ICLC 2018 Final Test 14 September 2018 Name: Points: ________/ 70 1. Listen to Alice talk about her life in the Czech Republic. Are the following statements true (ANO) or false (NE)? 10 2. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. 12 Example: Taiki, Nana, Mika a Mirei jsou z Japonska. (BÝT). Má Rahen mladší sestru? (MLADŠÍ SESTRA) 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of RÁD/RÁDA or MÍT RÁD/RÁDA. 6 Example: Taiga a Shun rádi nakupujou v Tescu. 4. Write opposite expressions. 7 Example: černý - bílý 5. Write the female opposites. 5 Example: student - studentka 6. Choose the most appropriate verb to complete each sentence. There are two extra verbs that you do NOT need. 6 Example: Eirik byl včera ve škole. 1. Julius _________________________________ o víkendu celý byt. 2. Nir _________________________________ večer českou hudbu. 3. Yiannos _________________________________ jít nakupovat. 4. Hiro _________________________________ do školy pěšky. 5. Prasan _________________________________ polévku. 7. Answer the questions. 12 Example: Co děláš? Jsem studentka. 8. Write suitable questions to the given answers. 12 Example: Co děláš? – Jsem studentka.