Translate/interpret the following medical records. Try to avoid using words that are identical or similar to the Latin terms. Give the grammatically correct full forms of the abbreviated terms. 1. Metastases hepatis et ossis sacri; St. p. CHT et RT; Excisio cystis ovarii l. dx. in anamn. 2. Cardiomyopathia congenita; Hypertensio arterialis; Blepharoptosis. 3. St. post phlebothrombosim cruris. l. sin.; Hepatomegalia; Hypercholesterolaemia. 4. Haematuria v. s. TU vesicae urinariae; Haemangioma hepatis; Adenoma glandulae suprarenalis l. sin. 5. Vulnus scissum antebrachii l. sin.; Excoriationes multiplices extremit. inf. lat. utque; Contusio genus l. sin. 6. Fr. compressiva corporum vertebrarum Th 10 et 11; Fr. processus transversi Th 6-8,10; Infractio processus spinosi Th1. 7. Cholecystitis acuta incipiens; St. post appendicitidem acutam. 8. Abruptio placentae acuta in grav. hebd. 39+2; Oligohydramnion; Sectio caesarea acuta. The interpretations may vary, but the meaning of the diagnoses is as follows: 1. The patient has metastases (secondary spreading of a tumour) in liver and sacral bone; she underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy; in the past she had a cyst removed from the right ovary. 2. The patient suffers from congenital (inborn) pathology of the heart muscle; s/he has high blood pressure in the arteries and a drooping eyelid. 3. The patient had blood clot(s) in the vein(s) of the left lower leg; s/he has abnormally enlarged liver and too much cholesterol in blood. 4. There is blood in the patient’s urine, probably due to a tumour in the urinary bladder; s/he has a blood vessel tumour in liver and a glandular tumour in the left adrenal gland (a gland located above kidney). 5. There is a cut injury (caused by pulling, or incised wound) on the patient’s left forearm; s/he also has multiple abrasions/scrapes on both legs and a bruise on the left knee. 6. The patient has a compressive fracture (caused by pressure) of the 10^th and 11^th thoracic vertebrae, a fracture of the transverse processes of the 6^th to 8^th and the 10^th thoracic vertebrae, as well as an incomplete/partial fracture pf the spinous process of the 1^st thoracic vertebra. 7. The patient is in the initial stage of acute gall bladder inflammation; s/he has undergone acute inflammation of appendix, too. 8. The patient suffered an acute abruption (tearing off, separation) of placenta in the 39^th week of pregnancy + two days; she has abnormally low amount of amniotic fluid; therefore, C-section was performed to deliver the baby.