Crush syndrom Z. Rozkydal •Crush injury • •Traffic or building site incidents, explosions, earthquake, •train crashes • •Extensive damage to body tissues •Severe contusion of organs, mostly muscles •Fractures, muscles injury, severe swelling, internal bleeding •Impaired circulation • • •Signs • •Swelling of soft tissues- skin, subcutaneous tisssue, muscles •Impaired circulations of the extremity •Fractures, open fractures •Fractures of ribs and sternum •Contusion of the lungs and bronchi •Contusion of the heart •Rupture of liver and spleen •High amount of myoglobin into circulation •Myoglobinuria and a risk of acute renal failure •First aid • •Remove the casualty from the site of injury •Stop bleeding •Apply sterile dressing •Immobilisation of the extremity •Transport to ITU • •Management • •Haemodialysis •Osmotic diuresis •Management of fractures •etc Blast syndrom Damage of the lungs by pressure wave in explosion Alveolocapillar membrane of the lungs is damaged Damage to other organs containing the air -bowels, internal ear - Connected often with fractures of ribs •Signs • •Dyspnoe, haemoptysis, pneumothorax, haemothorax, •Chest pain, abdominal pain, abdominal bleeding •Diminished hearing, high productin of tears • •First aid • •Elastic bandage of the chest •Positioning of the casualty- on the side with flexed knees • •