Aesthetics is a science about beauty. Iti is connected with sensual perception. Rules are changing during the time a there are differences in various regions. . „Penta en arithmo" (Pythagoras) 1/1,618 = 0,618 Golden cut Perception of the object Composition Single items Harmony Symetry Dominanca Lines Dentofacil harmony • Imaginary lines - stuctures must have harmonious relation to them • Teeth are in harmony with the face, they can attract our attention and distract it form other structures 6 Profile: E-Plane 8 Line of smile • Connects incisal edges of upper frontal teeth and touches cusos of upper molars. Lower border is lower lip. Line of lower lip is parallel to line of smile. • Upper central incisors should be in touch with wett part of upper lip. 9 Line of smile Normální Zvětšený Bilateral negative space 10 Dental harmony Inclination of long axis Slight mesial inclination of long axis Slight inclination vestibulary Position of contact points: They become smaller and move apically (50:40:30) Their elongation can optically widen teeth 13 Dental harmony Interincisal spaces become smaller in distal direction They become smaller in younger individuals Relation between width and height Optical width Golden cut Width Height = 0,618 Height Width + Height Decreasing of width 40% in distal direction 18 Shape of crown principally corresponds to shape of the face • Shape of the face: angular, oval a triangular • Corresponding shapes of teeth 19 Front Zygomatic line Mandibular line Curvature of labial surface - reflection