Unit 6 Respiratory system Task 1 Revision of tenses Use the prompts to make questions. Then ask your partner. - the course/ start - your English/ get better - study English for midwives/ how long - cover/ topics/ so far - do/ the topic of anatomy/ yet - study English/ before this course - practise/ vocabulary/ injuries/ last lesson - do the credit test/ November Task 2 Parts of the respiratory system Complete the gaps with suitable words. As we breathe, oxygen enters the nose or (1) …………….. and passes the sinuses, which are hollow spaces in the skull. Sinuses help regulate the (2) …………………. and humidity of the air we breathe. The (3) …………………., also called the windpipe, filters the air that is inhaled. It branches into the (4) ………………, which are two tubes that carry air into each lung. The bronchial tubes are lined with tiny hairs called cilia. Cilia move back and forth, carrying mucus up and out. Mucus, a sticky fluid, collects dust, germs and other matter that has invaded the lungs. We expel mucus when we sneeze, (5) ………………, spit or swallow. The bronchial tubes lead to the lobes of the lungs. Lobes are filled with small, spongy sacs called (6) ………………, and this is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. The alveolar walls are extremely (7) …………. (about 0.2 micrometers). These walls are composed of a single layer of tissues called epithelial cells and tiny blood vessels called pulmonary capillaries. The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the right (8) …………….. to the lungs. The blood here passes through capillaries adjacent to alveoli and becomes oxygenated as part of the process of (9) ……………. . (http://www.livescience.com/22616-respiratory-system.html) Task 3 Form adjectives from the following nouns: lungs - p_____ bronchus- b_______ respiration- r__________ alveolus - a____________ trachea - t_________ nose - n___________ thorax- t________ diaphragm - d___________ Task 4 Check up at the doctor’s A) Read the text about a cough and complete the words: phlegm crackles productive dry cough up stained loose non-productive wheezes noticed auscultation gave up breath back smoke heavily Cough is a common symptom of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and lung disease. A cough may be ____________ where the patient coughs up sputum, or ____________ where there is no sputum. A productive cough is often described as ____________ and a non-productive cough as _____________. Sputum (or _____________) may be clear or white (mucoid), yellow due to the presence of pus (purulent), or blood- __________ (as in haemoptysis). A doctor is examining a patient who is complaining of a cough. Doctor: How long have you had the cough? Mr Hamilton: Oh, for years. Doctor: Do you smoke? Mr H.: I used to _______________, but I __________ a year ago. D: Do you __________ any phlegm? H: Yes. D: What colour is it? H: Usually yellow. D: Have you ever ___________ any blood in it? H: No, I haven’t. D: Any problems with your breathing? H: Yes, I get very short of breath. I have to stop halfway up the stairs to get my ________. __________ (listening to the chest with a stethoscope may reveal the presence of sounds, apart from the normal breath sound, there are two main kinds of added sounds: · ________, which sound like hairs being rubbed together and suggest the presence of fluid in the lungs · ________, which are more musical sounds, like whistling and indicate narrowing of the airways. The sound of an asthma patient’s breathing is also called wheeze. The sound heard when the pleural surfaces are inflamed, as in pleurisy, is called a pleural rub. B) Read the dialogue between the doctor and Mr. Hamilton with your partner aloud, then write how the dialogue will continue. C) Make word combinations: Blood cough Breath rub Deep tract Pleural stained Productive sounds Respiratory breath D) Rewrite the questions using words that are better known to patients a) Is your cough productive? b) What colour is the sputum? c) Is it ever purulent? d) Have you ever had haemoptysis? e) Do you suffer from dyspnoea? Task 5 Listening (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inmop4Kv8PI) Before you listen: Talk to your partner: What is snoring and what is it caused by? Do you snore? Watch and then answer the questions: What causes snoring? When does obstructive sleep apnea occur? What can be done to get rid of these problems? Watch again and complete the gaps: When you breathe, air travels through your nose, down the throat, through the windpipe and into your lungs. The ……………….. part of that pathway is in the back of your throat. When you´re awake, muscles keep that pathway relatively wide open. But when you sleep, those muscles …………., allowing the opening to narrow. The air passing through this narrowed opening may cause the soft palate to ………………. . This causes snoring. In some people the throat closes so much that enough air can´t get through to the lungs. When this happens, the brain sends an ……..………. to open the airway. Most often this is associated with a brief arousal from sleep. The brain quickly …………… the muscles that hold the throat open. The air gets through again and the brain goes back to sleep. This ……………… is called obstructive sleep apnea. Procedures to ………………. or shorten the soft palate can improve snoring. Procedures that open the airway in the back of the throat can improve sleep apnea. Task 6 Relative Clauses A) Transform these sentences using a relative pronoun. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. The girl_______ The patient is no longer here. The consultant wanted to see her. The patient_________ Where is the syringe? It was in this box. Where ____________ Have you bought the ointment? You wanted it. Have ________ I know a couple of people. They suffer from asthma. I know __________ The obstetrician is talking to a woman – do you know her? Do you know ________ Here are the books. I was looking for them. Here ________ I did not get a job. The job was advertised in Newsweek. I did not _____________ B) Complete what or that. a) ______ happened was my fault. b) Everything ______ happened was my fault. c) The device ______ broke down is working again. d) Did you hear _____ they said? e) I gave her all the money ______ I had. f) _______ = the thing(s) that C) Complete the following sentences, use more options where possible. a) Lungs are the organs __________ help us breathe. b) The amount of oxygen __________ people inhale can be measured. c) Louis Pasteur was a French microbiologist __________ discovered the principles of vaccination. d) The donor __________ kidney was removed has recovered quickly. f) He is one of the scientists __________ I admire the most. g) This is his third book, the publication __________ made such an impression. h) A hospital is a place __________ sick people are treated. m) The people _______ I work with are terminally ill.