BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Credit test winter semester – mock version Name: Date: Group: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 1. a) Classify all nouns in the table into five groups according to their declensions. Give their n ominative singular form, genitive singular form, gender and paradigm. There are two words which you will not use. abscessum ~ ascites ~ caecus ~ enamelum ~ lien ~ palatinum ~ rabies declension nominative singular form full genitive singular form gender paradigm 1^st declension 2^nd declension 3^rd declension 4^th declension 5^th declension 1. b) Fill in the terms from task 1a. · ________________________ is an organ located near the stomach that destroys worn-out red blood cells and produces white blood cells. · ________________________ is an enclosed collection of liquefied tissue, known as pus, somewhere in the body. It is the result of the body's defensive reaction to foreign material. · ________________________ is the hard, thin, translucent substance covering and protecting a tooth crown and composed almost entirely of calcium salts. · ________________________ is abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. · ________________________ is an acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus usually transmitted through the bite of an animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behaviour, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated. 2. Put the terms into the required form. diameter recta gen. sg. ______________________________________________________ habitus asthenicus abl. sg. ______________________________________________________ infectio urologica acc. pl. ______________________________________________________ canities subita acc. sg. ______________________________________________________ musculus sphincter nom. pl. ______________________________________________________ Textové pole: contagiosus, a, um ~ contusus, a, um ~ dexter, a, um ~ osseus, a, um ~ perforatus, a, um 3. Fill in the adjectives from the table in the correct form. sanatio morborum ________________________ pars ________________________ tubae auditivae fractura pelvis cum vulneribus ________________________ lobus medius pulmonis ________________________ ulcus ________________________ parietis ventriculi 4. Put the words in the correct order to make anatomical/clinical terms; translate them. dx. fractura scapulae corporis 1) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ dentis resectio decidui radicis 2) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ intestini corpus crassi alienum 3) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ acustici externi meatus haemorrhagia 4) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ caesaream status sectionem post 5) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ per primam sanatio intentionem 6) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ 5. Fill in missing endings. vulner______ lacer______ parv______ front______ trauma muscul______ extensor______ halluc______ long______ causa stenos______ ureter______ later______ sinistr______ glandul______ (pl.) duct______ choledoch______ margin______ (pl.) liber______ (pl.) ungu______ (pl.) fractura coll______ femor______ 6. Translate the terms in brackets into Latin, and put them into the correct form after prepositions. abortus propter ___________________________________________________________ (congenital disorder) neonatus cum ______________________________________________________________ (complicated jaundice) operatio post ______________________________________________________________ (rupture of the diaphragm) cancer sine _________________________________________________________________ (thrombosis of veins) anomalia in ________________________________________________________________ (digestive tract) 7. Translate diagnoses and anatomical terms: 1. symptoms of the cancer of ovaries ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 2. tendons of the fingers of hand ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 3. hard ulcer of the rectum ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 4. wrong function of kidneys and heart ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 5. acute pains in the abdomen ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 6. red and yellow bone marrow ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 7. deep bedsores in the region of hip ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 8. vomiting after the brain concussion ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 8. Derive the adjectives of the 3rd declension from nouns using endings -alis, e or -aris, e: vertebra ________________________ rectum ________________________ pectus ________________________ malleolus ________________________ cortex ________________________ BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Credit test winter semester – mock version Name: Date: Group: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 1. a) Classify all nouns in the table into five groups according to their declensions. Give their n ominative singular form, genitive singular form, gender and paradigm. There are two words which you will not use. abscessum ~ ascites ~ caecus ~ enamelum ~ lien ~ palatinum ~ rabies declension nominative singular form full genitive singular form gender paradigm 1^st declension ascites ascitae m diabetes 2^nd declension enamelum enameli n septum 3^rd declension lien lienis m. dolor 4^th declension abscessus abscessus m ductus 5^th declension rabies rabiei f facies 1. b) Fill in the terms from task 1a. · _____ lien ___________________ is an organ located near the stomach that destroys worn-out red blood cells and produces white blood cells. · _____ abscessus ___________________ is an enclosed collection of liquefied tissue, known as pus, somewhere in the body. It is the result of the body's defensive reaction to foreign material. · ______ enamelum __________________ is the hard, thin, translucent substance covering and protecting a tooth crown and composed almost entirely of calcium salts. · ______ ascites __________________ is abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. · ______ rabies __________________ is an acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus usually transmitted through the bite of an animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behaviour, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated. 2. Put the terms into the required form. diameter recta gen. sg. ______diametri rectae ____________________________ habitus asthenicus abl. sg. ______habitu asthenico___________________________ infectio urologica acc. pl. ______infectiones urologicas ____________________ canities subita acc. sg. _____canitiem subitam _________________________ musculus sphincter nom. pl. _____ musculi sphincteres ______________________ Textové pole: contagiosus, a, um ~ contusus, a, um ~ dexter, a, um ~ osseus, a, um ~ perforatus, a, um 3. Fill in the adjectives from the table in the correct form. sanatio morborum _____contagiosorum___________________ pars ____ossea____________________ tubae auditivae fractura pelvis cum vulneribus _____contusis___________________ lobus medius pulmonis ______dextri__________________ ulcus ____perforatum____________________ parietis ventriculi 4. Put the words in the correct order to make anatomical/clinical terms; translate them. dx. fractura scapulae corporis 1) Term:______fractura corporis scapulae dx. ________________________________________________ Translation:___fracture of the body of right scapula ________________________________________ dentis resectio tertii radicis 2) Term:_______resectio radicis dentis tertii ________________________________________________ Translation:___resection of the root of the third tooth ____________________________________ intestini corpus crassi alienum 3) Term:________corpus alienum intestini crassi _____________________________________________ Translation:__foreign body of the large intistine = inside the large intestine ________ acustici externi meatus haemorrhagia 4) Term:_______ haemorrhagia meatus acustici externi _____________________________________ Translation:___bleeding of the external auditory canal (=meatus) _______________________ caesaream status sectionem post 5) Term:______status post sectionem caesaream ________________________________________ Translation:__state after the caesarean section ________________________________________ per primam sanatio intentionem 6) Term:_______sanatio per primam intentionem _____________________________________ Translation:___healing without complications = at the first intervention _____________ 5. Fill in missing endings. vulner__a____ lacer___ a ___ parv___ a ___ front__is____ trauma muscul______ extensor__ is ____ halluc__ is ____ long__ i____ causa stenos__ is ____ ureter___ is ___ later__ is ____ sinistr__ i____ glandul__ ae____ (pl.) duct___ us ___ choledoch__ i____ margin___es___ (pl.) liber__ i____ (pl.) ungu__ ium____ (pl.) fractura coll__ i____ femor__ is ____ 6. Translate the terms in brackets into Latin, and put them into the correct form after the prepositions. abortus propter _______vitium congenitum_____________________________ (congenital disorder) neonatus cum _________ictero complicato________________________________ (complicated jaundice) operatio post __________rupturam diaphragmatis______________________ (rupture of the diaphragm) cancer sine ____________thrombosi venarum_____________________________ (thrombosis of veins) anomalia in ____________tractu digestivo_________________________________ (digestive tract) 7. Translate diagnoses and anatomical terms: 1. symptoms of cancer of ovaries ___symptomata cancri ovariorum 2. tendons of fingers of the hand ___tendines digitorum manus 3. hard sore of the rectum ___ulcus durum recti 4. wrong function of kidneys and the heart ___functio laesa renum et cordis = functio renum et cordis laesa 5. acute pains in the abdomen ___dolores acuti abdominis = dolores abdominis acuti 6. red and yellow bone marrow ___medulla ossium flava et rubra 7. deep bedsores in the region of the hip ___decubitus profundi regionis coxae = in regione coxae 8. vomiting after the brain concussion ___vomitus post commotionem cerebri 8. Derive the adjectives of the 3rd declension from nouns using endings -alis, e or -aris, e: vertebra ____vertebralis, e____________________ rectum ____rectalis, e____________________ pectus ____pectoralis, e____________________ malleolus ____malleolaris, e____________________ cortex ____corticalis, e____________________