Resultado de imagen de economia y obesidad Socioeconomic Status and prevalence of obesity Jeyvin Kumar Ismael Rueda Group 34 Resultado de imagen de nivel economico Socioeconomic status (SES) nEducation + income + occupation n nHigher SES correlated with : n à Access to more resources n à better psychological wellbeing n Obesity statistic UK - 2015 n58% of women and 68% of men were overweight or obese. n nThere were 525 000 admissions in NHS hospitals where obesity was recorded as a factor. n n26% of adults were classified as inactive (fewer than 30 minutes physical activity a week). n n26% of adults ate the recommended 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day Education Level nEvidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre n (EPPI-Centre) conducted research to find relationship between obesity and education attainment n nPat studies, specialist websites, contacted experts, independent consultations with teachers and students n nWeak correlation found n nIndividuals with lower education levels are more likely to be obese n nReasons : n 1. Not understanding benefits of exercise n 2. Not understanding components of a balanced diet n 3. Not understanding the harmful effects of being overweight n Occupation n n n n n n n C:\Users\panna\Desktop\2962f3b46.png nStudy by American journal of preventive medicine Occupation nAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine n nMore than 40 hours per week + hostile work environment à significantly more likely to be obese n nHighest obesity rates – healthcare professionals, engineering, protective services n Resultado de imagen de obesidad Income nPrevalence of obesity was considerably nhigher among families in the poorest quintile ncompared with those in the top income quintile n nFor children – there was no correlation nuntil the age of 11 by the time differences nbetween children from poorer compared with nricher families had emerged (20.2 vs. 16.5%) n nPotential explanations n nJunk/fast good – inexpensive n nMore stress /money concerns à increased food intake n nLess money available for physical activity – gym membership, organising sport activities n Imagen relacionada Conclusion nOverall there was a inverse correlation between SES and obesity n nHowever at times correlation between a single component of SES related to obesity was weak and could have been classified as statistically insignificant n nIn some studies parameters were not so well defined. For example healthcare workers encompassed all those who worked in the hospital – doctors, nurses, secretaries, admin despite all of them having different job descriptions, income, responsibilities ect n n Socioeconomic Status and prevalence of obesity Example in Spanish population nSocioeconomic status (a) and Level of studies (b) CODIES 2011. Prevalence of obesity n n 57% of the people from the lower socioeconomic status had over weight n n 35% of the people from the highest socioeconomic status had over weight n n Obesity levels in high, medium and low status were 9%, 13% and 22% respectively nBMI levels on the studied sample Obesity and level of studies n n66% of people with over weight had lower level of studies n n44% of people with over weight had higher level of studies n nFurthermore, the prevalence of pre obesity and obesity was higher in married people (41% and 21%) compared to prevalence of pre obesity and obesity in single people (27% and 13%). n Resultado de imagen de comida rapida References n et-eng-2017-rep.pdf n n n n n THANK YOU