FOUNDATION PROGRAMME – CZECH LANGUAGE/ Progress Test 2 Name: ________________________ Date: ______ /50 points (min. 35) 1 Listen and write the numbers you hear. Write them in digits. _____ / 5 Example: sto dvacet tři - 123 2 Write the appropriate question word. _____ / 5 Example: Co si dáte? – Dort. 3 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. _____ / 8 Example: Já jsem (JSEM) student. 4 Write male or female gender opposites. _____ / 4 Example: student – studentka 5 Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentences. _____ / 6 There are two extra words that you do NOT need. [DEL: dáme :DEL] Example: Dáme si čokoládový dort. 6 Write the appropriate possessive pronoun. _____ / 6 Example: To jsem já a můj bratr. 7 Put the words in brackets in the correct form of the accusative singular. _____ / 10 Example: Dám si kvalitní kávu. (KVALITNÍ KÁVA) 8 Write the opposite adjective. _____ / 6 Example Ta kniha není dobrá, je špatná.