General myology RNDr. Michaela Račanská, Ph.D. Lecture 9 – DENTISTRY – Autumn 2016 General function of muscle *produces movement in sites of skeletal junctions *changes shapes and dimensions of various body cavities and openings *gives important information about the body position in threedimensional space *important role during thermoregulation *helps to blood and lymph circulation * verbal and non verbal comunication * about 600 muscles (♂ 35%, ♀ 32%) * logistic system (supports respiration, digestion…) There are three different types of muscle: 1) Skeletal: striated muscle fibers that are attached to bone and are responsible for movements of the skeleton (sometimes simplistically referred to as voluntary muscle – work under control of our will, spent a lot of energy, produce heat ( musculi sceleti + skin muscles (musculi cutanei) 2) Cardiac: striated muscle fibers that make up the walls of the heart and proximal portions of the great vessels (myocardium) 3) Smooth (visceral): nonstriated muscle fibers that line various organs, attach to hair follicles, and line the walls of most blood vessels (sometimes simplistically referred to as involuntary musclework without our will, without fatigue) SKELETAL MUSCLES (Muscles - an active part of the locomotor system) Skeletal muscle is divided into fascicles (bundles), which are composed of muscle fibers (muscle cells). The muscle fiber cells contain longitudinally oriented myofibrils that run the full length of the cell. Each myofibril is composed of many myofilaments, which are composed of individual myosin (thick filaments) and actin (thin filaments) that slide over one another during muscle contraction. Striated fibres – endomysium Primary and secondary muscle bundles – perimysium internum Surface of muscle perimysium externum – fascia propria musculi Caput (head) Venter (belly) Cauda (tail) Common structure of muscle Origo (origin) Proximal part (more fixed) Fascia Tendo, aponeurosis Insertio (insertion) – distal part, more movable) INSERTIO ORIGO tendo fascia Structure of muscle fibrous membrane – fascia – separates the muscles (or groups) from adjacent structures. Vessels and nerves enter into muscle by its hilus (rich ramification) Tendons are attached to the bones by Sharpey´s fibres Vessels and nerves of the muscles Hilus – vessels and nerves Sensory innervation – muscle and tendon spindles Motor innervation – motor plate Auxiliary facilities of muscles • Fascias – allow to move one muscle against the other • Synovial bursae – protect muscle tendons against friction • Tendons, aponeurosis • Muscular trochleae – fibrous loops keeping tendon to bone, permit change of direction of muscle pulling • Sesamoid bones – at the places of pressure • Tendon sheats – vaginae tendinum Auxiliary facilities – tendon sheaths = vaginae tendinum Along the tendons, closed, increasing sliding capacity of tendons Fibrous layer = stratum fibrosum (Osteofibrous canal) Synovial layer = stratum synoviale (ext. and int. layer with mesotenonium for penetration of vessels into tendon) Division of muscles according to the shape •long type (predominantly limb muscles) • flat type of muscles , paralel fibers, flat sheath, flat tendon – aponeurosis (abdominal wall muscles) •short type of muscles (circumarticular muscles) •Circular muscles (sphincters, around openings) •Composed: •biceps, begins with two heads (triceps, quadriceps) •digastric muscle – musculus digastricus (multibellied muscle) •unipennate muscles or multipennate muscles – feathered apereabce Division of muscles according to the function synergists x antagonists flexors x extensors biceps of brachium x triceps of brachium abductors x adductors abductor pollicis brevis x adductor pollicis dilatators x sphincters eg. dilatator pupillae x sphincter pupillae Cranial nerves ( III. – XII.) Spinal nerves (31 pairs) Dorsal branches Ventral branches (form plexus) Innervation of muscles (motor, sensory) Cervical plexus Brachial plexus Intercostal nerves Lumbar plexus Sacral plexus Muscle forms together with nerve a functional unit (motor fibers of α motoneurons). They finish at motor plates in the muscle. Information about the stage of length and tonus of muscle give sensory tracts (nerve endings as tendon ´s and muscle´s corpuscles). Tonus (tone of muscles) is state of excitability of the nervous system controlling skeletal muscles (the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles). The maintenance of tone depends upon impulses reaching brain and spinal cord from sensory endings in the muscles, tendons and joints. It helps to maintain upright. Tone is abolished by anesthesia (increased tone – spasticity, decreased tone – flaccidity). Muscles of head Muscles of neck Muscles of thorax Muscles of abdomen Muscles of diaphragma pelvis Muscles of back Muscles of the upper limb Muscles of the lower limb Division of muscles according to topography SPECIAL MYOLOGY Description of the muscle: Origo - origin Insertio - insertion Functio – function/action Inervatio - innervation Used pictures come from: Moore, K. L. (1992): Clinical oriented anatomy. Third edition. Williams&Wilkins, A Waverly Company. Gilroy, A. M. et all. (2009): Atlas of Anatomy. Thieme New York, Stuttgart. Putz, R. (2008): Atlas of Human Anatomy Sobotta. Elsevier Books. Platzer, W., Kahle, W., Leonhardt H. (1992): Locomotor system. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 4th edition. Čihák, R. (1987): Anatomie 1. Avicenum, Zdravotnické nakladatelství.