uterus1.jpg oral cavity1.jpg Git.jpg žWhat are the examples of the 1st declension? What about their genders and genitive endings? ž žHow many paradigms do we have in the 2nd declension? What are the differencies between them? ž žCan you see any regularities in the paradigms of neuters? Are there any endings which are the same for all words of 1st and 2nd declension? ž žWhat is the difference between adjectives liber and ruber? ž žHow do we decline Latin adjectives? ž Výsledek obrázku pro mucosa serosA MUCOSA: a membrane that lines various cavities in the body and surrounds internal organs; some mucous membranes secrete mucus, a thick protective fluid SEROSA: a smooth tissue membrane consisting of two layers of mesothelium, which secrete lubricating serous fluid which reduces friction from muscle movement collum anatomicum = site of epiphyseal fusion of a long bone, just below the head of bone collum chirurgicum = the part of bone which has a landmark near it important in surgeries (artery, vein, or a nerve), also a common site of injuries requiring surgery http://visualrheumatology.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/6.jpg Ukážka 2.png What is the structure of a medical diagnose,? Discuss the circled features *TSCHERNE – systém of classification of soft tissue injuries: Tscherne I = skin lacerated by bone fragment. No or minimal contusion to the skin. EXPRESSING THE SIDE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSES lateris dextri l.dx. lateris sinistri l. sin. lateris utriusque l. utr. a)when speaking about pair organs/bones, we do not translate „lateris“ fractura scapulae l.dx. fracture of the right shoulder blade •If both sides are injured, we put the organ/bone in SINGULAR! vulnera contusa femoris l.utr. bruised injuries of both thighs b)When speaking about regions of body, we translate „lateris“ vulnera lacera colli l. utr. torn wounds on both sides of neck dolores abdominis l.dx. pains on the right side of abdomen 2.png žA 21-year-old man žpresented after being žstruck with a gun on žhis right lower jaw. žExamination revealed ždisplacement of the žleft half of his mandible with malocclusion on biting (Panel A). Computed tomography showed a fracture of the left mandible and a fracture of the right mandibular body and angle (Panel B). Given the U shape of the mandible, it is common for contralateral fractures to result from major injury. Intravenous analgesics and antibiotics were given; the patient underwent open reduction with internal fixation of his fractures.