Treatment of gout Drugs 1.Acute gout attack –strong anti-inflammatory action –pain-killers –inhibition of leucocyte migration to the joint 2.Hyperuricemia therapy / prevention of gout attack –increase of uric acid excretion –block of synthesis –+ diet – • Treatment of acute gout attack •NSAIDs –higher doses (i.m., p.o., p.r.) –some have preferably uricosuric effect –indometacine, diclofenac, piroxicam – •colchicine –alcaloid obtained from Colchicum autumnale –p.o. every 2-4 hrs –mitotic poison, inhibits phagocytosis and leukocyte migration –AE: severe diarrhea – rehydratation! • •glucocorticoids –local adm. (i.a.) – triamcinolone –systemic (p.o., i.m., i.v.) – prednison, methylprednisolon • •canakinumab –IL-1 inhibitor, human monoclonal antibody –patients who do not tolerate NSAIDs and GC –s.c. aplication • Chronic treatment of gout 1.Uricosurics •inhibit reabsorption of uric acid in primary tubulus • •Lesinurad •only in combination with xantin oxidase inhibitors • •Probenecide •sometimes used with antibiotics or antivirotics to make them stay longer in the body •unregistered in Czech Rep. 2.Antiuratics •inhibit syntesis of urine acid by inhibition xantin oxidase (XO) • • • • • •Allopurinol •isomer of hypoxanthin, competitive inhibition of xanthin oxidase •inhibits de novo syntesis of purines •not combine with cytostatics of purine structure (azathioprin, 6-mercaptopurin) – allopurinol their toxicity! •AE: usually well tolerated, most common: –rash, GIT intoleration, hypersensitive reaction • •hypoxanthin •xanthin •uric acid •XO •XO •Febuxostat •MA: non-purine inhibitor of xantinoxidase •clinical trials proved higher efficacy than allopurinol •AE: gout attacts, liver function abnormalities, diarrhoea, nausea, headache • •Pegloticase (recombinant uricase) •MA: transforms uric acid to alantoin with better solubility •AE: anaphylactic shock, reaction to infusion, gout attacts at the beginning of therapy •i.v. aplication (only to inpatient)