aVLPO011p First Aid lectures
You can watch the motivational video (BLS and ACLS) on www.cpr112.be
you can try Brno's AED on http://www.fsps.muni.cz/aed/foto/
AED video from Brno http://www.fsps.muni.cz/aed/videa/
Other AED is available on http://www.cardiaid.com/
Longer video about Ventricular fibrilation and AED LifePack on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLtrzzK-DcQ
If you have futher questions, lets work together in
you can try Brno's AED on http://www.fsps.muni.cz/aed/foto/
AED video from Brno http://www.fsps.muni.cz/aed/videa/
Other AED is available on http://www.cardiaid.com/
Longer video about Ventricular fibrilation and AED LifePack on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLtrzzK-DcQ
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