CZECH FOR FOREIGNERS I – PROGRESS TEST 2 Name: _______________________________ Group: fyzioterapie Date: _________50 points (min. 35) 1 Write the numbers in digits. __/5 1. ________, 2. ________, 3. ________, 4________, 5________. 2 Write the correct verb form. __/6 Example: Vy mluvíte česky? (MLUVIT) 3 Match the questions and answers. There is one extra answer that you do not use. ___/5 (classbook p.31: expressions with the verb MÍT) 4 Write the correct form of the possessive pronouns. ___/5 Example: To jsem já a můj dědeček. 5 Write the male or female gender opposites. ___/5 Example: tatínek – maminka 6 Write the opposite adjective. ___/5 Example: Ten čaj není dobrý, je špatný. 7 Read the text and complete it with the words/phrases from the box. Do not change the form of the words. There are two extras. __/5 [DEL: Jmenuju se :DEL] WORD/PHRASE ………. Jmenuju se (0) Irena a jsem z České republiky, …….. (TEXT) 8 Put the words in brackets in the correct form. __/8 Example: Dám si grilovaného lososa. (GRILOVANÝ LOSOS) 9 Write the right question word. __/6 Example: Co je to? – Autobus.