ì Word Formation in MT II. arteria arteriosus arteriola arteriectomia arteriographia vena phlebotomia phlebologia phlebitis venodilatans medulla myeloides myeloneuritis myeloma myelopathia extendere extensor extensus extensio forma cuneiformis piriformis pisiformis vermiformis EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF DERIVED WORDS extensibilitas Mys, my-o-/s/-muscle FORM TERMS BASED ON DEFINITIONS 1.Benign tumor in a smooth muscle 2.Inflammation of a muscle 3.Formation of multiple tumors in a smooth muscle 4.Middle layer of the wall of the heart formed of heart muscle 5.Muscular tissue in the uterus 6.(adj.) Referring to the heart muscle 7.Recording the degree and strength of a muscle contraction 8.Record showing how a muscle is functioning 9.Study of muscles, their associated structures and diseases 10.Removal of a benign growth from a muscle (esp. on uterus) 11.Surgical operation to cut a muscle 12.Plastic surgery to repair a muscle 13. Myoma – myositis – myomatosis – myocardium – myometrium – myocarditicus/myocardialis – myographia – myogramma – myologia – myomectomia – myotomia - myoplastica DECIDE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE or FALSE ? 1) Terms colpoplastica, colposcopia and colpotomia refer to the repair of the damaged vagina, to examination of vagina and to its removal respectively. 2) Terms osteitis and ostitis have the same meaning. 3) The Greek combining element salping-o- (gr. trumpet, tube) refers to: (a) the Fallopian tubes, (b) the auditory meatus. 4) Musculus omohyoideus originates at the superior border of the shoulder blade (omos) and inserts at the lateral border of the hyoid bone (os hyoideum). 5) Goniometry is the measurement of angles, particularly those of range of motion of a joint. Gonia – uhol/angle EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE IN MEANING Poliomyelitis : Polymyositis Parodontitis : Parotitis Cheiloplastica : Cheiroplastica Somatologia : Stomatologia Spondylitis : Spondylomyelitis Hysterectomia : Metrectomia Laryngotomia : Laryngostomia Perinephritis : Perineuritis FILL IN MISSING COMPOUND WORDS predel.png The Greek combining element __________________ (mouth, opening) has a specialized usage in medical terminology. In surgical procedures a formation of a passage between any two normally distinct spaces or organs is called ana__________________. Formation of a passage between the colon and the abdominal wall is ___________________, between the bladder and the abdominal wall is ___________________. Greek combining form for “cure, healing” is __________________. In medical field it is synonymous with word “treatment”. When disease is treated by exposition of the body (part) to the radiation it is __________________, when cancer is treated by specific chemical agents that are selectively destructive to malignant cells and tissues we call it __________________. Therapia – radiotherapia – chemotherapia Stoma – anastomosis – colostomia – cystostomia IDENTIFY ABBREVIATION The recording of the electrical activity of the heart is known also as ECG or EKG, which means ______________________. The recording of electrical activity along the scalp, which, in clinical contexts, refers to the recording of the brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time known as EEG means ______________________ . The same recording can be also performed on the baby’s heart, it is then called ______________________ and abbreviated as FECG. Together with it cardiotocography (CTG) is performed. These recording methods provide modest help for mothers and babies when continuous monitoring is needed during labour. Electrocardiography – fetoelectrocardiography – electroencephalography Cardiotocography – fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions (tokos = porod) MATCH DEFINITIONS WITH GREEK COMBINING FORMS The benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels is ? Condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the ventricles of the brain is ? The surgical removal of fat beneath the skin is ? An accumulation of pus in the Fallopian tube is ? The surgical removal of a kidney stone through an incision into the kidney is ? A toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which kidney function is compromised and urea is retained in the blood is ? The burning sensation caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the oesophagus is called heartburn or ? Haem-at- Hydr- Lip- Lith- Py- Pyr- Ur- Haemangioma – pyrosis - hydrocephalus – lipectomy - Pyosalpinx – Nephrolithotomy – Uraemia - FORM COMPOUND TERMS WITH THE GIVEN GREEK ELEMENT -ALGIA: “pain, ache, suffering” of the body part or organ e. g. dorsalgia – back pain Pain in the JOINT(S) Arthr-algia STOMACH pain Gastr-algia Pain along the course of NERVE(S) Neur-algia TOOTHache Odont-algia HEADache Cephal-algia Pain in the HIP JOINT Cox-algia Pain in the UTERUS Metr-algia Pain in the BREAST Mast-algia/Mamm-algia Pain in the SMALL INTESTINE Enter-algia + ODYNIA is a synonym!!!! EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF COMPOUND and DERIVED WORDS Haemolysis Pyretolysis Analysis -LYSIS : 1) Biochemistry: dissolution, destruction of cells 2) Medicine: gradual subsiding of the symptoms of an acute disease Spondylolysis Spasmolysis Dialysis Osteolysis Necrolysis Bacteriolysis Reduction of fever Separation of a subst. into constituent elements Disintegration of red blood cells Relaxation of muscle spasms Separation of smaller and larger molecules Dissolution or degeneration of bone tissue Disintegration and dissolution of dead tissue Dissolution or destruction of bacteria Defect in the connection between vertebrae -PATHIA : disease, disorder Psychopathia EXPLAIN THE MEANING OR DERIVE THE COMPOUND WORD Disease of the heart Neuropathia Angiopathia Disease of the cartilage Disorder of a cell Rhinopathia Disease of the tongue Myopathia -PTOSIS : dropping, prolapse Prolapse of the uterus Gastroptosis Prolapse of the Fallopian tube(s) Colonoptosis Prolapse of the kidney Blepharoptosis Each lung is enclosed within a sac (pleura), which has two layers. Normally there is no space within these two layers except for a thin film of lubricating fluid. In certain lung diseases, however, a space may be forced between these layers by the accumulation of fluid, called: _____________________, of blood, called: _____________________ or of air, called: _____________________. predel.png FILL IN MISSING COMPOUND WORDS Abnormalities detected in the analysis of urine are common in clinical practice. Their evaluation can lead to detection of serious underlying diseases. Blood in urine, which is both frightening and well visible is called ___________________ . The presence of excess of serum proteins in urine is _________________, the presence of pus in urine is _____________________, and the excretion of glucose into urine is _____________________. Fluidothorax – haemothorax - pneumothorax Haematuria – proteinuria – pyuria – glycosuria IDENTIFY ABBREVIATIONS The abbreviation CCE used for common surgical treatment of symptomatic gallstones and other gallbladder conditions stands for ______________________. Bile components can form crystalline concretions within a gallbladder. It usually results in disease abbreviated as CL, meaning ___________________ . The endoscopic examination of the large bowel and the distal part of the small bowel with a CCD camera/fiber optic camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus is called ____________________, abbreviated as COL. Cholecystectomia – Cholelithiasis - colonoscopia 1. Osteoporosis. Polymyalgia rheumatica. 2. Cholecystolithiasis. St. p. colicam biliarem 3. Hepatopathia cum trombocytopenia (HTS syndrome v. s.) 4. Hyperplasia prostatae benigna 5. St. post otorrhagiam l. sin. 6. Stp. craniotrauma cum haemorrhagia intracraniali 7. Diarrhoea. Colitis ulcerosa. 8. Insufficientia cordis chronica. Venostasis. READ MEDICAL RECORDS, MAKE NOTES ABOUT THE DISEASES OF PARTICULAR PATIENTS DECIDE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE or FALSE ? A) Patient ♯ 4 is a male suffering from abnormal enlargement of the prostate gland. B) Patient ♯ 7 suffers from the inflammation of the small intestine. His symptoms include diarrhea, which is common after the ingestion of contaminated substances. C) Patient ♯ 8 complains: “Both my legs are badly affected, and doctors say that my condition is some ….. Uhm… strange word they used… phlebostasis, yes, it was phlebostasis.” D) Patient ♯ 3 is a child treated with actinomycin as a therapy for Wilm’s tumor. During the course of therapy the development of severe hepatopathy associated with thrombocytopenia (extremely increased number of platelets) was observed. E) Like most patients suffering form PMR (Polymyalgia rheumatica) also Patient ♯ 1 wakes up in the morning with pain in her joints in the neck, shoulders, and hips which typically inhibit her activity badly. F) Patient ♯2 has several gallstones of the circular shape in his common bile duct. G) In patient♯ 6 intracranial bleeding occurred after head injury when his blood vessel within the skull was ruptured. H) Patient ♯5 was admitted to hospital with bleeding from the external auditory canal of the ear. ANALYSE THE STRUCTURE OF FOLLOWING TERMS HYPOGLYCAEMIA > HYP-O-GLYC-AEM-IA Myodystrophia Claustrophobia Encephalodysplasia Hydrorrhoea Rhinorrhagia Pancreatolysis Nephroptosis Hypopyrexia Pyodermatitis My-o-dys-troph-ia claustr-o-phob-ia En-cephal-o-dys-plas-ia Hydro-o-rrhoe-a rhin-o-rrhag-ia pacreat-o-lysis nephr-o-ptosis Hypo-pyrex-ia Py-o-dermat-itis Claustrum = barrier, fence, enclosure READ and TRANSLATE: •Peritonitis acuta •Abscessus paranephriticus •Bronchopneumonia periculosa •Cholecystectomia propter cholelithiasim et cholecystitidem •chronicam •Polyneuritis diabetica •Retroflexio uteri •Meningitis purulenta •Graviditas extrauterina primigravidae •Dextropositio cordis •Euthanasia illegalis •Pyoovarium •Urolithiasis ad operationem •Xenophobia •Narcomania •