Foundation Programme – Academic Year 2018/19 Study Regulations Duration of the Foundation Programme The Foundation Programme runs for 20 weeks from October 15 to December 14 (9 weeks) and from January 7 to March 29 (11 weeks). The programme includes lectures and seminars according to a predetermined schedule. Each lesson lasts 50 minutes. Study materials Students will receive the textbooks recommended for studying Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as loan books from the “Knihovna Univerzitního Kampusu” library. The textbooks will be lent to the students for the entire duration of the Foundation Programme. For the Czech course, students will receive textbooks that they can keep after the end of the Foundation Programme. Rules of Conduct Attendance at both lectures and seminars of each subject is compulsory and will be monitored. If any absence, it must be excused through the Office of International Studies up to five days. Only absences incurred due to illness, medical appointment or similar serious reasons may be excused. The accepted excuse will be registered in the Information System of the faculty (IS). Students must arrive at the lessons on time. If a student arrives late, he will not be allowed into the class, and the teacher will record him or her as absent for the whole of the lesson. Students that will have more than 10% of unexcused absences in the given subject will not be allowed to write the final test and will obtain an assessment Not classified in the given subject. During the lessons, students are encouraged to ask questions related to the topic of the lecture/seminar and to participate in solving problems related to the given topic. However, it is forbidden to disturb the course of the lessons by talking to other students about topics unrelated to the lesson. Mobile phones must not be used during the lessons. Students must not use mobile phones and any other electronic devices except for calculators during tests. Any form of cheating is strongly prohibited. Should any student break this rule, their test will be immediately terminated, and they will receive a mark of 0% from the test. Students must respect and follow the generally accepted social conventions and speak English during the lessons. Assessment During the course, progress tests will be written on a periodic basis to check the knowledge of the students. Students who score 70% or more in these tests will receive a bonus for the final assessment. The Foundation Programme will end with final tests that will take place in the last lesson of the given subject and will contain questions related to the content of the whole programme. Only students that met the requirement of regular attendance will be allowed to write this test. The final assessment is based on the result of the final tests and bonuses received from the progress tests. Students can receive the following assessment: 1. Pass with excellent results if scoring 70% or higher; 2. Pass if scoring between 50-70%; 3. Fail if scoring less than 50%; 4. Not classified Participation in the Foundation Programme does not guarantee acceptance to the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University. The condition for acceptance is to pass the entrance test.