(XI.) Digital model of aortic function (XVI.) Blood flow in veins Physiology I – practicals Dep. of Physiology, Fac. of Medicine, MU 2015 © Michal Pásek Definitions of key words and symbols • • • • •R •Pv •arterial system •venous system •HEART •SV, HR •Pa •Va •Ca •Stroke volume (SV) – volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle to the aorta during one contraction •Heart rate (HR) – number of heart contractions per1 minute •Compliance of aorta (Ca) – ability of aorta to change its volume according to changes of blood pressure •Peripheral vascular resistance (R) – resistance of small arteries (mainly arterioles and capillaries) •Q Mean blood flow through circulatory system Aortic volume Blood pressure in arterial system Blood pressure in venous system • • Arterial blood pressure in case of changing circulatory parameters and cardiac output • • • • •R •Pa •Pv •Q •venous system •Va •HEART •SV, HR •Ca •Pa,m - Pv,m = Q · R •Pa,m = SV · HR · R + Pv,m •Pa,m @ SV · HR · R • •Q = •R • •Ca= •DVa •Pa- Pv •DVa @ SV •DPa @ •SV •Ca •DP •Pa,m •DPa •arterial system Stačí znát pouze rovnice v červeném pozadí a studenti si mohou sami (bez modelu) dovodit změny P[a ]při změnách SV, TF, R nebo C! Rovnice pro P[a,stř] v červeném pozadí ukazuje, že při zvýšení SV, TF nebo R dochází ke zvýšení středního arteriálního tlaku a naopak. Rovnice pro P[a ] v červeném pozadí ukazuje, že zvýšením SV nebo snížením C[a] dochází k nárůstu pulsového tlaku a naopak. Změny R tedy ovlivní P[a,stř, ]avšak P[a] zůstane nezměněn. • • • • • •Model of aortic function • • • • •R •Pa •Pv •Fi •Ca •venous system •Va •HEART •SV, HR •Fo •Fi [ml/s] •t [s] •D t • DVa • Ca • • •(Pa – Pv) • R • •Fo = •DVa = (Fi - Fo)×Dt •DPa = •t = t+Dt • •Calculation of Pa •Pa = Pa +DPa •arterial system Blood flow through aortic valve Postupně (pro daný časový krok t) se počítá F[i], F[o], V[a],[ ]P[a],[ ]P[a ]a t. Tento postup se stále opakuje, až do dosažení času t. SV – increase: hyperhydration – rapid administration of i.v. infusion, intake of large amount of water in short time; decrease: dehydration, loss of blood (haemorrhage) HR – increase: activation of sympathetic nervous system – stress, physical activity; decrease: increase of vague tonus, adaptation of heart in sportsmen (athletic heart) R – increase: predominance of vasoconstriction – e.g. in cold environment; decrease: predominance of vasodilation – sauna, distributive shock (anaphylaxis, adrenal crisis) C – higher values: in children, young people; lower values: in elderly people, atherosclerosis, elastic fibers degeneration – isolated systolic hypertension (systolic blood pressure is higher than normal, diastolic blood pressure is predominantly at normal level) •Modeled situations • Color Atlas Of Physiology 5th Ed (A Despopoulos Et Al, Thieme 2003)_Page_218 1.Pressure gradient between venous system and right atrium („a force acting from behind“ – vis a tergo) •2. Suction effect of systole („a force acting from in front“ – vis a fronte) •3. Skeletal muscle contractions – muscle pump •4. Suction effect of inspirium – increased intraabdominal pressure and decreased intrathoracic pressure •5. Venous valves • •1 • •2 • •4 • •3 • •5 •Mechanisms of venous return Picture sources • Slide 7 – Atlas Of Physiology, Silbernagl & Despopoulos, Georg Thieme Verlag 2003 • •