender M (F)/N Nouns of the female gender in this declension are exceptions Nom. sg. –US/-ER/-OS Gender M (F) Nom. sg. –UM/-ON Gender N Nephros 2 dekl.png The paradigm nephros is for masculine words of Greek origin. The only difference is the ending -os in nom. sg. and -on in acc. sg. -os -on Neuter gender nouns 2 dekl.png There are some rules which apply for all Latin nouns of the neuter gender. 1)They have the same ending in the nominative and accusative cases. 2) 2)In nom. pl. their endings end in –a 3) 3)Since rule n. 1 can be applied, they end in -a even in acc. pl. -a -a -a -a -um -um -on -on —fractura + radius, ii, m; nasus, i, m.; sternum, i, n. — —post + morbus, i, m. =disease — —in (where) + oculus, i, m.; organum, i, n. Homework ØFinish handout 4 and bring it to the lecture ØLearn the vocabulary in handout 4 ØPrint handout five and bring it to the lecture ØBring the textbook