Medical Latin(aBFLT011; autumn term 2016) Guarantee´s instructions– course requirements and rules STUDY MATERIALS 1) Prucklová, R. – Severová, M.: Introduction to Latin and Greek Terminology in Medicine. Praha: KLP,2012 (Unit1-7) 2) "Drill" on the IS( The application enables students topractice pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarcovered in Introduction to Latin and Greek Terminology in Medicine, UNIT 1-7. Themanual to the application is included in Study materials of your subject as a specific file called “DRILL Manual”. 3) Teachers’ own materials(e.g.hand-outs,presentations,activitycards)which are going to be periodically uploaded on the IS in Study materials of your subject. TESTING Type of testing Dates of the tests Content of testing Pass mark Method of tests rating 1st partial test app. in the 5th week of the winter period (the exact date will be specified at least one week before the test) Nouns and adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declensions (unit 1-3) 60% The partial tests are designed to help students to asses their knowledge regularly. In the event of failure in the partial test, the student is not loosing her/his chance to pass the written part of the exam test, and this is the reason, why there are NO resits of partial tests. However, each successfully written partial test automa-­‐tically enhances student´s chances to succeed in thewrriten part of the exam as the final pass mark is lowered by 5% each time. Considering the fact that the exam test is a very complex test anticipating the extensive knowledge of the subject, we strongly recommend students to take advantage of lowering their pass mark of the exam test by successful completion of the partial tests. 2nd partial test app. in the 8th week of the winter period (the exact date will be specified at least one week before the test) Nouns of the 3rd declension (unit 4-6) 60% Written part of the exam app. in the 15th week of the winter period (the exact date will be specified at least one week before the test) Nouns of the 4th and 5th declensions, adjectives of the 3rd declension and coplex testing of the curriculum (unit 7-8, 11-13) 50% If successful in both partial tests 55% If successful in one partial tests 60% If not successful in any if the partial tests COMMON RULES FOR TESTING 1. Allstudentsaresittingalltheirtestsin his/hergroup only. 2. No way of cheating will be tolerated! If a student is caught cheating at a test he/she automatically fails and further consequences will be drawn from his/her behavior. 3. Allstudents have to sit the exam testin the15th weekof the term(January 2nd -6th 2017). 4. Resits of the exam test will take place only during the exam period, i. e. from January 9th 2017 to February 17th 2017. 5. The number of possible exam test resits is two. 6. Thedatesand numberof resits set by theteacherbeforethe exam period are final, it means no other dates will be added during the examperiod orlater. ACCESS TO THE PARTIAL TESTS AND CREDIT TEST RESULTS • Results of thetests will be available to students in the Notebookon the IS. • The student’s results will be given in percentage together with the pass mark. • The student will have the access to his/her tests during his/her teacher’s officehours or by prior e-mail arrangement. ABSENCES + CLASS SUBSTITUTIONS 1. Your absences are goingtobe electronicallyregistered inthe IS. In order tobe sure you have been registered as present in the class, be punctual, the attendance is always checked immediately after the beginningof theclass. 2. We can tolerate one unexcused absence only; all further absences have to be properly excused via the Study Department. 3. Unexcused absences are regularly recorded in the Notebook on the IS, and students having these records cannot sit the exam test. 4. The student maysubstitute a classonly by a special appointment agreed with a teacher. 5. The substitution is not possible in theweek forwhichapartialtest or the credit test has been planned. NOTE! MEDICAL LATIN IN THE AUTUMN TERM IS A PREREQUISITE FOR MANY SUBJECTS IN THE SECOND SEMESTER. THESE GUARANTEE’S INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE IS. Student’s signature: Student’sgroup: Date: