genua valga genua vara h9991533_002.jpg decubitus profundus partus caesareus / sectio caesarea LSCS - Lower Segment Caesarean Section – today the most commonly used type of Caesarean section The term is derived from Latin verb caedo, ... caesum meaning „to cut“, „to free by cutting“ From this verb Latin nouns with stem: -cisio (English - cision) are derived: excisio, incisio, discisio... facies Hippocratica / facies abdominalis The facial expression produced in the by impending death or long illness (accompanied by pain), excessive evacuations, excessive hunger, and the like, peritonitis (inflammation of peritoneum) or cholera. Its synonym is facies abdominalis. The nose is sharp, the eyes sunken, the temples fallen in, the ears cold and drawn in and their lobes distorted, the skin of the face hard, stretched and dry, and the colour of the face pale or dusky. facies dolorosa – facial expression showing signs of pain hnittsgesichter/m(01-32)_gr.jpg facies composita – normal, calm facial expression of healthy person membrana tympani meatus acusticus externus et internus tervertebralis-spinous-process-processus-spinosus-cervical-spine-side-skin-names_xlarge.jpg processus spinosus discus vertebralis What are the Greek and Latin synonyms? —ENGLISH LATIN GREEK — —__________ _____________ chole —wound _____________ _____________ —_____________ _____________ nephros —_____________ cerebrum _____________ —stomach _____________ _____________ —_____________ _____________ thorax —_____________ oculus _____________ —liver _____________ __________ — vulnus trauma thorax ren encephalon brain ventriculus stomachos kidney pectus eye opthalmos jecur hepar bilis bile Form corresponding loose atributes —articulatio (genu + dexter, tra, trum) —arcus (vertebrae + thoracici, ae, a) —causa (obstructio venae) —ligamenta (manus + sinister, tra, trum) —effectus (gargarisma + novus, a, um) —sanatio (decubitus + profundus, a, um) —collapsus (systema + circulatorius, a, um) —status (canities + praematurus, a, um) — Connect the nouns with adjectives —infarctus spinosus, a, um —partus dolorosus, a, um —plexus externus, a, um —processus venosus, a, um —usus praematurus, a, um —decubitus acutus, a, um Connect the phrases with the preposition —post + infarctus acutus —propter + partus praematurus —sub +plexus venosus uterinus —in + decursus morbi —ad + usus internus —ante + processus spinosus —sine + effectus malus 5j3EJKGNAJ9o Sensus humani: —visus ~ auditus ~ olfactus ~ tactus ~ gustus — a) b) c) d) A hypersthenicus B sthenicus C hyposthenicus D asthenicus *Gr. sthenos = strength Which of these is the average/normal? HABITUS —= a general body type or constitution of a person; posture or position of the body — Fill in the given nouns to complete the phrases —facies ~ status ~ processus ~ meatus ~ manus ~ usus —~ apparatus ~ species —a) medicamentum ad _______ externum —b) amputatio phalangis mediae digiti III _______dextrae traumatica —c) apertura _______acustici externi —d) os, labia, palatum, oesophagus, ventriculus, intestina: organa —_______ digestorii —e) _______ urologicae propter inflammationem vesicae urinariae —f) fractura _______ spinosi vertebrae T7 —g) _______post resectionem lobi sinistri pulmonis propter metastases —h) aegrotus cum _______ pallida — usum manus meatus apparatus species processu status facie Form phrases from words in boxes and translate them into English cum partus anaesthesia praematurus, a, um partus praematurus cum anaesthesia premature delivery with anesthesia dens profundus, a, um caries caninus, a, um caries profunda dentis canini deep dental decay of canine tooth exisio lacteus, a, um caries dens propter excisio dentis lactei propter cariem excision of a milk tooth because of dental decay operatio status femur fractura post dexter, tra, trum status post operationem fracturae femoris dextri state after operation of right femur excisio, onis, f. - excision