Test 1 revision Decide whether the underlined words are nouns or adjectives: Ligamentum latum uteri Malleolus cum fractura aperta Ganglion trunci sympatici Truncus nervi accessorii Musculi dorsi Ramus dexter venae portae Cum medicamentis pro adultis In palato osseo Tuberculum olecarni Fossa olecrani In intestino crasso Fill in missing endings Ramus dext_ nervi Labi_ pallid_ (pl) Sub sign_ venen- In ligament- lat- (position) uter- Oculu dext- Fractura scapul- sinistr- Post insufficienti- valvul- aort- Medicament- (pl) pro adult- (pl) Translate: After the open fracture of ankle bone Because od lethal anaemia Signs of ruptures of muscles Fissure of scapula Branches of nerves The cause of atrophy Little hollow of the ankle