1 Translate the terms in brackets into Latin, and put them into the correct form after the prepositions. sanatio post ________________________ (open fracture of the neck of the arm) medicamentum bonum pro ________________________ (thrombosis of veins) operatio propter ________________________ (foreign body in the abdominal cavity) cancer cum ________________________ (metastases in the right lobe of lungs) praeventia ante ________________________ (narrowing of coronary arteries) partes sub ________________________ (the body of thyroid gland) injectio contra ________________________ (congenital defect of heart) status postoperativus sine ________________________ (damaged function of brain) excisio melanomatis in ________________________ (the region of the back) dyspnoe ex ________________________ (the obstruction of the lungs) unguentum ad ________________________ (external use) vulnus sectum per ________________________ (the left hollow vein) 2a Classify nouns into the table. There are four adjectives you will not use. ganglion – ascites -- subitus -- gargarismatis – radiato – tractus -- rabiebus -- olecrani – choledochi -- scarlatinam -- infarctuum – periculosum – speciei -- hepatis declension Latin noun full genitive singular form gender paradigm 1^st declension 2^nd declension 3^rd declension 4^th declension 5^th declension 2b Fill in the terms from the table into definitions. · ________________________ is the bony projection of the ulna behind the elbow joint. · ________________________ is an aromatic beverage prepared from tea leaves by infusion with boiling water. · ________________________is abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen. · ________________________is an acute contagious febrile disease caused by hemolytic Group A streptococci and characterized by inflammation of the nose, throat, and mouth, generalized toxemia, and a red rash. · ________________________ is something used to gargle with; a gargle. · ________________________ is a large, reddish-brown, glandular vertebrate organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity that secretes bile and is active in the formation of certain blood proteins and in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. · is an acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus usually transmitted through the bite of an animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behaviour, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated. · ________________________ is an area of tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus or embolus. · ________________________is a group of nerve cells forming a nerve centre, especially one located outside the brain or spinal cord. · ________________________ is a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function 3. Fill in the adjectives in the correct form. durus, a, um -- chronicus, a, um -- latus, a, um – auditivus, a, um -- periculosus, a, um -- -- laesa, us, um – plenus, a, um -- ruber, bra, brum – carcinomatosus, a, um medulla ossium ______________ ruptura ligamenti ________________ uteri haemodialysis propter functionem renis _____________________ morbus _____________________ intestini crassi metastases _____________________in ventriculo pars media tubae _______________________ infarctus myocardii __________________ rete venosum _________________matris encephali cochlear _________________ mellis 4. Put the terms into the required form. sepsis haemorrhagica gen.pl. ________________________ plexus venosus acc. sg. ________________________ musculus rotator nom. pl. ________________________ facies Hippocratica abl. sg. ________________________ methodus nova abl. pl. ________________________ meatus acusticus acc. pl. ________________________ caries profunda gen. Sg. ________________________ 5. Put the words in the correct order to make anatomical/clinical terms. Translate the terms into English. acustici – externi – meatus – haemorrhagia Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ caesareus – cum – partus – anaesthesia Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ praematura – iuvenis – hominis – canities Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ acuto – in – adultus – periculo Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ cavitatis – punctum – vulnus – thoracis Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ malignus – cervicis – uteri – tumor Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ __________ 6. Fill in missing endings. Commotion cerebr___ sine dolor___ (Pl.) in capit___ Operatio tumor___ benign___ in cavitat___ or___ Thrombosis ven___ ped___ dextr___ Partus caesare___ cum narcos___ Foramina cartilagin___ meat___ acustic___ extern___ Exitus propter infarct___ myocardi___ complicat___ Vulnus contus___ cum oedemat___ magn___ Musculi adductor___ pollic___ sinistr___ Tabulettae contra dolor___ acut___ per ___(os) Luxatio cox___ later___ sinistr___ congenit___ Vagina tendin___ muscul___ extensor___ halluc___ long___ 7. Translate. Vomiting after the brain concussion Carcinoma of the left lobe of liver in its place Under the mucous layer of the gall bladder Disease with a long period of healing Acute ascites in the abdominal cavity Injection for an adult against the inflammation of the brain Spoon full of honey for whooping cough Cancer of the cervix of uterus with a good prognosis Tendons of the fingers of the right hand Deep bedsores in the region of the sacral bone Slipping down of a kidney Progressive paralysis of the muscles Sphincter muscle of the common bile duct