1. Translate phrases: fractura coxae, fractura fibularum, fracture of teh column of vertebrae, insufficiency of the valvule of the aorta, therapy of the fracture of the collar bone, fracture of the radial and elbow bone, hollow of the gland, arteries of the scapula, fracturae costarum, venae linguae, lamina sclerae, fractura maxillae et mandibulae, ruptura venarum, hollow of the armpit, hollow of the hip, aperture of the kneecap, the veins of the marrow, the fissure of eyelids, fracture of the spines of vertebras, therapy of the fracture of shin bone and calf bone, glands of the tongue 2. Connect two nouns of different declensions in order to form gramatically correct anatomical terms: sulcus + sclera corpus + lingua arcus + aorta columna + vertebrae cura + ruptura vesicae causa + insufficientia valvulae 3. translate the phrases: from the vein, from the glands, with the anomalies, into the hip, after the fractures, into the calf bone, without the glands, in the vein, into fissures after the fracures of the hips, because of the fracture of the calf bone, due to diabetes, after athrophy, without the fracture of the ribs, in the glands of tongue, after the therapy of the fracture of the calf bone, before the rupture of aorta, because of dyspnoe, without pneumonia 4. Join nouns with the preposition in the correct case: propter (diabetes mellitus), post (fractura costae verae), per (vena), propter (fissura palati congenita), post (morbus acutus), in (vitrum – movement), in (vena – position), ad (cranium), in (glandula thyreoidea – position), in (glandula thyreoidea – movement), cum (digiti), post (infarctus acutus), ad (usus internus), ante (processus spinosus), sine (effectus malus). 5. Form the plural fractura digiti, morbus chronicus, ligamentum latum, remedium compositum, musculus profundus, labium pallidum, caries profunda, genu varum, status acutus, processus longus, facies pallida, vulnus periculosum, excortatio genus, abscessus subcutaneus