Pathophysiology of the respiratory system  Structural properties of airways and lungs Defense mechanisms of the respiratory system Respiration and gas exchange - ventilation & diffusion & perfusion Pulmonary mechanics Ventilation – perfusion (in)equality Control of ventilation The delicate structure-function coupling of lungs • The main role of the respiratory system is to extract oxygen from the external environment and dispose of waste gases, principally carbon dioxide – at the end of deep breath 80% of lung volume is air, 10% blood and 10% tissue • lung tissue spreads over an enormous area ! • The lungs have to provide – a large surface area accessible to the environment (tennis court area) for gas exchange – alveoli walls have to present minimal resistance to gas diffusion • Close contact with the external environment means lungs can be damaged by dusts, gases and infective agents – host defense is therefore a key priority for the lung and is achieved by a combination of structural and immunological means 3 Structure of airways • There are about 23 (18-30) divisions (223 i.e. approx. 8 millions of sacs) between the trachea and the alveoli – the first seven divisions, the bronchi have: • walls consisting of cartilage and smooth muscle • epithelial lining with cilia and goblet cells • submucosal mucus-secreting glands • endocrine cells - Kulchitsky or APUD (amine precursor and uptake decarboxylation) containing 5- hydroxytryptamine – the next 16-18 divisions the bronchioles have: • no cartilage • muscular layer progressively becomes thinner • a single layer of ciliated cells but very few goblet cells • granulated Clara cells that produce a surfactant-like substance 4 Wall structure of conducting conducting airways and alveolar region 5 Alveoli • There are approximately 300-400 million alveoli in each lung with the total surface area is 40 - 80m2 • Cell types of the epithelial lining – type I pneumocytes • an extremely thin cytoplasm, and thus provide only a thin barrier to gas exchange, derived from type II pneumocytes • connected to each other by tight junctions that limit the fluid movements in and out of the alveoli • easily damageable, but cannot divide! – type II pneumocytes • slightly more numerous than type I cells but cover less of the epithelial lining • the source of type I cells and surfactant – macrophages 6 Alveolo - capillary barrier • Alveolar epithelia – type I and II cells • Capillary endothelium – non-fenestrated • Intersticium – cells (very few!) • fibroblasts • contractile cells • immune cells (intersticial macrophages, mast cells, …) – ECM • elastin and collagen fibrils 7 Pulmonary vasculature and lymphatics 8 • Lungs are the only organ through which all the blood (CO) has to pass!!! • Lungs have a dual blood supply – deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle via the pulmonary artery – systemic (nutritional) supply throughout the bronchial circulation • arises from the descending aorta • bronchial arteries supply tissues down to the level of the respiratory bronchiole • bronchial veins drain into the pulmonary vein, forming part of the physiological shunt observed in normal individuals • Drainage is provided by the four main pulmonary veins (into the left atrium) • Lymphatics start in the interstitial space between the alveolar cells and the capillary endothelium of the pulmonary arterioles – the tracheobronchial lymph nodes are arranged in five main groups: • paratracheal, superior tracheobronchial, subcarinal, bronchopulmonary and pulmonary Defense mechanisms of the resp. tract • These can be divided into two kinds of mechanisms: – physical • humidification • particle removal – over 90% of particles greater than 10 μm diameter are removed in the nostril or nasopharynx (incl. most pollen grains which are typically >20 microns in diameter) – particles between 5 - 10 microns become impacted in the carina – particles smaller than 1 micron tend to remain • mucus • particle expulsion – by coughing, sneezing or gagging – immunological • humoral • cellular • Pulmonary disease often results from a failure of the many defense mechanisms that usually protect the lung in a healthy individual 9 The ciliated epithelium • Very important defense mechanism • Each cell contains approx. 200 cilia beating at 1000 beats per minute in organized waves of contraction • Each cilium consists of nine peripheral pairs and two inner longitudinal fibrils in a cytoplasmic matrix – nexin links join the peripheral pairs – dynein arms consisting of ATPase protein project towards the adjacent pairs. • Bending of the cilia results from a sliding movement between adjacent fibrils powered by an ATP-dependent shearing force developed by the dynein arms – congenital absence of dynein arms leads to immotile cilia. syndrome • Mucus, which contains macrophages, cell debris, inhaled particles and bacteria, is moved by the cilia towards the larynx at about 1.5 cm/min (the „mucociliary escalator“) 10 Respiratory tract secretions - mucus • gelatinous substance (5 mm thick) consisting of acid and neutral polysaccharides • relatively impermeable to water – mucus floats on a liquid or sol layer that is present around the cilia of the epithelial cells • secreted from goblet cells and mucous glands as distinct globules that coalesce increasingly in the central airways to form a more or less continuous mucus blanket • under normal conditions cilia are in contact with the under surface of the gel phase and coordinate their movement to push the mucus blanket upwards – it may only take 30-60 minutes for mucus to be cleared from the large bronchi – there may be a delay of several days before clearance is achieved from respiratory bronchioles • reduction in mucociliary transport – one of the major long-term effects of cigarette smoking • contributes to recurrent infection and in the larger airways it prolongs contact with carcinogens – air pollutants, local and general anaesthetics – bacterial and viral infections – congenital defects in mucociliary transport (characterized by recurrent infections and eventually with the development of bronchiectasis) • the 'immotile cilia' syndrome and cystic fibrosis: an abnormal mucus composition is associated with ciliary dyskinesia 11 Humoral defense mechanisms • Non-specific soluble factors – characteristic for lungs • α-Antitrypsin (α-antiprotease) – present in lung secretions derived from plasma – inhibits chymotrypsin and trypsin and neutralizes proteases and elastase • Surfactant protein A (SPA) – one of four species of surfactant proteins which opsonizes bacteria/particles, enhancing phagocytosis by macrophages – generally found on biological barriers • Lysozyme – an enzyme found in granulocytes that has bactericidal properties • Lactoferrin – synthesized from epithelial cells and neutrophil granulocytes and has bactericidal properties. • Interferon (produced by most cells in response to viral infection) – a potent modulator of lymphocyte function. It renders other cells resistant to infection by any other virus. • Complement – present in secretions and is derived by diffusion from plasma – in association with antibodies, it plays an important cytotoxic role • Defensins – bactericidal peptides present in the azurophil granules of neutrophils 12 Cellular defense mechanisms • Pulmonary alveolar macrophages – derived from precursors in the bone marrow and migrate to the lungs via the bloodstream – phagocytose particles, including bacteria, and are removed by the mucociliary escalator, lymphatics and bloodstream – dominant cell in the airways at the level of the alveoli • comprise 90% of all cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage – work principally as scavengers and are not particularly good at presenting antigens to the immune system • Dendritic cells – form a network throughout the airways and are thought to be the key antigenpresenting cell in the airway • Lymphoid tissue – the lung contains large numbers of lymphocytes which are scattered throughout the airways. Sensitized lymphocytes contribute to local immunity through differentiation into IgA-secreting plasma cells. IgG and IgE are found in low concentrations in airway secretions from a combination of local and systemic production. – In addition to these resident cells, the lung has the usual range of acute inflammatory responses and can mobilize neutrophils promptly in response to injury or infection and play a major part in inflammatory conditions such as asthma. 13 Summary – lung defense 14 Respiration and gas exchange in the lungs • ventilation = mechanical process – breathing in narrower meaning • diffusion = chemical process – through alveolo-cappilary barrier • perfusion = circulatory process – circulation of blood in lungs 15 (1) VENTILATION & PULMONARY MECHANICS 16 17 set by opposing recoil forces of the chest and lungs and the effort of respiratory muscles Mechanika dýchání • tlaky a tlakové gradienty – tlak na povrchu těla (Pbs), většinou totožný s atmosferickým (Pao) – tlak v alveolu (Palv) – „elastický“ tlak vyvíjený parenchymem plic a povrchovým napětím (Pel) – tlak v pleurální dutině (Ppl) – transpulmonální tlak = tlakový rozdíl mezi alveolem a pleurální dutinou (PL) • PL = Palv - Ppl – transtorakální tlak = rozdíl mezi alveoly a tělesným povrchem (Prs), určuje zda probíhá inspirium nebo expirium • Prs = Palv - Pbs 18 Ventilation • pressure necessary to distend lungs has to overcome two kinds of resistances – DYNAMIC = airway resistance (in the convection part of airways) – STATIC = elastic recoil (in the respiratory part of airways and lung parenchyma) • energy requirements for respiratory muscles to overcome these two resistances is normally quite low (2-5% of a total O2 consumption) • but increases dramatically when resistance increases (up to 30%)  subjective perception as a dyspnea 19 Ventilation (breathing) as a mechanical process 20 • Inspiration – an active process that results from the descent of the diaphragm and movement of the ribs upwards and outwards under the influence of the intercostal muscles • in resting healthy individuals, contraction of the diaphragm is responsible for most inspiration – respiratory muscles are similar to other skeletal muscles but are less prone to fatigue • weakness may play a part in respiratory failure resulting from neurological and muscle disorders and possibly with severe chronic airflow limitation – inspiration against increased resistance may require the use of the accessory muscles of ventilation • sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles • Expiration – follows passively as a result of gradual lessening of contraction of the intercostal muscles, allowing the lungs to collapse under the influence of their own elastic forces (elastic recoil) – forced expiration is also accomplished with the aid of accessory muscles • abdominal wall Airflow • Movement of air through the airways results from a difference between the pressure in the alveoli and the atmospheric pressure – alveolar pressure (PALV) is equal to the elastic recoil pressure (PEL) of the lung plus the pleural pressure (PPL) – positive PALV occurs in expiration and a negative pressure occurs in inspiration • During quiet breathing the sub-atmospheric pleural pressure throughout the breathing cycle slightly distends the airways – during vigorous expiratory efforts (e.g. cough) the central airways are compressed by positive pleural pressures exceeding 10 kPa – the airways do not close completely because the driving pressure for expiratory flow (alveolar pressure) is also increased • When there is no airflow (i.e. during a pause in breathing) the tendency of the lungs to collapse (the positive PEL) is exactly balanced by an equivalent negative PPL 21 The relationship between maximal flow rates on expiration and inspiration is demonstrated by the maximal flow-volume (MFV) loops Elastic properties of the lung 22 • lungs have an inherent elastic property that causes them to tend to collapse generating a negative pressure within the pleural space – the strength of this retractive force relates to the volume of the lung; for example, at higher lung volumes the lung is stretched more, and a greater negative intrapleural pressure is generated – at the end of a quiet expiration, the retractive force exerted by the lungs is balanced by the tendency of the thoracic wall to spring outwards • at this point, respiratory muscles are resting and the volume of the lung is known as the functional residual capacity (FRC) the system of airway elastic fibres Anatomical – functional considerations explain alveolar stability (due to alveolar interdependence and collateral ventilation) 23 24 Elastic recoil is determined by two kinds of forces • lung compliance (“distensibility”) = connective tissue – a measure of the relationship between this retractive force and lung volume – defined as the change in lung volume brought about by unit change in transpulmonary (intrapleural) pressure (L/kPa) • surface tension produced by the layer of fluid that lines the alveoli – determined by the cohesive (binding together) forces between molecules of the same type • on the inner surface of the alveoli is fluid that can resist lung expansion • there would be a lot of surface tension because there is an air-water interface in every alveolus • if surface tension remained constant, decreasing r during expiration would increase P and smaller alveolus would empty into large one (A) – this collapsing tendency is offset by pulmonary surfactant which significantly lowers surface tension (B) 25 Pulmonary surfactant • Complex mixture of lipids and proteins at the alveolar cell surface (liquid – gas interface) reducing surface tension – superficial layer made of phospholipids (dipalmitoyl lecithin) – deeper layer (hypophase) made of proteins (SP-A, -B, C, -D) • Surfactant maintains lung volume at the end of expiration • Continually recycles – influenced by many hormones incl. glucocorticoids • lung maturation in pre-term newborns 26 Pulmonary surfactant adsorption to the interface and surface film formation : Processes that may contribute to transport of surface active surfactant species to the interface include 1) direct cooperative transfer of surfactant from secreted lamellar body-like particles (LB) touching the interface, 2) unravelling of secreted LB to form intermediate structures such as tubular myelin (TM) or large surfactant layers that have the potential to move and transfer large amounts of material to the interface, and 3) rapid movement of surface active species through a continuous network of surfactant membranes (so-called surface phase) connecting secreting cells with the interface. Perez-Gil J , Weaver T E Physiology 2010;25:132-141©2010 by American Physiological Society Abnormalities of elastic properties • change of lung compliance –  in pulmonary emphysema, aging ( TLC,  FRC,  RV) –  in interstital disease (TLC,  FRC,  RV), e.g. pulmonary fibrosis or bronchopneumonia • lack of surfactant (TLC,  FRC,  RV) – infant or adult respiratory distress syndromes (IRDS or ARDS, resp.), i.e. lung collapse – lung edema (damages surfactant) • diseases that affect the movement of the thoracic cage and diaphragm – marked obesity – diseases of the thoracic spine • ankylosing spondylitis and kyphoscoliosis – neuropathies • e.g. the Guillain-Barré syndrome) – injury to the phrenic nerves – myasthenia gravis 28 Forced expiration - dynamic compression • In forced expiration, the driving pressure raises both the PALV and the PPL – between the alveolus and the mouth, a point will occur (C) where the airway pressure will equal the intrapleural pressure, and airway compression will occur – however, this compression of the airway is temporary, as the transient occlusion of the airway results in an increase in pressure behind it (i.e. upstream) and this raises the intra-airway pressure so that the airways open and flow is restored • the airways thus tend to vibrate at this point of 'dynamic compression' 29 Dynamic compression in various situations • The respiratory system is represented as a piston with a single alveolus and the collapsible part of the airways within the piston • C, compression point; PALV, alveolar pressure; PEL, elastic recoil pressure; PPL, pleural pressure. – (a) at rest at functional residual capacity – (b) forced expiration in normal subjects – (c) forced expiration in a patient with COPD 31 Airflow pattern as a result of change in airway diameter  resistance • From the trachea to the periphery, the airways become smaller in size (although greater in number) – the cross-sectional area available for airflow increases as the total number of airways increases – the flow of air is greatest in the trachea and slows progressively towards the periphery (as the velocity of airflow depends on the ratio of flow to cross-sectional area) • in the terminal airways, gas flow occurs solely by diffusion • The resistance to airflow is very low (0.1-0.2 kPa/L in a normal tracheobronchial tree), steadily decreasing from the medium size to small airways • Airway tone is under the control of the autonomic nervous system – bronchomotor tone is maintained by vagal efferent nerves – many adrenoceptors on the surface of bronchial muscles respond to circulating catecholamines • sympathetic nerves do not directly innervate them! 32 Airway resistance • Ohm´s law: – flow is inversely proportional to resistance • Poiseuille’s law: – determinants od resistance • This means that the most important variable here is the radius • Overcoming increased resistance requires forced expiration 33 Airflow resistance - bronchoconstriction • theoretical amplifying effect of luminal mucus on airflow resistance in asthma. (a) According to Poiseuille’s law, resistance to flow (R) is proportional to the reciprocal of the radius (r) raised to the fourth power. (b) Without luminal mucus, bronchoconstriction to reduce the airway radius by half increases airflow resistance 16fold. (c) A small increase in mucus thickness (tM), which reduces the radius of the airway by only onetenth, has a negligible effect on airflow in the unconstricted airway (compare with panel a). (d) With bronchoconstriction, the same amount of luminal mucus markedly amplifies the airflow resistance of this airway 34 Airflow obstruction • In patients with severe COPD, limitation of expiratory flow occurs even during tidal breathing at rest • To increase ventilation these patients have to breathe at higher lung volumes and also allow more time for expiration by increasing flow rates during inspiration, where there is relatively less flow limitation • Thus patients with severe airflow limitation have a prolonged expiratory phase to their respiration 35 VÝMĚNA PLYNŮ V PLICÍCH & POMĚR VENTILACE-PERFÚZE 36 Functional classification of airways • Conducting airways (= anatomical dead space) • nose (mouth) • larynx • trachea • main bronchi & bronchioles – gas conduction, warming • Acinar airways (= respiratory space) • respiratory bronchioles • alv. ducts & sacs • alveoli – gas exchange • Pulmonary acinus – the functional 3-D unit – a part of the parenchyma in which all airways have alveoli attached to their wall and thus participating in gas exchange 37 Koncept acinu • 3-D struktura následující po terminálním bronchiolu – 3 úrovně větvení resp. bronchiolu a násl. cca 8 větvení alveolárních duktů, – každý plicní lalůček (anatomický pojem) tak vyplňuje 10 - 30 acinů – vzhledem k tomu, že kyslík (pouze) difunduje (neproudí) a tedy mění svůj koncentrační gradient směrem k periferii acinu, je tento koncept důležitý pro pochopení ventilačně – perfúzní nerovnováhy Výměna plynů v plicích • hlavní funkce dýchacího systému – výměna plynů mezi okolím a krví – je podřízena časově variabilním nárokům organismu na O2 – udržovány v optimálním rozmezí zejm. regulací intenzity ventilace • nároky jsou určeny spotřebou ATP a jeho nahrazováním mitochondriemi (ox. fosforylací) • alveolo-kapilární výměna plynů probíhá z alv. prostoru do krve prostou difuzí přes stěnu alveolu, plicní intersticium a stěnu kapilár • hnací silou dodávky O2 (a recipročně CO2) je postupný pokles jeho parciálního tlaku, tj. koncentrační gradient mezi vdechovaným vzduchem, krví a tkáněmi: – parciální tlak = tlak, který by plyn měl pokud by byl ve směsi sám Výměna plynů v plicích 40 • důvody poklesu PO2: – difuze v acinárních cestách a postupný pokles gradientu – kompetice s CO2 v alveolu (do výše atm. tlaku) • alveolární rovnice plynů – rozpustnost =  100% difuze přes alveolo-kapilární membránu – fyziologický pravo-levý zkrat • míchání okysličené a neokysličené krve (aa. bronchiales a vv. coronarie) – fyziologicky malá část Hb jako Met-Hb a COHb – postupné spotřebovávání v průběhu acinu Kvantitativně • (1) vdechovaný atmosférický vzduch – 21% O2, 0.03% CO2, 78% N2, vodní páry 0.6% a zbytek tvoří další plyny (argon, helium, ..) • atmosferický tlak je 760 mmHg (101 kPa) • parc. tlak O2 (PO2): 0.21 x 760 = 160 mmHg • analogicky PCO2 = 0.3mmHg • (2) alveolární vzduch (směs vdechovaného a vydechovaného vzduchu) – PAO2 = 100mmHg (13.3kPa), PACO2 = 40 mmHg (5.3kPa) • parc. tlak O2 v alveolu je o něco nižší něž v atmosféře kvůli většímu zastoupení CO2 v alveolu (vydechovaný vzduch) • (3) arteriální krev – PaO2 = 90mmHg (12kPa), PaCO2 = 45 mmHg • difuze kyslíku není 100% a navíc existuje fyziologický zkrat • (4) venózní krev – PvO2 = 30 - 50mmHg 41 vzduch (P) alveolární (PA) arteriální (Pa) venózní (Pv) O2 21kPa/150mmHg 13.3 kPa/100mmHg 12kPa/90mmHg 5.3kPa/40mmHg CO2 0.03kPa/0.3mmHg 5.3kPa/40mmHg 5.3kPa/40mmHg 6.0kPa/45mmHg Transport plynů krví • krví (ve vazbě na Hb a fyzikálně rozpuštěný) je kyslík dodáván do všech částí těla, kde difunduje do tkání – při fyziologickém PaO2 (90mmHg/12kPa) a fyziologickém hemoglobinu je téměř 100% saturace • a do poklesu PaO2 na 12kPa saturace významně neklesá – saturace měřena pulzní oxymetrií • rozhodující je množství v mitochondriích – pro dostatečnou produkci ATP je nutné pO2 v tkáních > 0.13kPa (1mmHg) = kritická tenze kyslíku • organizmus potřebuje kyslík: – cca 250ml/min  350l/den v klidu – při zátěži mnohem více Význam kyslíku v organizmu • v těle neexistují větší zásoby kyslíku • stačí cca na 5min – dýchání a dodávka kyslíku tkáním je proto nepřetržitý děj – jeho úplné přerušení znamená • ohrožení života (<5min) – reverzibilní ztráta zraku za cca 7s, bezvědomí za cca 10s • klinickou smrt (~5-7min), event. smrt mozku • smrt organizmu (>10min) • 85-90% využito v aerobním metabolizmu při výrobě ATP na – udržení iontových gradientů – svalová kontrakce – syntézy • pro zbytek procesů je pokles pO2 méně kritický – hydroxylace steroidů – detoxikace (hydroxylace) cizorodých látek v játrech – syntéza oxidu dusnatého ( vazodilatace) – degradace hemu hemoxygenázou Sumárně: plíce jako součást „O2 dráhy“ Ventilace a perfúze plic • vztah mezi ventilací a perfuzí plic je variabilní – do jisté míry i u zdravých lidí • rozdíly mezi apexem a bazí plíce – apex: ventilace alveolů s redukovanou perfuzí (tzv. fyziologický mrtvý prostor, VA/Q = 3.3) – báze: perfuze alveolů s redukovanou ventilací (fyziologický zkrat, VA/Q = 0.7) • ventilačně perfuzní (VA/Q) nepoměr se významně zvyšuje u některých plicních nemocí a zodpovídá za jejich projevy –  VA/Q poměru (tj.  mrtvého prostoru) • např. plicní embolie –  VA/Q poměru (tj.  plicního zkratu) • obstrukční nemoci plic • kolaps plíce • optimalizace  VA/Q - vazokonstrikční reflex – cévy okolo méně ventilované části plíce se kontrahují – ale!!! viz důsledky obstr. nemocí 45 Ventilation-perfusion inequality 46 CONTROL OF RESPIRATION & ITS DISORDERS 47 Control of respiration • central chemoreceptors in medulla oblongata • peripheral chemoreceptors in aorta and glomus caroticum (via n. glossopharyngeus and vagus) – active when PaO2 below 10kPa – activation supported by hypercapnia • pulmonary mechanoreceptors 48 Central chemoreceptors 49 • sensitive to PaCO2 (and subsequent formation of H+ in CF) • H+ cannot go through hematoencephalic barrier therefore response to olther than respiratory acidosis slower – increase in [H+] due to metabolic acidosis (e.g. diabetic ketoacidosis) will subsequently increase ventilation with a fall in PaCO2 causing deep (Kussmaul) respiration • very quick adaptation to acute or intermittent hypercapnia, however, gets adapted to chronic hypercapnia due to HCO3- in cerebrospinal fluid – problem in COPD - in these patients hypoxaemia is the chief stimulus to respiratory drive – oxygen treatment may therefore reduce respiratory drive and lead to a further rise in PaCO2 Peripheral chemoreceptors - oxygen senzors • Glomus caroticus and aortic bodies sensitive to change of Pa02 – decrease of 02 in these cells closes K+ channels  depolarization   intracellular Ca2+  excitation  activation of the respiratory centre • When hypoxemia is not accompanied with hypercapnia, activation of this sensors is when PaO27,3 kPa (55 mm Hg) 50 Respiratory stimuli • Coordinated respiratory movements result from rhythmical discharges arising in interconnected neurones in the reticular substance of the brainstem (medulla oblongata), known as the respiratory centre – via the phrenic and intercostal nerves to the respiratory musculature (principal and aucilliary respiratory muscles) 51 - the pulmonary blood flow of 5 L/min carries 11 mmol/min (250 mL/min) of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues - ventilation at about 6 L/min carries 9 mmol/min (200 mL/min) of carbon dioxide out of the body - normal PaO2 is between 11 and 13 kPa (83 - 98 mmHg) - normal PaCO2 is 4.8-6.0 kPa (36-45 mmHg) 52 Respiratory centres • Respiratory centre is formed by several groups of neurons: – The basic automatic rhytm of respiration is due to activity of Dorsal Respiratory Group (DRG) — inspiration neurons – efferent impulses go to diaphragma and inspiration intercostal muscles • DRG also obtain afferent stimuli from the peripheral chemoreceptors and several pulmonary receptors – Ventral Respiratory Group (VRG) contains both inspiration and expiration neurons • inactive during to normal ventilation, increased ventilation leads to their activation 53 Higher respiratory centres • Medulla – quiet inspiration – —effort inspiration and forced expiration • Pons - Pneumotaxic and apneustic centres can modulate depth of ventilation and its frequency – Apneustic centre: • supports inspiration by the activity of inspiration neurons – Pneumotaxic centre: • antagonises apneustic centre • inhibition of inspiration • Ventilation can be modulate by cortex, limbic systém and hypothalamus (emotions and diseases). 54 Dyspnea (breathlessness) • on physical exertion is normal and not considered a symptom unless the level of exertion is very light, such as when walking slowly • although breathlessness is a very common symptom, the sensory and neural mechanisms underlying it remain obscure • the sensation of breathlessness is derived from at least three sources: – changes in lung volume • sensed by receptors in thoracic wall muscles signalling changes in their length – the tension developed by contracting muscles • this can be sensed by Golgi tendon organs • tension developed in normal muscle can be differentiated from that developed in muscles weakened by fatigue or disease – central perception of the breathing effort 55 common causes of dyspnea Apnea • suspension of external breathing • causes – voluntarily achieved (free diving) – drug-induced (e.g. opiate toxicity) – during sleep • mechanically induced (e.g. OSA) • infants (sudden death) – central apnea syndromes • periodical breathing • Cheyne-Stokes breathing – patients with cardiac failure – consequence of neurological disease or trauma 57 Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) 58 • Flow of air pauses or decreases during sleep because the airway has become narrowed, blocked, or floppy – breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes – may occur 30 times or more an hour – typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound • During apnea deep sleep shifts to light sleep – as a result, the quality of sleep is poor, which makes one tired during the day (excessive daytime sleepiness) • Commonly undiagnosed, typically overweight adults • Risks – due to hypoxia – changes in the neurons of the hippocampus and frontal cortex – hypertension – coronary artery disease – type 2 diabetes – depression – sleepiness-related accidents 59