Urinary system  Ren  Calyx renalis  Ureter  Vesica urinaria  Urethra http://www.plushbeds.com/blog/wp- content/uploads/2013/04/urinary-system.jpg Kidney (ren, nephros) Capsula fibrosa Capsula adiposa Cortex: - cortex corticis - pars radiata corticis - columnae renales (Bertini) Medulla: - pyramides renales (10 – 18) - papillae renales - foramina papillaria in area cribrosa - medullary rays http://diagramreview.com/human-kidney-anatomy/ Kidney (ren), (HE) Renal corpuscles Distal tubule Proximal tubulesParietal layer of Bowman’s capsule Urinary space Urinary pole Vascular pole Filtration barrier Basal labyrinth thin segment of Henle’s loop thick segment of Henle’s loop Adipose tissue Transitional epithelium artery Calyx renalis (HE) Ureter (HES) Vesica urinaria (HE) Vesica urinaria transitional epithelium Urethra feminina (HE) Stratified squamous epithelium Venous plexus in lamina propria mucosae Penis – pars spongiosa urethrae masculinae (HE) Penis – pars spongiosa urethrae masculinae (HE) Stratified columnar epithelium URINARY SYSTEM Slides: 30. Ren (HE) 31. Ren (Weigert – van Gieson) 32. Calyx renalis (HE) 33. Ureter (HE) 34. Vesica urinaria (HE) 35. Urethra feminina (HE) 41. Penis – pars spongiosa urethrae masculinae (HE) Atlas EM: basal labyrinth (49) 21 Development of urinary system 21th – 28th day (nonfunctional) 4th – 8th week from 5th week Primitive gut Ureteric bud Metanephrogenic blastema 23 Neural tube Bowman’s capsule gut mesentery Tubule of mesonephros Metanephrogenic blastema Metanephrogenic blastema Collecting tubule Renal corpuscle Distal tubule Proximal tubule Loop of Henle Bowman’s capsule Loop of Henle Tubule of nephron Cloacal membrane Cloacal membrane cloaca Vesica urinaria