GENERAL ARTHROLOGY RNDr. Michaela Racanska, Ph.D. Lecture 7 - DENTISTRY - Autumn 2013 Skeletal junctions Juncturae seu Systema articulare_ Two main types of connections: 1. Synathrosis /fibrous joint, fluent connection/ - union by some kind of the connective tissue (fibrous tissue, cartilage, bone) 2. Diarthrosis /synovial joint, connection by touch/ - union by touch (by articular surfaces and another additional features) Fibrous joint (synarthrosis) >Continuous connections by a layer of connective tissue between bones nearly immobile >The articulare surface are missing! > Differentiation according the type of connective tissue 1) Syndesmosis - orticulotio fibrosa, bones are joined by fibrous tissue 2) Synchondrosis - orticulotio cartilaginea, bones are joined by cartilage 3) Synostosis - orticulotio osseo, bones are joined by bone tissue Syndesmosis (art. fibrosa) 1) connective tissue (ligaments), band of collagen fibrous tissue, (like a rope, ribbon or flat membrane) Radius sutura sc r rat a Ulna SYNDESMOSES 2) wedging (gomphosis): fixation of tooth to the alveolus Tooth Gomphosis joint Mandible Source: 3) sutures between flat skull bones (suturae). The main types of sutures: ■serrated suture (sutura serrata) ■squamous suture (sutura squamosa), ■flat suture (sutura plana) sutura squamosa sutura plana Source: anatomie Cihák Synchondrosis (art. cartilaginea) bones are joined by cartilage >Connection using hyaline cartilage (connection of ribs and sternum, between bones of the skull base- in child) Obturator cfttwl >connection using fibrous cartilage (SYMPHYSIS) (intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis (symphysis pubica) between both pelvic bones Source: Synostosis (art. ossea) >bones are joined by bone tissue, for example synostosis sphenooccipitalis Connection of the bones using the bone tissue, the result is growing of two or more bones >Exapmles: sacral bone, coccygeal bone, coxal bone, some skull bones >ln adulthood: synostosis of skull sutures - physiological, pathological DIARTHROSIS (junctura synovialis, articulatio) Articulation (joint) is movable union of two or more bones by touch of contact articular surfaces covered by the articular cartilage. General features of a joint Synovial Joint > Articular surfaces=/oc/es articulares particular fossa=/osso articularis, articular head=caput articulare) > Joint capsu\e=capsula articularis (stratum fibrosum and stratum synoviale) > Joint cavity=coi//tos articularis articular fissure filled by synovial fluid {synovia) Synovial fluid (synovia) - nourishes an articular cartilage, increases adhesion and decreases friction of contact surfaces (plicae) or (villi) - are folds of the synovial layer of the articular capsule and increase inner surface of articular capsule (capsula articularis) > Articular network (rete articulare) - plentiful supplying of joint by arteries, veins and nerves > Special joint apparatus Synovial membrane Articular cartilage -Fibrous joint capsule Joint cavity filled with synovial fluid Ligaments Additional features of the joints a) labrum articulare - fibrocartilaginous ring - broadening of a shallow articular fossa by a strip of cartilage b) articular discs and meniscs (disci and menisci articulares) - plates of cartilage, which serves as elastic pads, discs divid the articular cavity into two parts, menisci only partly c) ligaments (ligamenta) are present in the most joints as extracapsular, capsular or intracapsular ligaments d) articular muscles [musculi articulares) - prevent of a strangulation of articular capsules e) bursae and synovial pockets [bursae synoviales) - are small cavities close to the joint. They are constructed by synovial membrane and synovial fluid. Usually may communicate with the joint cavity. Movements in joints >Possible according to the shape of articulation surfaces and on position of muscles attachments around the joints >Joints monoaxial, biaxial, multiaxial Basic position of the joint - basic anatomical position Middle position of the joint - most relaxed joint capsule Movements in joints Plantar newon [Illustrations : A. Micheau - MD] (a) Supination (S) and pronation (P) Copyright ©2001 Benjamin Cummlng&, an imprint or Addison Wesley Longman, inc. Types of joints Joints may be classified from various points of view. According to a number of articular surfaces: a) Simple joints >only two bones are in contact b) Compound joints >more than two bones are in contact >two bones and between them is located or >disk [discus) or menisk [meniscus articularis). Classification of joints according to the shape of articular surfaces: spheroidal joint (ball-and-socket joint) (articulatio spheroidea) - head has shape like a sphere or its part), free spheroid joint (arthrodia) spheroid joint with restricted movements (enarthrosis) > ellipsoidal (condyloid) joint (articulatio ellipsoidea) cylindrical joint: pivot joint (trochoid) (articulatio trochoidea), wheel joint - the axe of movement is parallel with the longitudinal axe of bone hinge joint (articulatio trochlearis); ginglymus - the axe of movement is in the right angle to the longitudinal axe of bone > saddle joint (sellar) (articulatio sellaris) >plane joint (articulatio plana) > amphiartrosis ART. PLANA AMPHIARTROSIS (a) Planar joint between the navicular and second and third cuneiforms of the tarsus in the foot BALL AND SOCKET ARTH RODIA I Ball and *ock*t |olnt CYLINDRICAL JOINT: HINGE JOINT : Hing« joint ENARTHROSIS y Acetabulum •*\ ot hip bone Head of femur (f) Ball-and-socket joint between head of the femur and acetabulum of the hip bone Pivot joint ART. ELLIPSOIDEA (CONDYLOID) m No rotation! Movements according to the long axis Radius ■ Scaphoid - X i IJL Ulna ■ Lunate f I'lVl \\\ (d) Condyloid joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of the carpus (wrist) SADDLE JOINT Radius Trapezium Metacarpal of thumb (e) Saddle joint between trapezium of carpus (wrist) and metacarpal of thumb Saddle joint Classification of joints according to the level of moveability and number of axis of movements: Joints with minimal movement: With irregular surfaces - amphiarthrosis Joints with sliding movements: Flat joints - articulatio plana Joints with rotational movements: -Joint surfaces allow rotation along one to three axis One-axis joints (art. cylindroidea and art. trochlearis) Two-axis joints (art. ellipsoidea and art. sellaris) Triaxial joints (art. sphaeroidea) _Atlas (Cl), Clavicle Plane Plane joints (usually uniaxial) Acromion of permit ghcftng or scapula sliding movements Axts (C2). Pivot In pivot joints (uniaxial), a rounded process ' of bone fits into a bony ligamentous socket, permitting rotation. Hinge Hinge joints (uniaxial) permit flexion and extension only. Ball and socket In ball and socket joints (multiaxial). a rounded head fits into a concavity, permitting movement on several axes. Saddle In saddle joints i.biaxial;. saddle-shaped heads permit movement in two different planes Condyloid Condyloid joints (biaxial) permit flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and circumduction How to describe joints Obvious are theoretical knowledges of the general arthrology, the knowledges of the special osteology is obvious. We are following this outline : 1. Name of the joint, 2. Names of the articular surfaces, 3. Characteristic of the joint capsule 4. Joint auxiliary equipmnet, 5. Type of the joint, 6. Movements in the joint. An integral part is the description of the joints at the plain x-rays in sagittal and lateral projection Special arthrology_ Connections of the spine and thorax Junctions of the spine Spine (columna vertebralis) We can observe all types of junctiones on the spine Synartroses and diarthroses as well Synarthrosis - syndesmosis- ligaments - synchondrosis- disci intervertebrales - synchondrosis sacrococcygea - synostosis- os sacrum, os coccygis Diarthrosis- articulationes intervertebrales Joints of the Vertebral Bodies > disci intervertebrales: altogether 23, —1»««» > cartilaginous (symphysis) connection, discus > (anulus fibrosus - hyaline and fibrous cartilage - Concentric layers of fibrocartilaginous fibers, nucleus pulposus-fibrous tissue) Junctions of vertebral arches - elastic ligaments - ligamenta flava (interarcualia) Superior articular process Transverse process and transverse costal facet Zygapophysial joint cavity Pedicle of vertebral arch (cut) Intervertebral foramen Lamina of vertebral arch Vertebral body Anterior longitudinal ligament blending with anulus fibers of IV disc Intervertebral ■ disc Inferior articular process Ligamentum flavum Posterior longitudinal ligament Anterior longitudinal ligament covering vertebral body Foramina for blood vessels entering/ exiting vertebral bodies Anterior view Junctions of articular processes of vertebrae •articulationes intervertebrales between the superior and inferior articular processes of adjacent vertebrae - zygapophysial/facet joints sliding movements angulations of the articular facets determine types of movements - short ligaments: - ligg. intertransversaria - ligg. interspinalia - lig. supraspinale (cervical area) - as _ sagitally oriented ligamentum nuchae which is going to the occipital bone External occipital protuberance Posterior atlanjo-cccipital membrane Nuchal ligament Ligamenta flava Interspinous IgJM tnH Sprous process of C7 vertebra Supraspinous ligament Intervertebral disc Posterior longitudinal ligament Pechcle (cut, Anterior longitudnai ligament transverse ligament Transverse process Articular capsule of zygapophystal joints Lateral costotransverse ligament [nterspmous ligament Supraspinous ligament (A) Right lateral view (B) Right posterior oblique view Junctions common for all vertebrae a) lig. longitudinale anterius b) lig. longitudinale posterius • They continue also to the sacral and coccygeal bone Ligamentum Flavum Facet Capsular/ Ligament Interspi Ligament Supraspinous Ligament itertrans verse Ligament Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Anterior ongitudinal Ligament Synostosis • Conection using the bone tissue • Sacral bone: fusion of five sacral vertebrae • Coccygeal bone: fusion of 3 - 5 coccygeal vertebrae Curvature of vertebral column 1. In the sagittal plane - double S-shaped: lordosis: curvature forwards, cervical C4-5 and lumbar L3-4 kyphosis: curvature backwards, thoracic Th6-7 and sacral 2. Curvature in the frontal plane - Skoliosis, mild skoliosis is physiological and it is present in all people - in most mild right, in some mild left (if you are right or left-handed) SHAPE AND MOVEMENTS OF THE SPINE - 35% of body height Movements • anteflexion, retroflexion, 90° cervical, 23° lumbar, most stressed and vulnerable is part of the lower cervical vertebrae, Thll-12, L4-S1 • lateroflexion, 30° cervical, 35° lumbar • Rotation and torsion, 60-70° cervical, 25-35° thoracic • Springing movements Mobility of the vertebral column - depends on the size of intervertebral disc - the mobility is rectricted by: ligaments, articular capsules and muscles the cervical vertebrae allow a range of flexion, lateroflexion and rotation coupled with lateroflexion the thoracic should be particularly mobile in rotation (is limited by the attachment of ribs) in the lumbar region - anteflexion, retroflexion, lateral flexion Lateral Junctions of the thorax ■ costovertebral joints art. capitis costae art. costotransversarium ■ costochondral joints and interchondral joints artt. interchondrales (6th-9th) membrana intercostalis externa, interna ■ sternocostal joints artt. sternocostales (2nd-5th) synchondrosis (1st, 6th, 7th) Costovertebral Joints Articulationes capitis costae ■ AF: head of the rib articulates with the inferior and superior costal facets of two adjacent thoracic vertebral bodies and the intervening intervertebral disc j AC: firm and it is attached to the margins of AF ■ special apparatus: lig. capitis costae radiatum, at 2nd - 10th rib capitis costae intraarticulare j movements: along axis parallel with the neck of the rib ■ allow elevation and depression of the ribs Articulationes costotransversariae AS: foveae costales transversales and art. surface on tuberculum costae AC: margins of the articular surfaces special apparatus: lig. costotransversaria, between collum costae and transversal proccess of the vertebra Movements: along axis which is parallel with collum costae \ v. \ ^ Articulatio intervertebralis ( bc k d w t) Processus articularls inferior vertebrae VII | Processus articularis superior vertebrae VIII Processus transversus Lig. tuberculi costae laterale Articulatio----^—•— .vv \ l i V»Y costotransversaria (BCKpbir) ^V'lv *\v.\\vV T Lig. costotransversarium---- Lig. tuberculi costae I Lig- costotransversarium laterale Articulatio —-— capitis costae (ncKput) >S ---Collum costae — Facies articularis capltuli costae "Lig. capitis costae radiatum Caput costae + lig.radiatum Lig.costotransversarium superius ml Juncturae sternocostales • Connections between costal cartilages and sternum 1. Synchondrosis sternocostal is: cartilaginous connection with incisura costalis sterni, regularly at 1st often at 6th and 7th rib 2. Artt. sternocostales: between 2nd to 5th rib and sternum AS: sternal end of costal cartilage, incisura costalis sterni AC: to the margins of the articular surfaces Special apparatus: ligg. sternocostalia radiata - they form membrana sterni externa and interna Junctions of adjacent ribs 1. Articulationes interchondrales joint connection between costal cartilages of 5th to 9th rib, covered by short articular capsule 2. Membranae intercostales - fibrous membranes connecting adjacent ribs Membrana intercostalis externa Membrana intercostalis interna________ Chest cage shape and movements • Shape of truncated cone • base (apertura thoracis inferior)_ • apex (apertura thoracis superior) • walls-frontal, dorsal, lateral cavitas thoracis spatia intercostalia a reus costarum angulus infrasternalis Movements • in costovertebral connections, axis runs parallel with collum costae • Upward rotation - inspirium downward rotation- exspirium Movements of the thoracic wall during inspiration produce increases in the intrathoracic volume and diameters of the thorax Right lateral views Right lateral view Anterior view Illustrations were copied from: Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/Sobotta. Putz,R., und Pabst,R. 20. Auflage. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993) Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Windows Version 2.0 Čihák R: Anatomie 2 (Splanchnologia). Avicenum, zdravotnické nakladatelství, Praha, 1988. Drake et al: Gray's Anatomy for Students. 2010 Archiv of the lecturer