Anatomy Microscopic anatomy Hormones and target tissues Anteriorlobe(adenohypophysis) pars distalis a. carotis int.  aa. hypophysiales sup.  primary capillary plexus in eminentia mediana receives neurosecretions from hypothalamus  vv. portales hypophysiales distribute neurosecretions to  secondary capillary plexus in anterior lobe  efferent hypophyseal veins  vv. jugulares internae trabecular epithelium in cords and clusters, reticular fibers chromophobes undifferentiated cells degranulated chromophilic cells stromal cells lack hormonal activity chromophils acidophilic nonglandotropic mammotropic cells smallpolypeptides dopamin (PIH)  (PRF  prolactin mammary gland in gravidity and lactations somatotropic cells somatostatin (GHIH)  GHRH  somatotropin (STH) directly liver and growth plates other tissues via somatomedins basophilic glandotropic corticotropic cells glycoproteins CRH  ACTH, MSH adrenal cortex  cortisol melanocytespars tuberalis thyrotropic cells TRH  TSH thyroid  thyroxin, T3 pars intermedia Rathke’s cysts gonadotropic cells GnRH  FSH (ICSH), LH gonads  androgens, estrogens, progesterone Posteriorlobe (neurohypophysis) eminentia mediana  infundibulum a. carotis int.  aa. hypophysiales inf.  fenestrated capillaries  efferent hypophyseal veins nonmyelinated axons of hypothalamic neurons n. supraopticus, n. paraventricularis (tractus hypothalamohypophysialis), pituicytes smallpeptides ADH tubulus reuniens, ductus colligens of vessels oxytocin myometrium of uterus during gravidity myoepithelium of lactating mammary gland pars nervosa