Local anesthetics Local anesthetics (LA) • cause temporary loss of sensation in a limited area (absence of pain sensation) by local reversible inhibition of sensory neurons • other senses are often affected as well - sensitivity of nerve fibres to LA: vegetative > sensory > motoric nerve fibres • in sensory fibers the perception of heat is blocked first, later the perception of pain stimuli, and then the touch also • at higher concentrations the loss of muscle power can be achieved as well (e.g.local anesthetic regional nerve blockade) Sensitive nerve system • types of somatosensory nerve fibres - signals from skin receptors and from skeletal muscles and joints, etc. • protopathic perception (sensing pain, pressure, heat, or cold in a nonspecific manner) • epicritic perception (permits the discrimination and the topographic localization of the finer degrees of touch and temperature stimuli) • and proprioception (sense of the movements and position of the body independent of vision) LA - mechanism of action • penetration into sensitive nerve fibres • blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels responsible for fast depolarization along nerves • binding on the inner side of the nerve membrane, and preventing Na+ ions flow other effects: • vasodilation (sympathetic nerve fibres blockade) • class I antiarrhythmic drugs (influence on Na+ channels in myocardium) LA - chemical structure • amphiphilic substances: • aromatic group is lipophilic • nitrogen group is hydrophilic (ionizable) - connected via ester or amide bond (ester-type and amide-type of LA; exception - benzocaine) • LA are weak bases, pKa = 8-9 • their efficacy depends on pH – ionized/non-ionized • higher pH = increased efficacy– more molecules are nonionized = increased penetration to nerve fibres • low pH = less effective, e.g. in tissues with inflammation LA - pharmacokinetics • absorption - depends on drug concentration, on the site of administration, dose, blood perfusion and physical-chemical properties of drug • distribution – in the whole body, deposits in adipose tissues, amides strong binding to plasma proteins • biotransformation – plasmatic esterases are involved (fast, ester LA) or hepatic metabolism via CYP (slower, amide LA) • excretion of metabolites - kidneys Vasoconstrictory agents • additives for lowering systemic toxicity • compensation of vasodilation induced by LA • shortening time of onset • increased duration of analgesia (delayed diffusion of LA) in acral parts with caution – risk of ischemic necrosis adrenaline, ev. noradrenaline, derivatives of vasopressin LA - administration routes delivery techniques • topical (surface) anesthesia - transdermal penetration of LA - solution, gel, cream - mucosa, cornea, esophagus, respiratory tract, decubitus - often used in urology (catheterization) and before other painful instrumental procedures • infiltration anesthesia subcutanous, submucosal, intraarticular - blocks nerve conduction near their site of administration - low concentrations of LA and vasoconstrictory agents - often used for minor surgical and dental procedures LA - delivery techniques • conduction anesthesia - peripheral - local anesthetic nerve block single treatments, multiple injections over a period of time, or continuous infusions - central - always without a vasoconstrictory agent • epidural anesthesia • subarachnoideal anesthesia (spinal) LA - delivery techniques central conduction anesthesia • epidural anesthesia - postoperative analgesia, analgesia in obstetrics - regional anesthesia (cervical, thoracic, or lumbar) • subarachnoideal anesthesia (spinal block) - intrathecal administration of LA, must be injected below L2 to avoid piercing the spinal cord - limited to procedures involving most structures below the upper abdomen. - without vasoconstrictory agent • intravenous regional anesthesia (Bier block) - trimecaine 1% - lidocaine 0,5 % - for surgical procedures on extremities - quick onset and inhibition of motor functions - exsanguination of the limb (elevation + tourniquets) - procedures max. up to 2 hrs (risk of ischaemia) - no postoperative analgesia LA - delivery techniques Ester type of LA cocaine • medical use from 1884 • natural compound, isolated from leaves of Erythroxylon coca • central psychostimulant with high risk of addiction • for surface anesthesia • today rarely for LA for paracentesis – Bonain‘s solution IPP (precription with blue stripe) Ester types of LA procaine • the oldest sythetic LA (1905) • slow onset, short duration • for infiltration and conduction anesthesia tetracaine • fast onset • high systemic toxicity – only for surface anesthesia of oral cavity and throat (combined with chlorhexidine) benzocaine ethyl ester of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) • only for topical anesthesia of oral cavity, ear and throat (available in combination with antiseptics, OTC drugs) Amide types of LA trimecaine • universal, for all types of local anesthesia • used also as the class I antiarrhythmic drug lidocaine (syn. xylocaine and lignocaine) • universal LA for surface, infiltration and conduction anesthesia • class I antiarrhythmic drug in patents treated with betalytics, Ca2+ channel blockers and in patients with epilepsy doses of trimecaine and lidocaine must be halved Amide type of LA mepivacaine • in dentistry, in patients with KI of catecholamines articaine • used in dentistry • fast onset, long effect bupivacaine • all typer of local anesthesia • cardiotoxic levobupivacaine • lower cardiovascular toxicity and neurotoxicity Amide type of LA ropivacaine • amide type of anesthetic • for all types of anesthesia except subarachnoidal prilocaine • surface anesthesia EMLA • spinal anesthesia for short surgical procedures cinchocaine (dibucaine) • surface (topical) anesthesia • (spinal anesthesia) LA - according to their efficacy • weak procaine, benzocaine • intermediate trimecaine, lidocaine • strong tetracaine, articaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine Toxic effects of LA CNS Excitation Inhibition tonic-clonic seizures Areflexia Respiratory failure Coma Cardiovascular system Hypotension Arythmia Bradycardia Alergic symptoms more in esters than in amides, anaphylactic reaction Vasoconstrictor toxicity local hypoxia up to necrosis (acral parts), celkově restlessness, tachycardia, hypertension Methemoglobinaemia because of metabolite (o-toluidine) cumulation Alergic and anaphylactic reaction to LA symptoms: • pruritus • urticaria • swellings • anaphylactic shock- restlessness, anxiety, breathlessness, vomiting • Quincke‘s oedema – without inflammation, fast onset in face, affecting lips, face and throat ( suffocation!!) therapy: • adrenaline 1mg in 10 ml of saline i.v. • oxygen and infusion 5% glucose with noradrenaline • hydrocortisone i.v. • antihistamines • in case of respiratory failure, keep free airways, artificial respiratory ventilation Systemic toxic reaction to LA symptoms: (most often till 15 min from LA administration): • restlessness, hand tingling, hot or cold, nausea, vertigo, cold sweat • tachypnoe • tremor, fasciculations, seizures • tachycardia, increased blood pressure in the beginning with the subsequent decrease, unconsciousness, bradycardia • in the final phase respiratory and cardivascular failure therapy: • lay down patient, oxygen in respiratory insufficiency • thiopental or diazepam i.v. in seizures • slow adrenaline i.v. if critical decrease of BP • resuscitation in respiratory and cardiac failure