t f i General arthroloqy Joints of the spine, thorax head and the hyoid bone SKELETAL JUNCTIONS (iuncturae ossium) 1. SYNARTHROSIS: • The bones are connected using a layer of connective tissue • The articulare surfaces are missing,minimal movements • Differentiation according the type of connective tissue a) ART. FIBROSA- SYNDESMOSIS b) ART. CARTILAGINEA - SYNCHONDROSIS (SYMPHYSIS; c) SYNOSTOSIS 2. DIARTHROSIS: articulatio synovialis • Joint connection by touch a) ART. FIBROSA- SYNDESMOSIS Connection using fibrous tissue wedging (gomphosis): • it helps the tooth being inserted into dental alveolus of the jaw suture (sutura): • connection of skull bones f smooth- plana serrated- serrata squamous- squamosa ~±<%jm ligament (ligamentum): • band of collagen fibrous tissue, (like a rope, ribbon or flat membrane) b) ART. CARTILAGINEA SYNCHONDROSIS - Connection using hyaline cartilage (connection of ribs and sternum, between bones of the skull base- in child) SYMPHYSIS - connection using fibrous cartilage (intervertebral discs, connection of the pubic bones by symphysis pubica) Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Epiphyseal plate Costochondral joints (immovable joints between the rib and its costal cartilage) Joint between-first rib and sternum (a) Synchondroses (contain hyaline cartilage) Intervertebral disc Body of vertebra (b) Symphyses (contain fibrocartilage) c) SYNOSTOSIS - Connection of the bones using the bone tissue, the result is growing of two or more bones - Examples: sacral bone, coccygeal bone, coxal bone, some skull bones - In adulthood: synostosis of skull sutures - physiological, pathological 2. DIARTHROSIS •Joint connection- articulatio, usually movable DESCRIPTION OF THE JOINT •Contact articular surfaces - facies articulares •Joint cavity - cavitas articularis •Joint capsule - Capsula articularis • Special joint apparatus Frontal plane Articulating-bone Synovial (joint) cavity (contains synovial fluid) Articular cartilage Periosteum Articular capsule: - Fibrous capsule Synovial membrane Articulating -bone Articular cartilage Joint cavity Joint capsule Articular cartilage a) Articular surface (facies articularis): - surface, which is in connection with the other bone - is covered by a layer of joint cartilage (hyaline) - different shape, articular head (caput)- convex, articular fovea (fossa)- concave - shape of the articular surfaces determines the possibility of b) Articular capsule (capsula articularis): - fibrous covering of the joint -stratum fibrosum- external layer from firm collagenous fibrous tissue, it protects the joint - stratum synoviale- thin internal layer from fine fibrous tissue with vessels and nerves, it forms folds - plicae synoviales, and villi- villi synoviales, it produces a synovium- synovia (it has nutritive and mechanical functions) c) Articular cavity (cavum articulare): - cavity (fissure) between articular surfaces and articular capsule, it is filled by synovia Blood vessel Nervo Articular cartilage Joint cavity Joint capsule Articular cartilage Synovial membrane //l 1 Vi f * 1 d) Special joint apparatus: - Only in some joints - It participates in providing of their better function Joint ligaments (ligamenta articularia): - (intraarticular ligaments, extraarticular ligaments) Cartilaginous plates (disci et menisci): - Fibrous cartilage, intraarticular, in joints with incongruental joint surfaces - discus articularis- completely septates the joint cavity and divides it into two separated cavities - meniscus articularis- it septates incompletely the joint cavity Articular labradabra articularia): - Bands of cartilaginous tissue, they enlarge and deepen the joint pits Synovial bursae (bursae synoviales): - pouches around the joint, derivatives of the joint capsule, in the places, where tendons and muscle lie directly on the joint Types of the joints A. Classification of joints according to the shape of articular surfaces: Tough joint with irregular surfaces-AMPHIARTROSIS Flat joint - ART. PLANA Spherical joint - ART. SPHAEROIDEA - Free - ARTHRODIA - Restricted - ENARTHROSIS Cylindrical joint - ART. CYLINDROIDEA - GINGLYMUS- the axis of movement is in the right angle to the longitudinal axis of bone - Wheel joint - TROCHOIDEA- the axis of movement is parallel with the longitudinal axis of bone Elipsoidal joint-ART. ELLIPSOIDEA Sellar joint - ART. SELLARIS Trochlear joint-ART. TROCHLEARIS AMPHIARTROSIS ART. PLANA ART. SPHAEROIDAE ART. ELLIPSOIDEA B. Classification of joints according to the level of moveability and number of axis of movements.: Joints with minimal movement: •With irregular surfaces - amphiartrosis Joints with sliding movements: - Flat joints - articulatio plana Joints with rotational movements: -Joint surfaces allow rotation along one to three axis •One-axis joints (art. cylindroidea and art. trochlearis) •Two-axis joints (art. ellipsoidea and art. sellaris) •Triaxial joints (art. sphaeroidea) C. Classification of joints according to the number of connecting bones: Simple joint - art, simplex- two bones are connecting Composed joint - art, composita- two or more bone are connecting, or two bones with discus or meniscus Junctions of the spine and thorax Junctions of the spine Spine (columna vertebralis) We can observe all types of junctiones on the spine Synartroses and diarthroses as well Synarthrosis - syndesmosis- ligaments - synchondrosis- disci intervertebrales - synchondrosis sacrococcygea - synostosis- os sacrum, os coccygis Diarthrosis- articulationes intervertebrales Connection between vertebrae 1-Junctiones of vertebral bodies - disci intervertebrals: altogether 23, cartilaginous (symphysis) connection (anulus fibrosus - hyaline and fibrous cartilae, nucleus pulposus - fibrous tissue) anulus fibrosus nucleus pulposus discus intervertebralis anulu! nude pulpc us is superior us mamillaris lamina processus spinosus processus co: process spinosu proi artic infe fades pro os NucfclB PULPOSUS AnuluN librOMJN Dricus ■uervenehr.tlrs 2. Junctions of vertebral arches - elastic ligaments- ligamenta flava (interarcualia) 3. Junctions of articular processes of vertebrae •articulationes intervertebrals sliding movements - short ligaments - ligg. intertransversaria - ligg. interspinalia - lig. supraspinale (cervical area) - as sagitally oriented ligamentum nuchae which is going to the occipital bone _ 4. Junctions common for all vertebrae a) lig. longitudinale anterius b) lig. longitudinale posterius • They continue also to the sacral and coccygeal bone Synostosis •Connection using the bone tissue • Sacral bone: fusion of five sacral vertebrae • Coccygeal bone: fusion of 3 - 5 coccygeal vertebrae Curvature of vertebral column 1. In the sagittal plane - double S-shaped: lordosis: curvature forwards, cervical C4-5 and lumbar L3-4 kyphosis: curvature backwards, thoracic Th6-7 and sacral There are f curves in th Cervical curvature ttttffP^---{ Lumbar curvature 1 Thoracic 1 curvature Sacral curvature 2. Curvature in frontal plane -Skoliosis, mild skoliosis is physiological and it is present in all people - in most mild right, in some mild left (if you are right or left-handed) SHAPE AND MOVEMENTS OF THE SPINE - 35% of body height Movements • anteflexion, retroflexion, 90° cervical, 23° lumbar, most stressed and vulnerable is part of the lower cervical vertebrae, Th11-12, L4-S1 • lateroflexion, 30° cervical, 35° lumbar • Rotation and torzion, 60-70° cervical, 25-35° thoracic • Springing movements Mobility of the vertebral column - depends on the size of intervertebral disc - the mobility is rectricted by: ligaments, articular capsules and muscles Junctiones of thoracic cage 1. Art. costovertebrales a) art. capitis costae b) art. costotransversarium 2. Juncturae sternocostales a) artt. sternocostales (2nd-5th) b) synchondrosis (1st, 6th, 7th) 3. Juncturae intercostales a) artt. interchondrales (6th-9th) b) membrána intercostalis externa, interna A. Articulationes costovertebrales 1. Articulationes capitis costae Articular surfaces: fades articularis capitis costae and foveae costales on thoracic vertebrae articular capsule: firm and it is attached to the margins of articular surfaces special apparatus: lig. capitis costae radiatum, at 2nd - 10th rib: lig. capitis costae intraarticulare movements: along axis parallel with the neck of the rib 2. Articulationes costotransversariae articular surfaces: foveae costales transversales and art. surface on tuberculum costae articular capsule: margins of the articular surfaces special apparatus: lig. costotransversaria, between collum costae and transversal procces of the vertebra Movements: along axis which is parallel with collum COStae ligamentum / /costae intraarticular \ \ capitis costae / -a B. Juncturae sternocostales • Connections between costal cartilages and sternum 1. Synchondrosis sternocostalis: cartilaginous connection with incisura costalis sterni, regularly at 1st often at 6th and 7th rib 2. Artt. sternocostales: between 2nd to 5th rib and sternum á Articular surfaces: sternal end of costal cartilage, incisura costalis sterni Articular capsule: to the margins of the articular surfaces Special apparatus: ligg. sternocostalia radiata - they form membrána sterni externa and interna C. Junctions of adjacent ribs 1. Articulationes interchondrales joint connection between costal cartilages of 5th to 9th rib, covered by short articular capsule 2. Membranae intercostales - fibrous membranes connecting ajacent ribs Membrana intercostalis externa Membrana intercostalis interna Chest cage shape and movements • Shape of truncated cone • base (apertura thoracis inferior) •apex (apertura thoracis superior) •walls - frontal, dorsal, lateral cavitas thoracis spatia intercostalia arcus costarum angulus infrasternalis Movements • in costovertebral connections, axis runs parallel with collum costae • Upward rotation - inspirium downward rotation- expirium Junctions of skull Craniovetebral junctions, syndesmoses, synchondroses, temporomandibular joint and hyoid junctions I. Craniovertebral iunctiones • Connection of the skull with the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebra 1. Articulatio atlantooccipitalis • Paired joint Articular surfaces: condyli occipitales and foveae articulares superiores of atlas Articular capsule: Is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces Special apparatus: membrána atlantooccipitalis anterior and posterior (between arches of atlas and occipital bone) membrána tectoria (cranial continuation of lig. longitudinale posterius, it reaches to clivus) Type of joint: elipsoidal with possibility of flexion and extension of the head and there are also possible smaller movements sideways Membrána jlLinKi-iKopiultv posterior I :.- :i!.-rs m T. Lut «jpra%p»i.ilc ;inlUn1o-Oťoprt;ili>. .inlcrvir McmhnirM jtbnlo-rKiiprfjIr. jnicnur iMbs —C.ip\uLi jrtKuLitHini\ ■llUmo jxialf. literals Ankublk) /y^jpophywalni (ncKpH II If kingitudmalc jnlfrius < .ipuiLi jrlMiLilm /yiupophywain Vertebra prommen\ Dneut iniffvcnehMln fovea cobalts pm««u» tranyverMJt Pdl\ haMbm imu occipitalis Liy cruciforme attaints I V. I'ln/itud-.nak- postcnm cmhrana aibnio occipitalis poticnor Mcmřuaiu albntooccipitiilrt IflMl [ \'iV jnlcrinr-||| ^Bl L« jlbnto-occipitalis anterior l.tg. .ipKts ileniir. Arcut anlcnor albniri. 'fifSf, ■ win ( .ipsub jPiLuLilts. -(Jf *OT£ Vr*,I Arttcublio .ilLinto jxultt — Mcmhrarta tccloru I iK lumvcisum atUnln I.v. k>nm mi udmafc-If w «£■ fV'/V interns I / . flKtl -ll.,"' . I C Hivum Toramcn I it- interspinal 1 y. wiin 2. Articulatio atlantoaxialis a) articulatio atlantoaxialis lateralis •Paired joint Articular surfaces: fades articulares inferiores of atlas fades articulares superiores of axis b) articulatio atlantoaxialis mediana •Unpaired joint Articular surfaces: fades articularis anterior on frontal side of dens axis with fovea dentis of atlas and fades articularis posterior on dorsal side of dens axis with lig. transversum atlantis Articular capsule: is common and is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces C'a\um articularc Dens a\i> Anicul.ilio .ill.inlo-.i\il.ili\ mod una I if! lr.iiix\L-r\um allantis Mombrana iccloria Lig. longitudinalc poslerius ('j\um anicuLirc Special apparatus: lig. apicis dentis, ligg. alaria, lig. cruciforme atlantis, formed by lig. transversum atlantis and vertical ibrous bands going from axis to occipit bone (fasciculi longitudinales) Type of joint: both joints form one mechanical unit, atlas is rotating along Mt dens axis in range of 60° Dcn\ ArtkubliO .tll.inio-axiLilis mcdiana Lig. transversum allaniis mbrana iccioria Lig longitudinalc posicrius II. Skull syndesmoses Present sutures (suturae), between the margins of the bones, there is a layer of fibrous tissue ML Skull synchondroses s. sphenopetrosa+s. petrooccipitalis s.interoccipitalis- anterior et posterior s.intersphenoidalis, s.sphenooccipitalis synchrondrosis sphenooccipitalis IV. Temporomandibular joint (articulatio temporomandibularis) Articular surfaces: caput mandibulae connects with fossa mandibulars and tuberculum articulare of temporal bone Articular capsule: is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces, its medial part is very strong, it rows together wit discus articularis Type of joint: gynglimus Elevation - closing of the mouth Depresion - opening of the mouth protraction - shifting od the chin forwards Retraction - shifting od the chin backwards Special apparatus: discus articularis (fibrous cartilage) - its middle part is thiner and the margins are thicker, it grows together with articular capsule, it divides articular cavity into pars discotemporalis and discomandibularis. Articular capsule: on lateral side: lig. laterale, around the joint: lig. sphenomandibulare and lig. stylomandibulare V. Hyoid junctions The skull and hyoid bone connects using muscle and lig. stylohyoideum X-ray picture of skull of Maxmilián the 2nd with good visible processus styloideus elongatus, 7 cm long Thank you for your attention!! Obrázky: Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/Sobotta. Putz,R., und Pabst,R. 20. Auflage. München:Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993 Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Naňka, Elišková: Přehled anatomie. Galén, Praha 2009. Čihák: Anatomie I, II, III. Drake et al: Gray's Anatomy for Students. 2010