Textové pole: Medical Latin (aBFLT011; autumn term 2019) Course Requirements STUDY MATERIALS 1) Study materials (e.g. handouts, presentations) available in the IS in Study materials. These materials form an integral part of the course syllabus, containing exercises and explanations to the grammar covered in the classes. 2) Prucklová, R. – Severová, M.: Introduction to Latin and Greek Terminology in Medicine. Praha: KLP, 2016. (recommended additional study material) TESTING TYPE OF TESTING DATES OF THE TESTS CONTENT OF TESTING PASS LIMIT METHOD OF TESTS RATING Progress test 1 app. in the 6th week of the autumn term (the exact date will be specified at least one week before the test) Nouns and adjectives of the 1^st and 2nd declensions 60% Progress tests are designed to help students check their knowledge regularly. In case of failure, student is not losing his/her chance to pass the credit test, therefore, there are no resits of progress tests. However, each successfully written progress test automa-tically enhances student´s chances to pass the credit test, since the final pass limit is lowered by 5% each time. Because passing the credit test requires a comprehensive knowledge of all phenomena covered in classes, students are strongly recommended to take progress tests and possibly lower the pass limit for the credit test. Progress test 2 app. in the 9th week of the autumn term (the exact date will be specified at least one week before the test) nouns of the 3rd declension 60% Credit test and oral exam in the 1st week of the exam period (the exact date will be specified at least two weeks before the test) Nouns of the 4th and 5^th declensions, adjectives of the 3rd declension and complex testing of the curriculum 50% if successful in both progress tests 55% if successful in one of the progress tests only 60% if not successful in any of the progress tests COMMON RULES FOR TESTING 1. No way of cheating is tolerated! If a student is caught cheating at a test, s/he automatically fails and is going to be subject to the consequences according to study regulations. 2. The first exam date is obligatory, and it usually takes place in the beginning of January. 3. Each student has the right to resit the exam twice; students choose and register for the resit exam dates in IS. Resits are possible only during the exam period (January 2 – February 12, 2019). 6. The dates and number of resits set by the teacher before the exam period is final, NO OTHER DATES CAN BE ADDED AFTERWARDS. ACCESS TO THE PROGRESS TESTS AND CREDIT TEST RESULTS · Results of the tests will be available to students in the Notebook in the IS. · Test results will be given in percentage together with the pass limit. · Students can have a look at their tests in his/her teacher’s office only. ABSENCES AND CLASS SUBSTITUTIONS 1. Absences are electronically registered in the IS. In order to be sure you have been registered as present in the class, please be punctual, students' attendance is always checked immediately after the beginning of the class. 2. Only one unexcused absence is tolerated; all further absences have to be properly excused at the Study Department as soon as possible. 3. Unexcused absences are regularly recorded in the Notebook on the IS, and students having more than one unexcused absence cannot sit the credit test. 4. Students can substitute a class in another group (with the General Medicine or Dentistry students) TWICE per term; the substitution is possible only in the same week when he/she missed a class with his/her own group. 5. Class substitution is not possible during progress tests weeks. NOTE! registration of many courses in the second year of study requires successful completion of the courses. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE IS. Natália Gachallová 11/09/2018 Student’s name: Student’s signature: Date: