BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY PROGRESS TEST 2 Mock version Name: Date: Group: 1. Match the nouns with the adjectives and form correct phrases (7 points): corpus fractus, a, um ______________________________________________ solutio sacroiliacus, a, um ______________________________________________ os sinister, a, um ______________________________________________ psychosis alimentarius, a, um ______________________________________________ canalis physiologicus, a, um ______________________________________________ articulatio progressivus, a, um ______________________________________________ ren adiposus, a, um ______________________________________________ 2. Form plural (10 points): dens lacteus ______________________________________________ metastasis carcinomatosa ______________________________________________ myoma subcutaneum ______________________________________________ rete venosum ______________________________________________ basis ossis ______________________________________________ 3. Fill in missing endings (6 points): · sanatio per secund__________ intention__________ · vulnera sect__________ manus dextr__________ · thrombosis arteri__________ profund__________ femor__________ · propter paralys__________ membr __________ (pl.) · dos__________ (pl.) medicament__________ (pl.) magn__________ 4. Translate into Latin (15 points): signs of insufficiency of chambers of heart _____________________________________________________________________________________________ a small ulcer in the root of tongue _____________________________________________________________________________________________ the vessels of internal ear _____________________________________________________________________________________________ acute gestosis _____________________________________________________________________________________________ a gunshot wound of the abdomen _____________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL SCORE: 38 points PASS SCORE: 26.5 points BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY PROGRESS TEST 2 ANSWERS Name: Date: Group: 5. Match the nouns with the adjectives and form correct phrases (7 points): corpus fractus, a, um CORPUS ADIPOSUM solutio sacroiliacus, a, um SOLUTIO PHYSIOLOGICA os sinister, a, um OS FRACTUM psychosis alimentarius, a, um PSYCHOSIS PROGRESSIVA canalis physiologicus, a, um CANALIS ALIMENTARIUS articulatio progressivus, a, um ARTICULATIO SACROILIACA ren adiposus, a, um REN SINISTER 6. Form plural (10 points): dens lacteus DENTES LACTEI metastasis carcinomatosa METASTASES CARCINOMATOSAE myoma subcutaneum MYOMATA SUBCUTANEA rete venosum RETIA VENOSA basis ossis BASES OSSIUM 7. Fill in missing endings (6 points): · sanatio per secundAM intentionEM · vulnera sectA manus dextrAE · thrombosis arteriAE profundAE femorIS · propter paralysIM membrORUM (pl.) · dosES (pl.) medicamentORUM (pl.) magnAE 8. Translate into Latin (15 points): signs of insufficiency of chambers of heart SIGNA INSUFFICIENTIAE ATRIORUM CORDIS a small ulcer in the root of tongue ULCUS PARVUM RADICIS LINGUAE/IN RADICE LINGUAE the vessels of internal ear VASA AURIS INTERNAE acute gestosis GESTOSIS ACUTA a gunshot wound of the abdomen VULNUS SCLOPETARIUM ABDOMINIS