Unit 6: Latin nouns of the 4,h and the 5,h declension. -U- and-E^Jtems_ f VOCABULARY $ abortus, us, m. abscessus, us, m. acusticus, a, um aditus, us, m. apparatus, us, m. arcus, us, m. aromaticus, a, um asthenicus, a, urn asthmaticus, a, urn auditus, us, m. caesareus, a, urn Calvities, ei, f. canities, ei, f. caries, ei, f. choledochus, a, um circulatorius, a, um collapsus, us, m. completus, a, um concha, ae, f. cornu, us, n. cruciatus, a, um decubitus, us, m. decursus, us, m. dies, ei, f. (m). digestorius, a, urn dolorosus, a, urn ductus, us, m. e, ex (+ 6th) effectus, us, m. epilepticus, a, urn exitus, us, m. facies, ei, f. fetus, us, m. gangraenosus, a, urn gangrenous gargarisma, atis, n. gargling water genu, us, n. abortion, miscarriage abscess acoustic aditus, entering, entrance apparatus, system, tract arcus, arch, bow aromatic asthenic asthmatic audition, hearing, sense/organ of hearing caesarean (section, operation) alopecia, baldness canities (premature graying or whitening of hair) necrosis, dental decay, caries choledochus, common bile duct circulatory collapse complete concha (of the ear) horn, hornlike structure cruciate, crossed decubitus, bedsore, pressure ulcer/wound description of the course/development of an illness day digestive painful duct, canal off, from, from the inside out, because of, due to effect epileptic death face, surface f(o)etus, unborn young genu valgum, pi. genua valga genu varum, knee, knee-like structure knock-knee(s) (X-shaped) bowleg(s) pi. genua vara gustus, us, m. habitus, us, m. hepaticus, a, urn Hippocraticus, a, urn infarctus, us, m. manus, us, f. materies, ei, f. meatus, us, m. morsus, us, m. myocardium, ii, n. nervosus, a, um neurosis, is, f. nocturnus, a, um obstructio, nis, f. olfactus, us, m. partus, us, m. planus, a, um plexus, us, m. postoperativus, a, um praematurus, a, um processus, us, m. prolapsus, us, m. pulsus, us, m. rabies, ei, f. rarus, a, um scabies, ei, f. sensus, us, m. serpens, ntis, m. sinus, us, m. situs, us, m. species, ei, f. species, erum, f. spinosus, a, um status, us, m. subitus, a, um tactus, us, m. tern pus, oris, n. (O-shaped) taste, gustatory sense habit, habitus hepatic, related to the liver Hippocratic infarction hand matter, material meatus, channel, canal bite myocardium, muscular tissue of the heart nervous neurosis, a functional mental disorder nocturnal obstruction olfaction, smell, sense of smell, rhin(a)esthesia delivery, giving birth plane network postoperative, after operation premature, precocious process, projection or outgrowth prolapse, falling down or slipping out of place of an organ pulse rabies rare, seldom scabies (skin disease) sense snake channel for the passage of blood or lymph, hollow in the bone, hollow site, situation species mixture of dried plants spinous, with many spines state, condition quickly appearing touch, the sense/organ of touch temple, time Unit 6: Latin nouns of the 4th and the 5,h declension. -U- and -E- stems ■ 31 tractus, us, m. tract, path, way, system, valgus, a, um apparatus varuS( a< um bent or twisted inwards bent or twisted outwards vision, sight, sense/ organ of vision vomit transversus, a, um transversal urologicus, a, um urologic usus, us, m. use, habit uterinus, a, um uterine visus, us, m. vomitus, us, m. LIVING PHRASES Lapsus calami. Lapsus linguae. In spe. In situ. Fletus et stridor dentium. Tremor et dentium crepitus. Nulla dies sine linea. Ad u sum internum, externum. Manu propria. In medias res. Vocabulary to Living phrases: lapsus, us, m. = slipping, mistake; calamus, i, m. = pen; proprius, a, um - own; res, rei, f. = thing, matter; spes, spei, f. = hope; fletus, us, m. = weeping; wailing; stridor, oris, m. = gnashing; tremor, oris, m. - tremor, shivering; crepitus, us, m. = grinding (one's teeth), grating; nullus, a, um = none