ì Latin and greek prefixes + suffixes Based on presentation by E. Dávidová Decide whether the following statements are true or false: Statement answer 1) Dis- is used for “a disorder”, and dys- for “division”, “removal/loss” and “negation”. T/F 2) The Latin equivalent to the prefix endo- is extra-. T/F 3) The prefix ana- has two meanings: “division” and “again” (e.g. anatomia, anamnesis). T/F 4) The prefix af- is a variety of the prefix ab- (e.g. vasa afferentia). T/F 5) The prefixes ante- and anti- have the same meanings. T/F 6) The prefix hyper- means “deficient” or “decreased”. T/F 7) The prefix dia- has three meanings: “division”, “through” and “between” (e.g. diagnosis, diameter, diaphragma). T/F Decide whether the following statements are true or false: Statement answer 1) It is possible to distinguish noun and adjective suffixes (e.g. obesitas, tonsillaris). T/F 2) The ending of the suffix determines the declension (e.g. arthrosis, flexura, ligamentum). T/F 3) The diminutive is a word which relates to an object of the bigger size. T/F 4) The diminutive always keeps the gender of the word which it comes from (e.g. canalis – canaliculus). T/F 5) It does not matter whether the suffix –alis or –aris is used to express relation to the noun. T/F 6) The suffix –or has the meaning of an “agent” and is usually used to name bones. T/F ì ìa/an- ìperi- ìepi-/ep- ìpost- ìsuper- ìpara-/par- ìcata- ì at, near to from up to down after, behind around at, on, over negation MATCH THE PREFIXES WITH THEIR MEANING: ì-iasis ì-alis ì-icus ì-atus ì-itas ì-ia ì-oma ì-itis ì-osus ì ì ì disease full of relation (a Latin suffix) equipped with Inflammation state disease/pathological state relation (a Greek suffix) tumour MATCH THE SUFFIXES WITH THEIR MEANING: -alis -aris -inus -eus -aneus -icus -arius USE THE SUFFIXES TO DERIVE ADJECTIVES FROM NOUNS: oralis oesophagealis hepaticus pancreaticus Rectalis, analis pharyngeus gastricus intestinalis -alis -aris -inus -eus -aneus -icus -arius salivarius ovaricus uterinus pubicus urethralis labialis cervicalis vaginalis DERIVE TERMS FOR INFLAMMATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANS: oesophagitis hepatitis pancreatitis pharyngitis gastritis colitis ìThyreos (shield): ìGlandula thyroidea ì ìSkafe (boat): ìOs scaphoideum ì ìXifos (sword): ìProcessus xiphoideus FORM ADJECTIVES WITH MEANING “SIMILAR TO”: ìSigma (Greek letter Σ): ìColon sigmoideum ì ìPteryx, gen. pterygos (wing): ìProcessus pterygoideus ì ìLambda (Greek letter Λ): ìSutura lambdoidea Divide each term into its components. Write these components into boxes in the table. You may not need all of the boxes provided: terms prefix root 1 root 2 suffix meaning periorbitalis graviditas cholelithiasis posttraumaticus superficialis parotis catarrhalis epigastricus anaemia Divide each term into its components. Write these components into boxes in the table. You may not need all of the boxes provided: terms prefix root 1 root 2 suffix meaning periorbitalis peri orbit alis pertaining to the area surrounding the socket of the eye. graviditas gravid itas Pragnancy cholelithiasis chole lith iasis presence of stones in the gallbladde posttraumaticus post traumat icus Following injury or resulting from it superficialis super fici alis situated on or near the surface parotis par otis a parotid gland catarrhalis cata rrh alis relating to a catarrh epigastricus epi gastr icus Relating to the upper middle region of the abdomen. anaemia an aem ia a deficiency in the number of red blood cells IM- -NEPHR- DYS- -IA -ITIS -ALIS -ITAS -CELL- -PEPS- -MUN- SUB- -CAPIT- -UL- -ARIS INTRA- PERI- FORM FIVE TERMS BY COMBINING THE FOLLOWING PREFIXES/ROOTS/SUFFIXES: Im-mun-itas, dys-peps-ia, intra-cell-ul-aris, peri-nephr-itis, sub-capit-alis