1 Disorders of Sodium and Water Metabolism Homeostasis  The maintenance of normal volume and normal composition of the extracellular fluid.  Homeostasis: the various physiologic arrangements, which serve to restore the normal state, once it has been disturbed  Fluid balance  Electrolyte balance  Osmotic balance  Acid-base balance General principles  Diffusion: movement of the particles in a solution from the area of high concentration to the area of lower concentration  Electrolyte: inorganic substance that dissociates into ions  Osmosis: diffusion of solvent molecules (water) into region in which there is a higher concentration of a solute (electrolyte) to which the membrane is impermeable  Osmotic pressure: the pressure necessary to prevent solvent migration Osmol: concentration of osmotic active General principles  Osmolarity : number of osmoles per liter of solution  Osmolality: number of osmoles per kilogram of solvent  Measurement: depression of freezing point  Calculation (plasma): 2x(Na+K)+glucose+BUN (mmol/l)  Osmolality is the same in the ICF and the ECF.  Tonicity: effective osmolality of a solution relative to plasma  tonicity is only influenced by solutes that cannot cross this semipermeable membrane, because these are the only solutes influencing the osmotic pressure gradient. Iso-osmolar solutions and isotonic? Dextrose penetrates the cells so easily - it cannot contribute to tonicity. Thus, the infused dextrose is iso-osmolar but hypotonic. General principles  Colloids: high molecular weight particles (> 20000 D)  Oncotic pressure (colloid osmotic pressure): the pressure necessery to prevent diffusion of solvent molecules (water) into region in which there is a higher concentration of a colloid to which the membrane is impermeable 2 Compartments of body fluids  Total body water averages about 60% of body weight  Aproximate volume of body fluids compartments:  60% intracellular water  40% extracellular water  31%interstitial fluid  7% plasma  2% transcellular fluids (saliva, bile, etc.) Intracellular spaceExtracellular space Interstitial spaceIntravasal space Capillary wall Oncotic pressure Colloids Electrolytes Water Cell membrane Osmotic pressure Compartements of body fluids 1 ExtraCellularSpace 1/3 ISS 3/4 IntraCellularSpace 2/3 epitheliumTRANSCELLULAR SPACE endothelium IVS 1/4 plasma lymph water Na+ Osmosis Decrease of osmolality Increase of osm. Change of the cell volume in response to change in extracellular osmolality 285280 280280 285 290 290 290 H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O Blood plasma  Osmolality 280-290 mosm/kg  Osmotic pressure 745 kPa  Onkotic pressure 3,3 kPa  Na 135-145 mmol/l 3 Note: Normal plasma Na concentrations  roughly normal plasma osmolality  normal osmolality of the cells. The electrolyte content in the cells is roughly fixed  normal volume of liquid in the cells (IC space) A large quantity of water is exchanged between an organisms and the environment via kidneys and a gut  a small percentual derangement has large consequences for the whole-body water and electrolyte balance Fluid compartment volume and osmolar changes Normal regulation of sodium balance  Extracellular fluid volume is controlled by the amount of sodium in the body  The kidneys regulate the sodium excretion or retention  The changes in osmolality are detected by hypothalamus → changes in ADH secretion → water secretion or reabsorption Normal regulation of sodium balance Normal regulation of water balance  Extracellular fluid osmolality is controlled by the amount of water in the body  The kidneys regulate the water excretion Water intake  Food  Metabolic water  Drinking is the most important way of water intake regulated by the thirst 4 Water excretion  Skin (perspiratio insensibilis, sweat)  Respiratory system (perspiratio insensibilis)  Stool  Urine excretion is the most important way of water loss regulation - ADH Daily Water Balance (liters)  FLUID INTAKE 1.5  IN FOOD 0,8  METABOLIC 0.3  Total 2.6  INSENSIBLE 0.8  SWEAT 0.1  FECES 0.2  URINE 1.5  Total 2.6 INPUT OUTPUT Volume and tonicity regulation  Tonicity is ultimately regulated by water, the circulating volume by sodium  Tonicity – hypothalamic osmoreceptors → neurohypophysis, thirst and ADH → renal water reabsorption  Volume – baroreceptors, more sluggish feedback than osmoreceptors, under extreme conditions: Volume overrides tonicity Water Deficit  INCREASED OSMOLARITY SENSED BY HYPOTHALAMIC RECEPTORS  FALL IN ECF VOLUME  FALL IN ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE STIMULATION OF HYPOTHALAMIC NEURONS INCREASED THIRST INCREASED WATER INTAKE DECREASED PLASMA OSMOLARITY INCREASED VASOPRESSIN OPEN PORES IN COLLECTING DUCT MORE WATER REABSORBED FALL IN URINE OUTPUT ARTERIOLAR VASOCONSTRICTION DECREASED PLASMA OSMOLARITY RELIEVES RELIEVES Blood pressure and renal handling of sodium FALL IN SODIUM LOAD FALL IN ARTERIAL PRESSURE FALL IN GFR FALL IN FILTERED SODIUM INCREASE IN ALDOSTERONE SECRETION INCREASE IN SODIUM ABSORPTION FALL IN EXCRETION OF SODIUM, CHLORIDE, AND FLUID INCREASED CONSERVATION OF SODIUM AND FLUID RELIEVES 3 5 Regarding adiuretine and thirst regulation: osmoreception (feedback No. 3) is functioning more sensitively, volumoreception (feedback No. 1) more sluggish, later more forcefully, however  “volume overrides tonicity” when the large deviations of volume and tonicity from a norm take place. It is a consequence of the type of dependency of the ADH production on both these factors. A circulatory failure is apparently evaluated to be more dangerous acutely than the CNS disturbances. Disturbances of fluid homeostasis  Disturbance of fluid balance (intake≠output)  Dehydraton, Overhydration (hyperhydration)  Disturbance of osmolarity (electrolyte intake≠water intake)  Isonatremic (isotonic)  Hyponatremic (hypotonic)  Hypernatremic (hypertonic) Dehydration  Signs: increased thirst (except: advanced age, hypotonic dehydration), weakness, decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, empty neck veins, decreased urine output, elevated Htk, fever, tachycardia, hypotension, decreased CVP,lethargy, stupor, coma  Mild (loss: 4% of body weight): decresed skin turgor, sunken eyes, dry mucous membranes  Moderate (loss: 5-8 % of body weight): + oliguria, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia  Severe (loss: 8-10 % of body weight): + hypotension, decreased level of consciusness, stupor 6 Tonicity disorders  disorders of water: states 1, 4, 6, 9 Volume disorders  sodium disorders: states 2, 3, 8, 7 6 9 Explanatory notes a – overshooting compensation of hyperosmolality (state 9) by water b – a trade off by means of ADH: hypervolemia does not rise so much with a considerable NaEC enhancement that isoosmolality could be maintained c – loss of effective blood volume d – three factors of Na retention (GFR, aldosterone, 3rd factor) e – by means of ADH f – nonsteroid antiphlogistics (acetylosalicylic acid, sodium salicylate, phenacetin, paracetamol) depress the protective prostaglandins in the kidney  decline of GFR g – SIADH is euvolemic clinically, hypervolemic subclinically h – by means of thirst and ADH, some loss of salt is presupposed, however i – although body dehydration may be considerable with the loss of hypotonic fluids, loss of circulating volume used to be negligible in this condition (loss of water is compensated in 90% from stores outside the circulating volume) j – if the water loss is much higher than loss of salt, NaEC lowering may be attended by PNa rise k – an organismus has lost salt and water massively, it tries, however, to maintain predominantly the volume by the quick feedback by means of thirst and ADH in this extreme situation (salt losses are compensated only by drinking); it succeeds only partially, however, and it is paid by hypotonicity (a trade-off again); l – Na in urine < 10mmol/L m – Na in urine > 20 mmol/L – the urine itself is effective in the Na loss n – with a small urine volume Na in urine > 600 mmol/L The body receives (retains) Na mainly hyperosmolal hyperhydratation RdS: massive Na intake (per os, sea water) RgS: primary surplus of mineralokorticoids RgO: acute glomerular diseases billateral parenchymatous renal diseases with chronic renal failure (GFR < 10mL/min) CONDITION 3 Na 10 Fig. 10 – hyperosmolal hyperhydration (state 3) Renal failure with the GFR value higher than 10 mL/min is not connected with a deranged G-T balance  under the lowered GFR, reabsorption is lowered, too. G-T balance is disturbed in acure nephritic syndrome, however 7 9 Body receives (retains) isoosmolal fluid mainly isoosmolal hyperhydratation RdS: i.v. infusion of isoosmolal fluids nephrotic syndrome cirrhosis RgS: cardiac failure RgO: non-steroid antiphlogistics failing kidney ( GFR!) acute & chronic, esp. when isoosmotic solutions are administered CONDITION 2 Na 11 Fig. 11 – isoosmolal hyperhydration (state 2) Heart failure: a decline of effective blood volume is signalized, RAS and SAS are activated (Fig. 11), GFR, “3rd factor” 12 9 The body receives (retains) H2O mainly hypoosmolal hyperhydratation RD: infusion of glucose solutions, nephrotic syndrome cirrhosis RS: psychogenic polydipsia renal oligo/anuria when tubular H2O reabsorption with SIADH, chlorpropamid cardiac failure RO: renal oligo/anuria  GFR esp. in combination with H2O or glucose solution administration CONDITION 1 Na 13 8 9 Consequences of hypervolemia: Hypervolemia  enhanced left ventricle preload  enhanced cardiac output cardiac output * unchanged peripheral resistance = arterial pressure arterial pressure  hydrostatic capillary pressure  filtration into the IC space  edema The body does not receive (loses) H2O mainly hyperosmolal dehydratation RdS: vomiting diarrhoe sweating insesible losses hyperventilation, fever, hot environment hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus mannitol CONDITION 9 Na 14 RgS:  thirst unconsciousness newborns diabetes insipidus (central) RgO: osmotic diuresis in diabetes mellitus diabetes insipidus (nephrogenic) polyuria in acute renal failure 14 If the water supply is not disturbed and Na is normal, state 9 cannot last long 9 Body loses isoosmolal fluid isoosmolal dehydratation RD: loss of blood or plasma burns, ascites draining diarrhoe, gall drains, fistulas escape into interstitium or 3rd space crushing of tissues, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis hemorrhage into body cavities RO: abusus of saluretics and many other renal loss types CONDITION 8 Na 15 9 9 Body does not receive (loses) Na mainly hypoosmolal dehydratation RD: alimentary lack of salt in combination with loses RS: primary lack of mineralocorticoids RO: renal salt losses: polyuria in acute renal failure loss of hypotonic fluids  trade off preferring volume pressure diuresis in extemely enhanced blood pressure BARTTER syndrome abusus of diuretics CONDITION 7 Na 16 9 17 Na AND H2O EXCRETION IN VARIOUS PATHOLOGIC RENAL CONDITIONS CONDITION Na H2O ACUTE GLOMERULAR DISEASES RETENTION RETENTION STENOSIS OF ART. RENALIS RETENTION RETENTION CONSIDERABLY ENHANCED BP EXCRETION EXCRETION PRESSURE DIURESIS PRERENALAZOTEMIA RETENTION RETENTION AIMED AT CORRECTING BP OR VOLUME A survey of the influence of renal pathology on volume and osmolality Fig. 17 CONDITIOON Na H2O ACUTE RENAL FAILURE RETENTION RETENTION INITIAL PHASE (ANURIA, OLIGURIA) PREREN. AZOTEMIA MOST OFTEN RESTITUTION PHASE (POLYURIC) EXCRETION EXCRETION - SALT WASTING KIDNEY CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE WITHOUT WITHOUT (TO THE ADVANCED PHASE) DISTURBAN- DISTURBANCES CES GFR < 10 - 20 mL/min RETENTION RETENTION TUBULOINTERSTITIAL DISEASES, EXCRETION EXCRETION ADRENAL INSUFICIENCY, DIURETICS, „WASTING SALT“ NEPHROPATHY (i.g. CHRF) 17 Control of Interstitial Fluid  Hydrostatic pressure  Oncotic pressure  Endothelial integrity  Lymphatic system 10 18 2.2 Edematous conditions * with the exception of primary renal retention Movement Of Fluid Across Capillaries  Capillary (hydrostatic) pressure  Interstitial fluid (hydrostatic) pressure  Plasma oncotic pressure  Interstitial fluid oncotic pressure Capillary Pressure  Forces fluid from capillary to interstitium  Arterial end higher than venous end  Arterial approx. 30 mmHg  Venous approx. 10 mm Hg Interstitial Fluid Pressure  Maybe positive or negative  Negative - forces fluid into interstitium  Positive - forces fluid into capillary  Approx. minus 3 mm Hg in loose connective tissue  Higher in denser connective tissue Plasma Oncotic Pressure  Proteins are the only solutes which do not pass freely between plasma and interstitium  Thus it is only proteins which exert a significant osmotic effect across capillary walls  Albumin is the most abundant plasma protein  Approx 28 mm Hg (Albumin = 21.8) Interstitial Oncotic Pressure  A small amount of protein is present in the interstitium  Tends to force fluid out of capillary  Concentration is approx 40 % of that in plasma  Approx 8 mm Hg 11 Lymphatic System  The lymphatic system provides a route for the transport of fluids and protein away from the interstitium  System of fine lymphatic channels throughout the body passing via lymph nodes to thoracic duct  Valves ensure one-way flow Oedema  Hydrostatic pressure  Oncotic pressure  Endothelial integrity  Lymphatic integrity Oedema  Definition An increased volume of interstitial fluid in a tissue or organ May be localised or generalised (systemic) Causes of Oedema  Raised capillary pressure  Reduced oncotic pressure  Endothelial damage (inflammation)  Impaired lymphatic drainage Raised Capillary Pressure  Cardiac failure  right ventricular failure - systemic oedema  left ventricular failure - pulmonary oedema  congestive cardiac failure - both  Local venous obstruction  deep vein thrombosis  external compression  SVC obstruction Reduced Oncotic Pressure  Renal disease  loss of albumin across glomerulus  Hepatic disease  inadequate albumin synthesis  Malnutrition  inadequate albumin synthesis 12 Lymphatic Obstruction  Tumours  Fibrosis  Inflammation  Surgery  Congenital abnormality Generalised Oedema  Congestive cardiac failure  Right ventricular failure  Renal disease  Liver disease With the exception of the “primary” hypervolemia conditioned by primary renal Na retention, RAS is activated secondarily (possibly secondary hyperaldosteronismus may be elicited)  Na retention  edema Not in Fig. : Cardiac failure  distortion of baroreception  RAS, SAS, 3rd factor activation, GFR