—GRAMMAR —THREE TYPES according to the amount of endings in Nom. sg: —3 endings: you will use only one adjective like that, remember!: —acer M, acris F, acre N — —2 endings: very frequent — -IS (M+F), -E (N) brevis, breve type — e. g. : gravis, e; cranialis, e; muscularis, e; costalis, e, etc. — —1 ending: -X, -NS (M+F+N) — e. g.: simplex, icis; descendens, entis ADJECTIVES of 3RD DECLENSION —2 terminations in nominative sg. which are always: — — -IS (M+F), -E (N) : —e. g.: —Underived adjectives like: brevis, e short; gravis, e heavy, difficult — levis, e light; tenuis, e thin, slender —Derived adjectives ending on -alis, e/-aris, e cranialis, e; muscularis, e — (means relation, pertaining to or belonging to) —Derived adjectives ending on -bilis, e operabilis, e; sanabilis, e — (means capable or susceptible of a specified action) —Derived adjectives ending on -formis, e pisiformis, e; vermiformis, e — (means shaped like, looking like, latin equivalent to ending -oideus, a, um) ADJECTIVES of 3RD DECLENSION —1 termination in nominative sg. which usually is: —-X, -NS (M+F+N) and is always accompanied with the genitive ending —e. g.: —Underived adjectives like: recens, recentis recent, new; — latens, latentis latent, not manifested —Derived adjectives ending -plex, plicis simplex, cis; duplex, cis — (refers to number, multiplicity) —Derived adjectives ending on -ceps, cipitis biceps, bicipitis — (refers to head-like structures) —Originally participles having meaning of action ending on — -ans, antis and -ens, entis migrans, antis; ascendens, entis DICTIONARY ENTRY —ADJECTIVES OF 1st and 2nd DECLENSION — albus, a, um M//F//N — niger, a, um M//F//N — —ADJECTIVES OF 3rd DECLENSION —acer, is, e M//F//N —brevis, e M+F//N —simplex, cis / ascendens, ntis M+F+N//GENITIVE SG.!!! HOW TO DECLINE? —ADJECTIVES of 1st and 2nd declension — nervus, vena, septum — —ADJECTIVES of 3rd declension — pelvis BUT!!! abl. sg. -i — rete — musculus aorta BREVIS DESCENDENS BREVIS DESCENDENTIS BREVEM DESCENDENTEM BREVI DESCENDENTI BREVES DESCENDENTES BREVIUM DESCENDENTIUM BREVES DESCENDENTES BREVIBUS DESCENDENTIBUS caput colon BREVE DESCENDENS BREVIS DESCENDENTIS BREVE DESCENDENS BREVI DESCENDENTI BREVIA DESCENDENTIA BREVIUM DESCENDENTIUM BREVIA DESCENDENTIA BREVIBUS DESCENDENTIBUS Adjectives of 3rd declension two forms: m+f/n one form for all genders 1. singular brevis breve simplex 2. brev-is simplic-is 4. brev-em breve simplic-em simplex 6. brev-i simplic-i 1. plural brev-es brev-ia simplic-es simplic-ia 2. brev-ium simplic-ium 4. brev-es brev-ia simplic-es simplic-ia 6. brev-ibus simplic-ibus Derive adjectives using endings -alis, e or -aris, e —costa/ cost- + alis ⇢ costalis, e —femur / femor- + alis, e ⇢ femoralis, e —musculus/ muscul- + aris, e ⇢ muscularis, e — —dorsum intestinum cervix labium —facies nasus pulmo viscera —margo medulla bronchus vestibulum —apex digitus spina maxilla superficies sternum tonsilla paries —rectum orbita vagina pectus —patella abdomen ren frons — Compare and tell the difference — —ulcus gastris perforatum — — —perforatio membranae tympanicae — — —ulcus intestini crassi perforans COMPLETE THE SUDOKU the same expression the same case REN MIGRANS MUSCULI BICIPITIS ULCERA MOLLIA RAMORUM COMMUNICANTIUM ARTERIIS GASTRICIS REN MIGRANS ULCUS MOLLE ARTERIA GASTRICA MUSCULUS BICEPS RAMUS COMMUNICANS RENIS MIGRANTIS ULCERIS MOLLIS ARTERIAE GASTRICAE MUSCULI BICIPITIS RAMI COMMUNICANTIS RENES MIGRANTES ULCERA MOLLIA ARTERIAE GASTRICAE MUSCULI BICIPITES RAMI COMMUNICANTES RENUM MIGRANTIUM ULCERUM MOLLIUM ARTERIARUM GASTRICARUM MUSCULORUM BICIPITIUM RAMORUM COMMUNICANTIUM RENIBUS MIGRANTIBUS ULCERIBUS MOLLIBUS ARTERIIS GASTRICIS MUSCULIS BICIPITIBUS RAMIS COMMUNICANTIBUS