Thoracic Vertebrae - (T1 thru T12) The 12 segments of the vertebral column between the cervical and the lumbar vertebrae, giving attachment to the ribs and forming part of the posterior wall of the thorax. Symbols T1–T12.: Vertebrae take their names from the regions of the vertebral column that they occupy. There are thirty-three vertebrae in the human vertebral column— seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, five fused sacral vertebrae forming the sacrum three to five coccygeal vertebrae, forming the coccyx. In Latin they are: 1. Vertebra cervicalis prima, secunda, tertia, quarta, quinta, septima 2. Vertebra thoracica prima, secunda, tertia, quarta, quinta, septima, octava, nona, decima, undecima, duodecima 3. Vertebra lumbalis prima, secunda, tertia, quarta, quinta 4. Vertebra sacralis prima, secunda, tertia, quarta, quinta 5. Vertebra coccygea prima, secunda, tertia, (quarta, quinta)