Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Markéta Bébarová, Ph.D. Arterial Hypertension Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University This presentation includes only the most important terms and facts. Its content by itself is not a sufficient source of information required to pass the Physiology exam. Definition and Consequences Arterial hypertension - chronic increase of the systemic blood pressure. Symptoms indistinctive and nonspecific in the first stages of hypertension  almost 50% of the hypertensive patients do not know about their hypertension!  overload of the left ventricle (hypertrophy, heart failure)  arteriosclerosis increased risk of the myocardial infarction increased risk of the stroke the renal failure, etc. If not diagnosed in time and adequately treated, arterial hypertension results in: Hypertension significantly shortens the life span. Definition and Consequences Arterial hypertension - chronic increase of the systemic blood pressure. Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Eur Heart J 2007;28:1462-1536. Methods of blood pressure measurement Proper way of blood pressure measurement Definition and Consequences Arterial hypertension - chronic increase of the systemic blood pressure. Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Eur Heart J 2007;28:1462-1536. prehypertension Definition and Consequences Arterial hypertension - chronic increase of the systemic blood pressure. Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Eur Heart J 2007;28:1462-1536. Definition and Consequences Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Eur Heart J 2007;28:1462-1536. Stratification of cardiovascular risk Definition and Consequences in children and adolescents – special percentile tables Guyton and Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition Factors Determining Blood Pressure Ohm´s law U = I . R P = CO . TPR  cardiac output volume-loading (hyperdynamic, volume dependent) h. ↑ ↑  total peripheral resistance resistance (non-volume dependent) h. ↑ Guyton and Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition Factors Determining Blood Pressure Ohm´s law U = I . R P = CO . TPR  compliance isolated systolic hypertension ↑  cardiac output volume-loading (hyperdynamic, volume dependent) h. ↑ ↑  total peripheral resistance resistance (non-volume dependent) h. ↑ veins blood reservoire heart CO = SV . HR HR is guided by sympathetic and parasympathetic system SV depends on: 1.venous return (blood volume, tonus of veins) 2.contractility 3.peripheral pressure kidneys regulation of blood volume P = CO . TPR kidneys regulation of blood volume P = CO . TPR arterioles regulation of TPR heart CO = SV . HR HR is guided by sympathetic and parasympathetic system SV depends on: 1.venous return (blood volume, tonus of veins) 2.contractility 3.peripheral pressure veins blood reservoire also TPR (RAS) P = CO . TPR arterioles regulation of TPR veins blood reservoire kidneys regulation of blood volume, also TPR (RAS) aorta and big elastic arteries compliance heart CO = SV . HR HR is guided by sympathetic and parasympathetic system SV depends on: 1.venous return (blood volume, tonus of veins) 2.contractility 3.peripheral pressure P = CO . TPR arterioles regulation of TPR veins blood reservoire aorta and big elastic arteries compliance regulation of blood volume: - kidneys - thirst - ADH heart CO = SV . HR HR is guided by sympathetic and parasympathetic system SV depends on: 1.venous return (blood volume, tonus of veins) 2.contractility 3.peripheral pressure P = CO . TPR arterioles regulation of TPR veins blood reservoire aorta and big elastic arteries compliance regulation of blood volume: - kidneys - thirst - ADH heart CO = SV . HR HR is guided by sympathetic and parasympathetic system SV depends on: 1.venous return (blood volume, tonus of veins) 2.contractility 3.peripheral pressure Pathophysiology of hypertension is very complex, thus, usually hard to be analyzed in a concrete patient! P = CO . TPR Classification A. Essential (primary) hypertension B. Secondary (symptomatic) hypertension • „hypertension of an unknown origin“ • 90 – 95% A. Essential (primary) hypertension • symptom of another primary disease with identifiable cause Essential Hypertension  strong hereditary tendency in some patients (polygenic ground)  provoking factors: • excess weight gain, obesity – account for about 65-70% of the risk for developing of essential hypertension • sedentary lifestyle New clinical guidelines recommend increased physical activity and weight loss as the first step in treating most patients with the essential hypertension. • excessive sodium intake (interpopulation studies – Eskimos vs. people living in the North Japan) • stress (namely mental) Essential Hypertension Sodium-loading renal function curves Guyton and Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition Definition and Consequences Arterial hypertension - chronic increase of the systemic blood pressure. Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Eur Heart J 2007;28:1462-1536. Isolated Systolic Hypertension Essential Hypertension  in the elderly  due to: • age-dependent remodelling of the wall of elastic arteries (less elastic and more collagen fibres)  ↑ systolic and pulse pressure  ↑ stiffness, ~↓ compliance: 2.  ↑ pulse wave velocity 1.  ↓ distension of elastic arteries during the systole  steeply ↑ arterial systolic pressure + ↓ blood volume (and also pressure) in arteries during the diastole • endothelial dysfunction Isolated Systolic Hypertension Essential Hypertension ↑ pulse wave velocity  the secondary, reflected pulse wave comes back to the aorta and elastic arteries sooner and, thus, superimposes on the primary pulse wave still during the systolic phase  ↑ systolic pressure and may even ↓ diastolic pressure primary wave reflected wave resulting wave Essential Hypertension Treatment New clinical guidelines recommend increased physical activity and weight loss as the first step in treating most patients with EH.  vasodilatory drugs • ↓ TPR, some of them ↑ renal blood flow as well (ACEI) a. by inhibiting sympathetic nervous system (sympatolytics) b. by directly paralyzing the smooth muscle of the renal vasculature (vasodilatory agents or calcium channel blockers) c. by blocking action of the renin-angiotensin system on the renal blood vessels or tubules (inhibitors of angiotensin I-converting enzyme, ACEI) Decrease of sodium and increase of potassium intake, relaxation ...  natriuretic (diuretic) drugs • ↓ renal tubular reabsorption of salt and water  ↓ CO (by blocking the active transport of sodium through the tubular wall) P = CO . TPR Classification A. Essential (primary) hypertension B. Secondary (symptomatic) hypertension • „hypertension of an unknown origin“ • 90 – 95% • symptom of another primary disease with identifiable cause Secondary Hypertension 3. Coarctation of the aorta 4. Hypertension in preeklampsia 5. Neurogenic hypertension • Renin-producing renal tumor 1. Renal hypertension • Acute and chronic diseases of the renal parenchyma • Prerenal causes - Renovascular hypertension • Postrenal causes (renal vein trombosis, urinary tract obstruction) • Sympatoadrenal hyperfunction (pheochromocytoma) 2. Endocrine hypertension • Adrenocortical hyperfunction (Cushing´s, Conn´s, adrenogenital sy) • Exogenic hormones (gluko-, mineralocorticoids, sympatomimetics) • Hyperthyroidism • Acromegaly