First aid for children Paediatric basic life support and FBAO 2 Peter J. Safar 1924 – 2003 Paediatric Life Support (PLS) 1994, 1998, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015  The European Resuscitation Council (ERC):  Guidelines 2015  3 ERC Guidelines 2015 1. The incidence of critical illness, particularly cardiopulmonary arrest and injury in children is much lower than in adults 2. The illnesses and pathophysiological responses of paediatric patients often differ from those seen in adults 3. Many paediatric emergencies are managed primarily by providers who are not paediatric specialists and who have limited paediatric emergency medical experience  Strong focus on simplification 4 Resuscitation of the child is different from adults A lot of common in technique, but another starting point in children  Adults – primary cardiac arrest (cardiac origin) (sudden, usually sufficient oxygen in the beginning, early defibrillation)  Children – secondary cardiac arrest (non-cardiac origin) (hypoxia → respiratory failure → cardiac arrest) low level of oxygen in the beginning 5 Definitions of terms in CPR • Newly born • Infant: < 1 year of age • Child: 1 year – puberty • Adult 6 7 VS 8 VS Safety Stimulate Shout for help Airway Breathing Circulation Reassess 9 1. How to begin 1. Ensure the safety of rescuer and child 2. Check the child’s responsiveness:  Stimulate + ask loudly (Are you all right?)  If the child responds by answering or moving → Leave the child in the position in which you find him + Reassess him regularly  If the child does not respond → Shout for help + Open the child’s airway 10 2. Open the child’s airway Head tilt and chin lift 11 2. Open the child’s airway Jaw trust 12 3. Breathing  Look – chest movements  Listen – breath sounds at child´s nose and mouth  Feel – air movement on your cheek ˂10s for decision that breathing is absent 13 If the child is breathing normally  Turn the child on his side into the recovery position  Lateral position, without obstruction of airways, free drainage of fluid  Send or go for help—call the emergency services  Check for continued breathing. 14 If the infant is not breathing 5 slow breaths!!!  Approximately 1s each  Movement of chest 15 If the child is not breathing 5 slow breaths!!!  Approximately 1s each  Movement of chest 16 No chest movements??  Open the mouth + remove obstruction  Open the airways (jaw trust)  5 slow breaths  Foreign body obstruction sequence 17 4. Circulation  Movement, coughing, breathing  Take no more than 10s to Look for signs of life  Pulse  infant: a.brachialis child: a.carotis 18 4. Circulation  Circulation is present → continue breathing  Circulation is absent → chest compressions / breathing + chest compressions 19 Chest compression in infants  Lower half of sternum  Compression of sternum with 2 fingers to 1/3 of depth of infant´s chest (cca 4cm)  Rate 100/min  Ratio 15:2 20 1 rescuer 2 rescuers 21 Chest compression in children over 1 year of age  Lower half of sternum  Compression of sternum with arms straight to 1/3 of depth of child´s chest (cca 5cm)  Rate 100/min 22 When to call for assistance??  More than 1 rescuer → one should start with CPR, another calls  1 rescuer → perform CPR for 1 min before calling for assistance 23 Only exception: Sudden collapse + 1 rescuer (suspect primary cardiac event) Do not interrupt resuscitation until 1. The child shows signs of life (starts to wake up, to move, opens eyes and to breathe normally) 2. More healthcare workers arrive and can either assist or take over 3. You become exhausted 24 Automated External Defibrillation 25 Automated External Defibrillation  For Child > 8 years (cca 25 kg) – standard adult AED  For 1 year to 8 year old  Use attenuated pads if available  Adult AED may be used if attenuator device not available  For < 1 year old  Use only if manufacturer instructions indicate it is safe 26 Foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) Foreign body airway obstruction  Sudden onset of coughing, stridor or gagging  Spontaneous cough is likely – more effective and safer than any manoeuvres  If the child is able to breath and cough – encourage spontaneous efforts 28 Foreign body airway obstruction 29 Foreign body airway obstruction - infant  Hold the child in a prone position, head lower than chest  5 blows between shoulder blades  5 chest thrusts to the sternum 30 3131 Foreign body airway obstruction - child  Hold the child in a prone position, head lower than chest  5 blows between shoulder blades  5 abdominal thrusts (Heimlich manoeuvre) 32 33 34 Thanks for your attention…