CARDIAC MECHANICS CARDIAC CYCLE HEART FAILURE PASSIVE STRETCH ACTIVE STRETCH STARLING PRINCIPLE (heterometric autoregulation) AFTERLOADED CONTRACTION PRELOAD, AFTERLOAD Length – tension relationship EJECTION FRACTION LAPLACE LAW T = P. r / h P = T . h / r HYPERTROPHY 1. T = VO2 2. h I. III.II. IV. I. – mitral (+ tricuspidal) valve closure II. - aortal (+ pulmonary) valve closure III. - fast filling of ventricles - pathological IV. - contraction of atria – mostly pathological Caused by vibration of: •Closure and stretching of valves •Izovolumic contraction of heart muscle (papill. muscles, tendons) •Turbulent blood flow Vibration of ventricular wall HEART SOUNDS MURMURS – pathological phenomena 1. SYSTOLIC: • Stenosis – aortal, pulmonary (1) • Regurgitation – mitral, tricuspidal (2) 2. DIASTOLIC: • Stenosis – mitral, tricuspidal (3) • Regurgitation – aortal, pulmonary (4) 3. SUSTAINED: • Defects of septum I. III.II. IV. Splitting of I. or II. sound: asynchronous closure of M - T valve (I.) or Ao - P valve (II.) (inspiration, hypertension….) TURBULENT BLOOD FLOW CARDIAC OUTPUT CO HR SV CO = HR x SV CORONARY FLOW EDV Venous return Compliance Aortal pressure LV = RV Starling law Frequency effect sympathetic, parasympathetic stimulation SV = EDV - ESV EF = EDV – ESV / EDV 5l/min 70ml >60% CARDIAC RESERVE = maximal CO / resting CO CORONARY RESERVE = maximal CF / resting CF CHRONOTROPIC RESERVE = maximal HR / resting HR VOLUME RESERVE = maximal SV / resting SV CARDIAC INDEX = CO / body surface 4 - 7 3,5 3 - 5 1,5 POLYGRAPHY (polygram) CARDIAC RESERVE CO (l/min) WORKLOAD (W/kg) ATHLETHS HEART PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE HEART FAILURE 1 2 3 4 10 30 20 HEART FAILURE The heart is not able pump sufficient amount of blood into periphery at normal venous return. MOST OFTEN CAUSES: • Severe arrhythmias • Overload – volume (aortal insufficiency, a-v shunts) or pressure (hypertension and aortal stenosis – left overload, pulmonary hypertension and stenosis of pulmonary valve – right overload) • Cardiomyopathy SYMPTOMS: fatigue, oedemas, venostasis, dyspnoea, cyanosis ACUTE x CHRONIC. COMPENSATED x DECOMPENSATED.