ì Latin and greek prefixes + suffixes Based on presentation by E. Dávidová Decide whether the following statements are true or false: Statement answer 1) Dis- is used for “a disorder”, and dys- for “division”, “removal/loss” and “negation”. T/F 2) The Latin equivalent to the prefix endo- is extra-. T/F 3) The prefix ana- has two meanings: “division” and “again” (e.g. anatomia, anamnesis). T/F 4) The prefix af- is a variety of the prefix ab- (e.g. vasa afferentia). T/F 5) The prefixes ante- and anti- have the same meanings. T/F 6) The prefix hyper- means “deficient” or “decreased”. T/F 7) The prefix dia- has three meanings: “division”, “through” and “between” (e.g. diagnosis, diameter, diaphragma). T/F Decide whether the following statements are true or false: Statement answer 1) It is possible to distinguish noun and adjective suffixes (e.g. obesitas, tonsillaris). T/F 2) The ending of the suffix determines the declension (e.g. arthrosis, flexura, ligamentum). T/F 3) The diminutive is a word which relates to an object of the bigger size. T/F 4) The diminutive always keeps the gender of the word which it comes from (e.g. canalis – canaliculus). T/F 5) It does not matter whether the suffix –alis or –aris is used to express relation to the noun. T/F 6) The suffix –or has the meaning of an “agent” and is usually used to name bones. T/F ì ìa/an- ìperi- ìepi-/ep- ìpost- ìsuper- ìpara-/par- ìcata- ì at, near to from up to down after, behind around at, on, over negation MATCH THE PREFIXES WITH THEIR MEANING: ì-iasis ì-alis ì-icus ì-atus ì-itas ì-ia ì-oma ì-itis ì-osus ì ì ì isease full of relation (a Latin suffix) equipped with Inflammation state disease/pathological state relation (a Greek suffix) tumour MATCH THE SUFFIXES WITH THEIR MEANING: -alis -aris -inus -eus -aneus -icus -arius USE THE SUFFIXES TO DERIVE ADJECTIVES FROM NOUNS: -alis -aris -inus -eus -aneus -icus -arius DERIVE TERMS FOR INFLAMMATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANS: ìThyreos (shield): ìGlandula thyroidea ì ìSkafe (boat): ìOs scaphoideum ì ìXifos (sword): ìProcessus xiphoideus FORM ADJECTIVES WITH MEANING “SIMILAR TO”: ìSigma (Greek letter Σ): ìColon sigmoideum ì ìPteryx, gen. pterygos (wing): ìProcessus pterygoideus ì ìLambda (Greek letter Λ): ìSutura lambdoidea Divide each term into its components. Write these components into boxes in the table. You may not need all of the boxes provided: terms prefix root 1 root 2 suffix 1 suffix 2 periorbitalis graviditas cholelithiasis posttraumaticus superficialis parotis catarrhalis epigastricus anaemia IM- -NEPHR- DYS- -IA -ITIS- -ALIS -ITAS -CELL- -PEPS- -MUN- SUB- -CAPIT- -UL- -ARIS INTRA- PERI- FORM FIVE TERMS BY COMBINING THE FOLLOWING PREFIXES/ROOTS/SUFFIXES: