BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY PROGRESS TEST 1 MOCK TEST Name: Date: Group: 1) Decide whether the underlined word is a noun or adjective.  if it is a noun » give its nom. sg., gen. sg., gender, number of declension and paradigm/example word;  if it is an adjective » give all three dictionary forms of it Translate the expressions. (7.5 +11.5 points) • post rupturam musculi _______________________________________________________________________________ translation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ • morbus periculosus coli transversi __________________________________________________________________ translation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ • apertura mediana ventriculi _________________________________________________________________________ translation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ • in dorso nasi ___________________________________________________________________________________________ translation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ • fractura pollicis aperta ________________________________________________________________________________ translation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Fill in missing endings. (11 points) musculi coll__________ et brachi__________ cum morb__________ contagios__________ medicamentum pro adult__________ (pl.) atrophia nerv__________ (pl.) bulb__________ ocul__________ vena obliqu__________ atri__________ sinistr__________ 3) Translate into Latin: (20 points) • transverse folds of rectum _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • rupture of the arteries of brain _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • fracture of the body of the first left true rib _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • treatment due to the cancer of ovaries _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • in the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL SCORE: 50 points PASS SCORE: 35 points (= 70%) SOLUTION 1) • post rupturam musculi MUSCULUS, MUSCULI, M., 2ND DECLENSION, NERVUS translation: AFTER THE RUPTURE OF MUSCLE • morbus periculosus coli transversi COLON, COLI, N., 2ND DECLENSION, COLON translation: DANGEROUS DISEASE OF TRANSVERSE COLON • apertura mediana ventriculi APERTURA, APERTURAE, F., 1ST DECL., VENA translation: MEDIAL APERTURE OF VENTRICLE • in dorso nasi DORSUM, DORSI, N., 2ND DECL., SEPTUM translation: IN THE BACK OF NOSE • fractura pollicis aperta APERTUS, APERTA, APERTUM translation: OPEN FRACTURE OF THUMB 2) Fill in missing endings. musculi colli et brachii cum morbo contagioso medicamentum pro adultis atrophia nervorum bulbi oculi vena obliqua atrii sinistri 3) Translate into Latin: • transverse folds of rectum PLICAE TRANSVERSAE RECTI • rupture of the arteries of brain RUPTURA ARTERIARUM CEREBRI • fracture of the body of the first left true rib FRACTURA CORPORIS COSTAE VERAE SINISTRAE PRIMAE • treatment due to the cancer of ovaries THERAPIA PROPTER CANCRUM OVARIORUM