P12 Clinical microbiology III – examination in urogenital infections To study: special bacteriology from your own protocols Urinary tract infections Task 1: Sampling and transport of urine According to the teacher’s explanation, tick which sentences concerning urine sampling and transportation are true/false. Urine examination is recommended in non-complicated and necessary in complicated cystitis. r true r false Microbiologists recommend the use of catheterized urine as a routine way of sampling the urine for bacteriology. r true r false It is not important whether foreskin (prepuce – in men) or labia minora (in women) are in the way of urine stream during sampling the urine for bacteriology. r true r false External orifice of urethra should be carefully washed and eventually also disinfected before sampling the urine for bacteriology. r true r false The vessel into which the patient urinates should be sterile. r true r false The test tube used for urine transportation to the laboratory should have a yellow cap. r true r false If urine is not “routinely taken”, the order form should contain information whether it has been catheterized, punctured, or whether it is a specimen taken from a permanent catheter. r true r false Urine from a permanent catheter is equally important for bacteriological diagnostics as the catheterized urine (just for examination). r true r false Urine specimen should be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours after sampling; if this is impossible, it should be kept in a refrigerator. r true r false Urine sample is better than urethral swab in gonorrhoea diagnostics. r true r false Task 2: Inoculation of sample of urine Observe your teacher demonstrating for you inoculation of sample of urine (or video with the same topic, if available). Fill in empty places in the following text: Urine sample is inoculated using calibrated loop, made of ______________________. The term “calibrated” means that it is set to specific volume, usually _______. The specimen of urine is inoculated to two media: __________________________ and ______________________________. Instead of the second medium we could also use ________________________________ or _____________________________. After inoculation, the specimen is incubated overnight in a thermostat at _____°C. Task 3: Evaluation of semiquantitative cultivation of urine After inoculation and incubation (see Task 2), the agar plates with result of urine specimen cultivation are evaluated. The number of colonies is counted (of estimated approximately) and recounted to number of bacteria in a millilitre of the original specimen of urine. Number of colonies on agar Number of bacteria in one microlitre of the original urine (µl) Number of bacteria in one millilitre of the original urine (ml) Interpretation <10 10–100 >100 Form for results of Enterotest 16: ONPG 1H 1G 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 2H 2G 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A + black blue red blue red green black blue blue yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow – colourless green yellow green yellow yellow colourless yellow yellow green green green green green green green ? 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 Code: Identification Probability % T index Antibiotic susceptibility test Ampicillin AMP R < 14 S ≥ 14 Tetracycline* TE R < 12 S ≥ 15 Cephazolin KZ R < 14 S ≥ 18 Cefuroxime CXM R < 18 S ≥ 18 Co-trimoxazole SXT R < 13 S ≥ 16 Norfloxacin NOR R < 19 S ≥ 22 Nitrofurantoin F R < 11 S ≥ 11 write S = susceptible, R = resistant, eventually I = intermediary *result of this test is also valid for doxycycline Final conclusion and recommendation for treatment: _______________________________________________ Task 4: Interpretation and treatment of UTI In following table in each cell (except cells in the first column) one term is wrong. Add a dot to all terms you consider wrong. After that, check your choice with your teacher, and strike through all the really false terms. Clinical situation Most likely pathogens Drug of choice for initial therapy Alternative drugs (allergy etc.) Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) pregnant women Escherichia coli Klebsiella pneumoniae Streptococcus pyogenes Enterococcus sp. nitrofurantoin* ofloxacin amoxicillin linezolide Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) other situations no therapy nitrofurantoin no therapy cefuroxime Acute non-complicated cystitis (community cystitis, that means „not-nosokomial“ one) Clostridium sp. Escherichia coli Staphylococcus saprophyticus Klebsiella pneumoniae ciprofloxacin nitrofurantoin co-trimoxazole (co-)amoxicillin vankomycin cefuroxime Accute pyelonephritis Escherichia coli Bacteroides fragilis Klebsiella pneumoniae Proteus sp. (co-)amoxicilin cefuroxime nitrofurantoin co-trimoxazole ofloxacin imipenem *except first trimester and the second haft of the third trimester Infections of genital system Task 5: Sampling methods in STIs and other infections of reproductive organs Find suitable swabs or other sampling methods for following clinical situations (suspicions for individual diseases). For some of them more than one sampling method is suitable. Use numbers 1 to 6 and mark your choice to individual situations. Correct yourself with help of your teacher. Bacterial vaginosis Aerobic vaginitis Vaginal mycosis Gonorrhoea Syphilis Mycoplasma infection Chlamydia infection Papillomavirus infection Numbers: 1 – Amies swab 2 – C. A. T. swab 3 – plain (dry) swab 4 – a smear on a slide 5 – clotted blood for indirect examination 6 – ulcus durum scraping for dark-field microscopy and PCR Task 6: Evaluation of vaginal smears ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Nugent score for BV: In diagnostics of vaginal infections, one very important method is microscopy. Cultivation results may be positive even when the amount of bacteria (e. g. Gardnerella sp.) is not significant. Therefore, microscopy is better, because we can see the ratio between various morphotypes of bacteria, and also other structures (epithelial cells including those with adhered bacteria – so called “clue cells”; white blood cells; yeast cells etc.). Sometimes, two smears are sent to the laboratory: one is stained by Giemsa staining (almost because of Trichomonas vaginalis diagnostics, as T. vaginalis cannot be Gram stained very well) and the other by Gram (especially for bacteriology). Observe a result of a vaginal smear and draw your result in the laboratory report. Try to count the Nugent score of bacterial vaginosis with help of following guide: A. Morphotypes * Morphotype Lactobacillus = robust and long G+ rods * Morphotype Gardnerella/Bacteroides = subtle Gram-negative or Gram-variable straight rods * Morphotype Mobiluncus = subtle Gram-negative curved rods. Other objects (cocci, human origin cells, yeast cells) are not counted Note: the term morphotype means “bacteria that look in the microscope the same as”, so not all bacteria of Gardnerella/Bacteroides morphotype are really either Gardnerella or Bacteroides.) B. The counting system (+ to ++++) – simplified Bacteria are extremely frequent, they may be seen in the first moment of looking to the field ++++ Bacteria are very frequent, each field contains lots of them +++ Bacteria are present in each field, but they are not frequent ++ Bacteria are not very frequent, there are fields with no bacteria at all + Bacteria are completely absent – Note: Similar system can be also used for other microscopies, e. g. sputum evaluation C. The proper Nugent scoring system (simplified): Points added Lactobacillus morphotype presence Gardnerella/Bacteroides morphotype presence Mobilluncus morphotype presence 0 ++++ – – 1 +++ + + or ++ 2 ++ ++ +++ or ++++ 3 + +++ 4 – ++++ So each smear may get 0 to 4 points for Lactobacillus morphotype (the more bacteria of this morphotype, the less points), 0 to 4 points for Gardnerella/Bacteroides morphotype presence morphotype (the more bacteria of this morphotype, the more points) 0 to 2 points for Mobilluncus morphotype presence morphotype (the more bacteria of this morphotype, the more points) The criterion for bacterial vaginosis according to Nugent's criteria is a total score of 7 or more is labeled as Bacterial Vaginosis a score of 4 to 6 is called intermediate, and a score of 0 to 3 is considered normal. Reliability of diagnosing bacterial vaginosis is improved by a standardized method of gram stain interpretation. R P Nugent, M A Krohn, and S L Hillier, J Clin Microbiol. 1991 February; 29(2): 297–301. Task 7: Evaluation of vaginal swabs Vaginal swabs are usually cultured on following media: * blood agar (for common bacterial pathogens) * Endo agar (or McConkey agar) * Agar with 10 % NaCl (for staphylococci) * Special blood agar variant for Gardnerella vaginalis (GVA agar) * WCHA agar (anaerobic culture) – only sometimes As a normal flora, we can observe lactobacilli: very tiny colonies with viridation. There exist many species of lactobacilli, with different relations with oxygen, although they use to be microaerofilic. In practice, it is possible to see three variants of the growth of these microbes: * sometimes they are able to grow even on blood agar in the normal atmosphere * sometimes they do not grow in aerobic conditions, but they grow on Gardnerella agar in an incubator with elevated CO[2] concentration * sometimes they only grow on WCHA in anaerobic conditions. So, be prepared to all possibilities and do not be surprised. Besides lactobacilli, some other findings can be still considered “normal”, namely * small amounts of coagulase-negative staphylococci * small amounts of Enterobacteriaceae * small amounts of anaerobic bacteria (if they are not very frequent and they smell is not that of big intensity, they are mostly considered “normal finding”) On the other hand, sometimes lactobacilli are absent, especially in swabs taken from women after climacterium, or as a result of previous antibiotic treatment. Write your findings and try to make a conclusion. Medium Normal finding Possible pathogens My finding Blood agar Lactobacilli, small amounts of coagulase negative staphylococci, very small amounts of Enterobacteriaceae Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus agalactiae and many others Endo agar No growth, or just very small amounts of Enterobacteriaceae Mostly Enterobacteriaceae NaCl agar No growth, or a staphylococcus later proven to be coagulase-negative species Mostly Staphylococcus aureus GVA agar Like on blood agar (maybe different morphology of colonies) Gardnerella seen as very small colonies with partial haemolysis* WCHA agar Like on blood agar, + even small amounts of anaerobic bacteria Anaerobic bacteria in huge amounts presenting unpleasant scent More tests (only if performed): *Compare with a positive control, if available Final conclusion: In my “red box team” of letter ____*, we have found * Normal flora only * Normal flora with a patogen, namely ______________________________________ *A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H