BMT I Intro Score: 1.    How do I decide to what declension a noun belongs? A according to the ending of the basic form B I have to remember it C based on its gender D according to the Genitive ending 2.    What is a Genitive stem? A a noun without its Nominative ending B a noun without its Genitive ending C the basic form of a noun D the part of noun to which all case endings are attached 3.    The Genitive stem of "corpus" is... 4.    Genitive form of a noun in medical terminology usually corresponds in English to... A does not correspond to anything in English B "of" phrases C expressing parts of sth, esp. in anatomy D Plural form 5.    What information is included in each dictionary entry of a noun? A nominative, plural, gender B nominative, genitive, gender C nominative, genitive, declension D nominative, genitive, plural Page 1 of 3 6.    What is "os" in anatomical nomenclature? A mouth B bone C an opening into an organ or canal D ear 7.    What is the medical term for "neck"? A carpus, i, m B cervix, i, n C collum, i, n D cervix, cis, f 8.    Which of these are the bones of lower limbs? A radius, ulna, humerus B vertebra, pelvis, costa C cranium, mandibula, maxilla D tibia, fibula, femur 9.    In anatomical nomenclature any "groove", "furrow", or "linear depression" is called... A fissura B incisura C sulcus D arcus Page 2 of 3 10.    "Processus" in medical terms means... A an indentation at the edge of a structure B a projection or prominence, e.g. of a bone C a process of a structure D a narrow slit or cleft 11.    BONUS: Which noun from the following phrase should stand in Nominative case in Latin? traumatic amputation of the second finger of left hand A finger B hand C amputation D traumatic Page 3 of 3 FYZIO W2 Score: 1.    The phrase "sub patella" means... A in the kneecap B under the knee C under the kneecap D toward the knee 2.    What is "hernia"? A a condition where organs fall down or slip out of place B a congenital displacement or malposition of an organ or body part C a protrusion of an organ through the structure or muscle that usually contains it D an abnormal exit of tissue or an organ, such as the bowel, through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides 3.    How do we call a thin, flat plate or stratum of a composite structure, or a layer in anatomical nomenclature? Write the full dictionary entry, i.e. nominative form, genitive ending, and gender (divided by space, no commas or dots!) 4.    In medical terminology "raphe" is used to denote... A a seam, or the line of union of two contiguous, bilaterally symmetric structures B a membranous covering of an organ or a distinct layer of the wall of a hollow structure, such as a blood vessel C a bony ridge D a sheet or band of fibrous tissue such as lies deep to the skin or invests muscles and various body organs Page 1 of 3 5.    In clinical terminology "ascites" is used to denote... A a tear in an organ or tissue, e.g. of appendix, or a ligament B an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity C a group of diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by insufficient production of insulin, impaired response to insulin, or both D a decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use, e.g. with patients affected with paralysis 6.    Which of the phrases can be called "non-agreed attribute"? A fractura femoris B fascia lata C spina scapulae D fractura complicata 7.    The picture shows one of the structures called.... in medical terminology. A crista B rima C fascia D spina 8.    Prepositions a/ab and e/ex are always followed by a noun in the Ablative case form (i.e. 6th case). A True B False 9.    Write the Genitive stems of the following nouns (divided by space, no commas or dots!): nervus fossa phalanx antebrachium Page 2 of 3 10.    Medulla ossium, diploe, and periosteum are parts of... A muscle B bone C tendon D cartilage 11.    "Antagonista" is a a muscle which acts with another muscle. A True B False 12.    BONUS: Write down the dictionary entry of the defined term marked blue on the picture (i.e. Nominative form, Genitive ending, and gender - NO COMMAS, DIVIDED BY SPACE!): a small fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity situated in places in tissues where friction would otherwise occur and which facilitates the gliding of muscles or tendons over bony or ligamentous surfaces ??? Page 3 of 3 FYZIO W3 Score: 1.    Give the Latin term for the structure marked in green. 2.    The structure marked in red is called... A collum scapulae B incisura scapulae C processus scapulae D fossa scapulae 3.    The Nominative singular, Genitive singular, and Nominative plural of the nouns belonging to the first declension have the same ending -i. A True B False 4.    Which form of adjective would you use to describe "genu"? A dextrum B dextra C sinister D sinistrum Page 1 of 3 5.    In medical terminology "tunica" is used to denote... A a membranous covering of an organ or a distinct layer of the wall of a hollow structure, such as a blood vessel B a bony ridge C foreign object D a sheet or band of fibrous tissue such as lies deep to the skin or invests muscles and various body organs 6.    What are the Nominative endings of male adjectives? Type these without a comma and divided by space. 7.    What is the medical term for "an opening, inlet, or entrance to a cavity or channel", especially a larger gap or hole created by bony structures like pelvis, thorax, etc.? A ostium B fossa C apertura D sinus 8.    What is the Latin anatomical term for Fallopian tube? Page 2 of 3 9.    "Plica" is... A a ridge or fold on some body structure B the tendinous median line on the anterior abdominal wall between two straight muscles C smooth tissue membrane consisting of two layers of mesothelium which secretes serous fluid D membrane that lines cavities and surrounds internal organs 10.    What is the medical term for a cone-shaped structure located in the brainstem, anterior and partially inferior to the cerebellum, which is responsible for autonomic (involuntary) functions ranging from vomiting to sneezing and contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centers (marked green in the picture)? A medulla ossium flava B medulla ossium rubra C medulla oblongata D medulla renalis 11.    BONUS: List all singular case endings for the Latin nouns of 1st declension (in the proper order, i.e. Nominative, Genitive, Accusative, Ablative). Type your answers without commas, only divided by space. Page 3 of 3 FYZIO W4 Score: 1.    What paradigms do we use to decline adjectives? A vena, corpus, ductus B nervus, septum, pelvis C nervus, vena, septum D dolor, pelvis, corpus 2.    What is the proper translation of the diagnose "gangrene because of diabetes mellitus"? A gangrena prope diabetem mellitum B gangrena propter diabetam mellitam C gangrena propter diabetam mellitum D gangrena propter diabeta mellito 3.    Write Latin medical record meaning "complicated fracture of the first true rib. Be careful about the spelling and correct order of words! 4.    Human vertebral column is composed of 24 separate vertebrae, os sacrum (formed of 4-6 fused vertebrae), and coccyx (formed of 3-5 fused vertebrae). A True B False Page 1 of 3 5.    Write down the one-word terms used for the first two cervical vertebrae (divided by space, no comma!). If you do not know these, write down Latin phrase meaning "the second cervical vertebra". Make sure you have the words ordered correctly. 6.    What is "septum nasi"? A mucosa-lined air cavities in the bones of the skull, communicating with the nasal cavity B nasal cavity bleeding C a wall separating the left and right airways in the nose D one of the thin plates of bone separating the alveoli of the teeth in the mandible and maxilla 7.    What is the anatomical term for the so-called Eustachian tube, a narrow channel that connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx? A tuba Eustachii B tuba auditoria C tuba eustachiana D tuba auditiva Page 2 of 3 8.    What term do we use in anatomical nomenclature for the bottom or base of an organ, or the part of a hollow organ furthest from its mouth? Give the full dictionary entry, i.e. Nominative form, Genitive ending, and gender (divided by space, no commas!). 9.    "Nervus vagus" is... A the tenth cranial nerve (CN X) with the most extensive distribution of the cranial nerves, serving structures of the chest and abdomen as well as the head and neck B a cordlike structure containing bundles of axons C a congenital disorder in which there is a defective closure of the vertebral arch D a special type of identified neuron, defined as a neuron that is capable of driving a specific behavior all by itself 10.    "Neonatus" is the medical term for... A the prenatal stage between the embryonic stage and birth B a toddler C a newborn baby, specifically in the first 4 weeks after birth D a young adult 11.    BONUS: Select a pair which is NOT composed of words with opposite meaning. A congenitus, a um - acquisitus, a, um B dexter, a, um - sinister, a, um C aegrotus, a, um - morbus, i, m D rectus, a, um - ruber, a, um Page 3 of 3 FYZIA W6 Score: 1.    Which medical record matches the picture? A vulnus sclopetarium antebrachii lateris dextri B vulnus morsum antebrachii lateris dextri C vulnus contusum humeri lateris sinistri D vulnus lacerum antebrachii lateris sinistri 2.    Type the plural form of the phrase "vulnus morsum" (no commas or dots). 3.    Choose the set(s) of words including an adjective. A pubes - articulationes - paries - facies B fissura - oedemata - perforata - atria C crus - pus - uterinus - manus D brachium - palatum - nervum - ductum 4.    Choose the expressions which do not make sense in Latin. A emesis in gravide B functio laesio lienis C amputatio manus dextrae traumatica D perforatio oesophagi magni Page 1 of 2 5.    Choose the correctly written medical record(s) for the picture. A corpus alienus cavitatis nasi B corpora aliena cavitatis nasi C corpus alienum cavitatis nasi D corpus alienum in cavitate nasi 6.    Type the full Genitive form and gender, i.e. m / f / n, of the terms BURSITIS (denoting the painful inflammation of the bursa, a padlike sac found in areas subject to friction and cushioning the movement between the bones, tendons and muscles near the joints). Without any commas or dots, divided by space! Page 2 of 2 FYZIA W9 Score: 1.    Choose the pair(s) of adjectives with opposite meaning. A partialis, e - subtotalis, e B gravis, e - levis, e C recurrens, ntis - recidivans, ntis D completus, a, um - parietalis, e 2.    According to what paradigm is the adjective in the following phrase declined: MUSCULUS BICEPS ? 3.    Which of the following records have the same meaning as "suspicio osteomatis benigni ossis metacarpalis IV manus l.sin.", i.e. express(es) the unconfirmed status of a diagnose? A osteoma benignum ossis metacarpalis IV manus l.sin. progrediens B osteoma benignum ossis metacarpalis IV manus l.sin. suspectum C osteoma benignum ossis metacarpalis IV manus l.sin. verisimiliter D osteoma benignum ossis metacarpalis IV manus l.sin. penetrans 4.    Which Latin word do we use to express the degree or stage of an injury? Type the Nominative Sg form, Genitive ending, and gender, i.e. m / f / n (no commas or dots, divided by space). Page 1 of 3 5.    Which term refers to an obstruction in a blood vessel due to a blood clot or other foreign matter that gets stuck while traveling through the bloodstream? A thrombosis B embolia C sclerosis D stenosis 6.    Studies administered IN VIVO are those which examine the effects of various biological entities on whole, living organisms or cells, usually animals, including humans, and plants. A True B False 7.    How do we call the deep veins accompanying smaller arteries, usually in limbs, which are located so close that the pulsation of the arteries aids venous return? Make sure the chosen term is in proper grammatical form. A venae profundae B venae axillares C venae comitantes D venae comitatae 8.    Type the singular form of the term VENAE COMITANTES (no commas or dots). Page 2 of 3 9.    Which of these adjectives has/have a single gender form in Nominative singular? A teres B alba C piriformis D simplex Page 3 of 3 FYZIA W11 Score: 1.    Type the full forms of the abbreviated terms in the following record: susp. rupturae tendinis calcanei l.dx. Make sure the forms are grammatically correct (no commas or dots, divided by space). 2.    Choose the correct medical record for the picture. A fr. maxillae l.sin. dislocata ad axim B fr. mandibulae l.dx. sine dislocatione C fr. mandibulae l.sin. cum dislocatione ad latus D fr. mandibulae l.sin. cum dislocatio ad latus 3.    Which adjective has the same meaning as the expression LATERIS UTRIUSQUE? Type the m+f gender form. 4.    The phrase "PER PRIMAM (INTENTIONEM)" means... A union of a wound that is closed surgically several days after the injury with gradual filling of a wound cavity by granulations and a scar B union of accurately coapted edges of a clean incised wound directly by fibrous adhesion, without formation of granulation tissue and resulting only in a thin scar C union by adhesion of granulating surfaces, when the edges of the wound are far apart and cannot be brought together and occurring with tissue loss, leaving large scar D the restoration of structure and function of injured or diseased tissues Page 1 of 2 5.    Choose the grammatically INCORRECT phrase(s). A abruptio corporis vertebrae cervicalis primae B vulnera scissa in regione abdominali C ulcus duodeni duri D in graviditatis hebdomade 6.    The image shows an L1 fracture. What type of fracture is it? Type only the adjective in female form. 7.    Did you like the quizzes? What would you change/add/omit? Page 2 of 2