NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. Spinal nerve, dorsal branches of the spinal nerves, intercostal nerves 2. Cervical plexus, its main branches and areas of innervation 3. Brachial plexus, musculocutaneus nerve – course and areas innervated 4. Brachial plexus, median nerve – course and areas innervated 5. Brachial plexus, ulnar nerve– course and areas innervated 6. Brachial plexus, radial nerve – course and areas innervated 7. Brachial plexus, axillary nerve– course and areas innervated 8. Lumbar plexus, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral nerve, their course and areas innervated 9. Lumbar plexus, femoral nerve, obturator nerve, their course and areas innervated 10. Sacral plexus, superior and inferior gluteal nerves, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh ,their areas innervated 11. Sacral plexus, sciatic nerve, its course and areas innervated (excluding its main divisions) 12. Sacral plexus, tibial nerve, its course and areas innervated 13. Sacral plexus, common fibular nerve, its course and areas innervated 14. Sacral plexus, pudendal nerve, its course and its areas innervated 15. CN III, IV, VI, their course and areas innervated 16. CN V, ophthalmic nerve its course and areas innervated, ciliary ganglion, 17. CN V, main branches of the maxillary nerve, their course and areas innervated 18. Pterygopalatine ganglion, main branches and their areas innervated 19. CN V, maxillary nerve, submandibular ganglion, main branches, their course, and areas innervated 20. CN V, mandibular nerve, its main branches, their course and areas innervated 21. Otic ganglion, its main branches and their areas innervated 22. Submandibular ganglion, its main branches and their areas innervated 23. CN VII, ggl. geniculi, main branches, their course and areas innervated 24. CN IX, its main branches, their course, and areas innervated 25. CN X, its main branches, their course and areas innervated 26. CN XI and CN XII, their main branches, course,and areas innervated 27. Structure of the ANS, cervical part of the sympathetic division 28. Structure of ANS, abdominal et pelvic part of the sympathetic division 29. Structure of ANS, innervation of the heart 30. Sacral part of the parasympathetic division 31. Spinal cord, its gross anatomy and grey matter 32. Spinal cord, its gross anatomy and white matter 33. Medulla oblongata, its gross anatomy and grey matter 34. Medulla oblongata, its gross anatomy and white matter 35. Pons, its gross anatomy and grey matter 36. Pons, its gross anatomy and white matter 37. Mesencephalon, its gross anatomy and grey matter 38. Mesencephalon, its gross anatomy and white matter 39. Reticular formation of the brain stem, its general arrangement and function 40. Cerebellum, its gross anatomy and inner organization, function 41. Diencephalon, its gross anatomy, thalamus, structural and functional classification of its nuclei 42. Diencephalon, its gross anatomy, hypothalamus, nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus 43. Diencephalon, its gross anatomy, hypothalamus, nuclei of the middle and posterior hypothalamus 44. Secretory apparatus of the diencephalon, hypothalamo–hypophysial tract 45. Secretory apparatus of the diencephalon, structural background of the hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system 46. Telencephalon, gross anatomy of the hemispheres and cerebral cortex 47. Telencephalon, basal ganglia 48. Telencephalon, structures of the basal forebrain 49. White matter of the telencephalon, association, commissural and projection pathways 50. White matter of the telencephalon, internal capsule 51. Blood supply of the CNS, arteries, circle of Willis 52. Blood supply of the CNS, sinuses and main veins 53. Ventricles of the CNS 54. Cerebrospinal fluid, its production and circulation 55. Cranial and spinal dura mater 56. Arachnoid and pia mater 57. Organ of smell 58. Organ of vision, fibrous layer of the eyeball 59. Organ of vision, vascular layer of the eyeball 60. Organ of vision, inner layer of the eyeball 61. Contents of the eyeball, chambers of eyeball and aqueous humour, its production and circulation 62. Contents of the eyeball, lens, suspensory apparatus of the lens 63. Contents of the eyeball, vitreous body, blood supply of the eye 64. Extra-ocular muscles and their innervations 65. Eyelids and conjunctiva 66. Lacrimal apparatus 67. External ear and tympanic membrane 68. Tympanic cavity, its walls 69. Auditory ossicles and their connections 70. Tympanic cavity, its muscles, their function and innervation 71. Eustachian tube, mastoid antrum and cells 72. Osseous labyrinth 73. Membranous labyrinth 74. CN VIII