19 Evolution II According to Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Basic cellular mechanism Endogenous activity Basic cellular mechanism Endogenous activity Irritability Basic cellular mechanism Endogenous activity Irritability Movement Basic cellular mechanism Endogenous activity Irritability Movement Secretion Basic cellular mechanism Endogenous activity Irritability Movement Secretion Integrative activity Integrative activity Input ■>> Integration > Output A. Myoepithelium: contractile epithelial cells responding to stimulation and interconnected by electrical synapses (gap junctions) B. Protomyocytes separate from sensory epithelium, all connected by electrical synapses D. Neurons appear, separate from both neurosensory cells and contractile cells. Chemical synapses appear. C. Protoneurons appear, sensory and connected to separate contractile cells Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MITOpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Integrative activity Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MITOpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Integrative activity Stimulus - response model - Based on philosophy of Rene Descartes - action-reaction http://wwwJrontiersin.org/files/Articles/122536/fnana-08-00133-HTML/image_m/fnana-08-00133-g001.jpg Integrative activity Stimulus - response model - Based on philosophy of Rene Descartes - action-reaction - Reflex pathway first described by Ramon y Cajal - Pavlov demonstrated that refxles are plastic - could be changed by learning r B 4* B -J* http://wwwJrontiersin.org/files/Articles/122536/fnana-08-00133-HTML/image_m/fnana-08-00133-g001.jpg Inadequacy of S-R model When Karl Lashley saw slides of frog's brain, he told „lf I could use this kind of material to see all of the connections, it would be possible to explain the frog's behavior" Inadequacy of S-R model • When Karl Lashley saw slides of frog's brain, he told „lf I could use this kind of material to see all of the connections, it would be possible to explain the frog's behavior" • Rapid movements (e.g. horse gallop) - reaction times are to slow to explain it by s-r model • There must be central programs controlling the movements Inadequacy of S-R model • When Karl Lashley saw slides of frog's brain, he told „lf I could use this kind of material to see all of the connections, it would be possible to explain the frog's behavior" • Rapid movements (e.g. horse gallop) - reaction times are to slow to explain it by s-r model • There must be central programs controlling the movements • Endogenous activity also does not fit S-R model (motivational system may initiate motor activity independently of external stimuli) Basics of behavior enabling survival * Multipurpose movements - The most basic actions of individual organisms > Locomotion: to approach or to avoid something > Orienting: towards or away from something > Exploring/foraging/seeking (includes the first two plus motivation) Basics of behavior enabling survival * Multipurpose movements - The most basic actions of individual organisms > Locomotion: to approach or to avoid something > Orienting: towards or away from something > Exploring/foraging/seeking (includes the first two plus motivation) * Background (maintenance) activity - respiration, temperature regulation, postural reflexes Basics of behavior enabling survival * Multipurpose movements - The most basic actions of individual organisms > Locomotion: to approach or to avoid something > Orienting: towards or away from something > Exploring/foraging/seeking (includes the first two plus motivation) * Background (maintenance) activity - respiration, temperature regulation, postural reflexes * Motivation Head receptors and forward locomotion - sophisticated sensorimotor abilities • Sensory analyzing mechanisms - Connected to inputs from cranial nerves Head receptors and forward locomotion - sophisticated sensorimotor abilities * Sensory analyzing mechanisms - Connected to inputs from cranial nerves * Associated motor apparatus - For directing the receptors (orienting movements) - For controlling alterations in posture and locomotion under guidance from these receptors CNS structures • New sensory apparatus at rostral end of the tube - Hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain mechanisms connected to head receptors are added to primitive spinal somatosensory mechanisms CNS structures • New sensory apparatus at rostral end of the tube - Hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain mechanisms connected to head receptors are added to primitive spinal somatosensory mechanisms Added motor control - Hindbrain & midbrain: Control of mouth, eyes, ears, head turning, added to basic spinal & hindbrain control of the body CNS structures • New sensory apparatus at rostral end of the tube - Hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain mechanisms connected to head receptors are added to primitive spinal somatosensory mechanisms • Added motor control - Hindbrain & midbrain: Control of mouth, eyes, ears, head turning, added to basic spinal & hindbrain control of the body • Forebrain vesicle evolves - Olfactory & visual inputs - Endocrine & visceral control CNS structures • New sensory apparatus at rostral end of the tube - Hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain mechanisms connected to head receptors are added to primitive spinal somatosensory mechanisms • Added motor control - Hindbrain & midbrain: Control of mouth, eyes, ears, head turning, added to basic spinal & hindbrain control of the body • Forebrain vesicle evolves - Olfactory & visual inputs - Endocrine & visceral control Evolution of the brain Neural tube Locomotion Rostral receptors Fig. 4-1 F 14* c F=forebrain M=midbrain H=hindbrain C=spinal cord olf = olfactory SS = somatosensory vestib = vestibular (Examples of cranial nerve inputs) Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Evolution of the brain Expansion of hindbrain (Rhombencefalon - Medula oblongata, pons Varoli, cerebellum) Input - Information form head sensors Output - Motor system (Fixed action pattern -reflex/instinct behavior) Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Evolution of the brain • Expansoin of forebrain 1 (Prosencephalon - diencephalon, telencephalon) (simultaneously with hindbrain) • Input - Olfaction (Approach/avoidance) • Output - Motor system (via corpus striatum) forebrain Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Evolution of the brain Expansoin of forebrain 1 (Prosencephalon - diencephalon, telencephalon) (simultaneously with hindbrain) forebrain Input - Olfaction (Approach/avoidance) Output - Motor system (via corpus striatum) a olfactory bulb b connection in primitive corpus striatum The striatal connections were plastic: They etui Id be strengthened or weakened, depending on experience. Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Evolution of the brain Expansion of midbrain Input - Vision, sense of hearing (distant senses) Output - Motor system (Approach - contralateral m.) (Avoidance - ipsilateral m.) Advantage - Speed - Acuity Endbrain tweenbrain Midbrain Anti-predator behavior: turning away from stimulus Orienting: turning of head & eyes toward stimulus Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Evolution of the brain Expansoin of forebrain 2 (Prosencephalon - diencephalon, telencephalon) Input - Nonolfactory systems connected to forebrain - Mainly vision and hearing Advantage - Plastic connections of forebrain Thalamus - Gating (Corpus striatum and cortex) Optic lobes of midbrain Cerebellum Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Evolution of the brain Expansoin of forebrain 3 Neocortica expansion Simultaneous expansion of - Neostiratum - Neocerebellum Advantage - „High resolution" information processing - Anticipation Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), http://ocw.mit.edu (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Learning and memory Connections of striatum and hippocampus are plastis^^Znort Plasticity is a base of learning \N°tVk ^vJ\" Learning is a forming of long- term memory Declarative memory (explicit) - Based on hippocampus - Explicit information is stored and later recollected - ^Construction of the maps (relationships)" - spatial or abstract Location oriented: Where am I and what has happened here? Procedural memory (implicit) - Based on striatum - Habitual learning - motor skills, but also social habits - ^Construction of the algorithms" Object oriented: Can I eat it and how to eat it? The role of nervous system ANTICIPATION Cortex - Potential input Potential output -Cortex ^^^^ Integration Receptor- Input Output - Effector REGULATION